Newbie Challenge 08 P2

i havent kept up with the thread in a long time, i seemed to have missed alot. lately i have been breaking alot more than usual, i am doing the MT challenge but i take the garlic pills to combat the problem and no luck just yet, i am going to wait it out to see but i have been getting tons of new growth and this is a recent update of my hair NOW from in june

:click: Pics? What are you using to moisturize?
Hi ladies :hiya: Miss you all. I've just been a little busy lately :p Small update: my hair is doing much better now that its been what, 3 weeks? It doesn't feel stripped anymore, but I'm still not going anywhere near any clarifiers for like another 4 weeks :nono: I feel like I lost a little thickness and my hair is still breaking like none other. Not going to stress it tho, because it may just be due to the transition. I am going to try some of the Mizani Rose H2O and see if that helps. Still can't figure out the moisture/protein balance to save my life!

I saw this, and I just wanted to say omg Klo your hair looks amazing :thud: It has thickened up so much! Beautiful :D

Thanks Morenita:hiya:I've read positive comments about this product curbing breakage :yep: . Good Luck!! Let us know the outcome.
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Hey Everybody Updates. As all of my sisters her know I have been using MT. Well I gotta admit because I have this big head handicap I haven't been using it steadily. My arms be tire you know and once I almost only did half my head. I did notice the shedding almost immediately. I'm not having the problem with dryness that a lot of ladies were having and I attribute that to laziness. I usually put on my moisturizing conditioner and leave it in for days before rinsing out. I switch to elasta QP oil moisturizer and I'm loving it. I feel guilty like I'm betraying my ORS moisturizer. I always put Lekair shea butter cholesterol in as a leave in also. So here are the pics. First of the shedding. Woo scary. Then some of my length and new buns I've been trying. I'm discovering that I actually like them.

Sorry the pics are so big. My b-day was tuesday and i turned 26. Do you know I found 3 white hairs. I know there are more lurking in there.
Hey fellow Newbies! Here's my August update (which I also posted in the APL challenge thread).
As you can see, I'm still growing out those dumb layers LOL. I can't wait to have my hair more even...I hope to one day just get a blunt cut.


And here's a front shot (Yeah, I know I'm all sweaty, but it's hoooot!!!)


I think I've been manipulating my hair a little too much b/c I have a little bit of breakage as you can see. I don't want to lose progress, so I need to really be focused and not get lazy.
KLo, Leona...your hair is BEAUTIFUL! Keep up the good work.
Hey Fiyah, FM, and all my other newbie sisters! I hope all is going well with you.
Hey ladies! I'm glad to see everyone's doing well! I'll be posting update pics soon. Probably sometime in the middle of the month. I've went to the dom salon twice and loved my hair. I know I can't do that too much though. I'm trying WEN out tonight (I got the tea tree because of my dry hair). I'll let ya'll know how it goes! Smooches!
Hey ladies! I'm glad to see everyone's doing well! I'll be posting update pics soon. Probably sometime in the middle of the month. I've went to the dom salon twice and loved my hair. I know I can't do that too much though. I'm trying WEN out tonight (I got the tea tree because of my dry hair). I'll let ya'll know how it goes! Smooches!

Good luck, and let us know how you like the WEN. I've been hearing nothing but praises about it :yep:.
I posted my pic in the other thread, but i'm going to repost it. This was taken after my relaxer on August 6th.
I hope to be at APL by October.

And Hey Daephae!!!!!!!!!
Sorry the pics are so big. My b-day was tuesday and i turned 26. Do you know I found 3 white hairs. I know there are more lurking in there.
Happy Belated Birthday Leonia

Hey ladies! I'm glad to see everyone's doing well! I'll be posting update pics soon. Probably sometime in the middle of the month. I've went to the dom salon twice and loved my hair. I know I can't do that too much though. I'm trying WEN out tonight (I got the tea tree because of my dry hair). I'll let ya'll know how it goes! Smooches!

Can't wait to hear your product review and see those pics girl !!!

I posted my pic in the other thread, but i'm going to repost it. This was taken after my relaxer on August 6th.
I hope to be at APL by October.

Oooo Oooo Oooo Your hair looks great :yep: !!! Your gonna be APL any second :yep:. Nice progress and keep up the good work .

And Hey Daephae!!!!!!!!!

:shocked:OMG!!! :drool: :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:Girl, you betta gimme that hair! SO pretty! do you ever do WnG's KLo?

Hey FM,:bighug:

Spill the beans on that Mixed Chicks product in your siggy. I want all the details.
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Alright ladies I had a bit of a set back this week :cry2: . My DD crashed my lap top :bangdesk:...I lost all my data including pics except for pics stored in photobucket...moving on .

I attempted a braid out this week. It only looked decent for 1.5 days....then I put it in a ponytail. I am also considering revising my regimen by adding weekly protein & regular dusting .
Aww, Klo, sorry to hear about your setback.
Your hair is looking great though:yep:
I know I need to add some more protein into my reggie,
but I'm kind of lazy about it.
Aww, Klo, sorry to hear about your setback.
Your hair is looking great though:yep:
I know I need to add some more protein into my reggie,
but I'm kind of lazy about it.

I hear you girl . I have been soooo busy this entire Summer.

I am interested in the Joico K-pak reconstructor...I read good reviews about it on the board. There is a 4 piece trial size of (Joico K-pak) clarifying shampoo/sealer/protein reconst/ moisturizing condition...I really want to try it...if I like I will buy the full size and put it to the test for 90 days w/before & after pics.
First off, let me say...

Happy Belated Birthday Leona!

Next, KLo, your hair is gorgeous as usual. Fiya, your hair is the bizness too! :yep:

Lastly, my newest progress pic is in my siggy below. I'm pleased with the progress I've made in 6 months. :yep: The pic below was taken a few days after my light retouch and color with Black Colorshowers. I airdryed and flat ironed. The pic was taken like two days later after I had been wrapping my hair for a few days.

So, I tried Wen and liked it alot. I haven't used it enough to give a rave yet but I'm sure that's coming soon.
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Everyone hair is looking great. I tried something a little new in my rollersets. I put my dry hair into a pony tail and put 3 flexi rods in it. It cam out nice, but I'm going to do it again and actually try to get it neat then I'll post pictures?
I hear you girl . I have been soooo busy this entire Summer.

I am interested in the Joico K-pak reconstructor...I read good reviews about it on the board. There is a 4 piece trial size of (Joico K-pak) clarifying shampoo/sealer/protein reconst/ moisturizing condition...I really want to try it...if I like I will buy the full size and put it to the test for 90 days w/before & after pics.
Where's you see this? I'm looking into Joico as my staple line and I don't wont to run out and buy it and not like it. I wonder redken has trail packs?
First off, let me say...

Happy Belated Birthday Leona!
:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2 :birthday2

Next, KLo, your hair is gorgeous as usual. Fiya, your hair is the bizness too! :yep:

Lastly, my newest progress pic is in my siggy below. I'm pleased with the progress I've made in 6 months. :yep: The pic below was taken a few days after my light retouch and color with Black Colorshowers. I airdryed and flat ironed. The pic was taken like two days later after I had been wrapping my hair for a few days.

So, I tried Wen and liked it alot. I haven't used it enough to give a rave yet but I'm sure that's coming soon.

Hey Daephae,

Look at that progress :eyebrows2:eyebrows2:eyebrows2 beautiful & healthy :yep::yep::yep:.
Alright ladies I had a bit of a set back this week :cry2: . My DD crashed my lap top :bangdesk:...I lost all my data including pics except for pics stored in photobucket...moving on .

I attempted a braid out this week. It only looked decent for 1.5 days....then I put it in a ponytail. I am also considering revising my regimen by adding weekly protein & regular dusting .

Awwww!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about that, but your hair is gorgeous, but then again, it always is. I love your braidout!! And thanks for the compliment.

First off, let me say...

Happy Belated Birthday Leona!
:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2 :birthday2

Next, KLo, your hair is gorgeous as usual. Fiya, your hair is the bizness too! :yep:

Lastly, my newest progress pic is in my siggy below. I'm pleased with the progress I've made in 6 months. :yep: The pic below was taken a few days after my light retouch and color with Black Colorshowers. I airdryed and flat ironed. The pic was taken like two days later after I had been wrapping my hair for a few days.

So, I tried Wen and liked it alot. I haven't used it enough to give a rave yet but I'm sure that's coming soon.

Thanks Daephae!!!!!! I love your progress!!!!!!
:hiya:Hey, ya'll! I am back from vacation and my best friend's wedding in ATL!!!
Hi ladies :hiya: Miss you all. I've just been a little busy lately :p Small update: my hair is doing much better now that its been what, 3 weeks? It doesn't feel stripped anymore, but I'm still not going anywhere near any clarifiers for like another 4 weeks :nono: I feel like I lost a little thickness and my hair is still breaking like none other. Not going to stress it tho, because it may just be due to the transition. I am going to try some of the Mizani Rose H2O and see if that helps. Still can't figure out the moisture/protein balance to save my life!

I saw this, and I just wanted to say omg Klo your hair looks amazing :thud: It has thickened up so much! Beautiful :D

Girl, I am glad to see your hair has gotten over the stripping incident! I missed ya'll, too!

Hey Everybody Updates. As all of my sisters her know I have been using MT. Well I gotta admit because I have this big head handicap I haven't been using it steadily. My arms be tire you know and once I almost only did half my head. I did notice the shedding almost immediately. I'm not having the problem with dryness that a lot of ladies were having and I attribute that to laziness. I usually put on my moisturizing conditioner and leave it in for days before rinsing out. I switch to elasta QP oil moisturizer and I'm loving it. I feel guilty like I'm betraying my ORS moisturizer. I always put Lekair shea butter cholesterol in as a leave in also. So here are the pics. First of the shedding. Woo scary. Then some of my length and new buns I've been trying. I'm discovering that I actually like them.

Girl, my hair looks like that all the time with hair shedding out:sad:. But it always has, so I am not really pressed...I guess:look: YOur hair is lovely and getting SOOO long! So pretty! Good work, lady!

Hey fellow Newbies! Here's my August update (which I also posted in the APL challenge thread).
As you can see, I'm still growing out those dumb layers LOL. I can't wait to have my hair more even...I hope to one day just get a blunt cut.

And here's a front shot (Yeah, I know I'm all sweaty, but it's hoooot!!!)

I think I've been manipulating my hair a little too much b/c I have a little bit of breakage as you can see. I don't want to lose progress, so I need to really be focused and not get lazy.

Girl, tell me about those layers...I don't think I will ever really get rid of them bc once I get a little more length, I never want to cut it to really get rid of the layers. Maybe once I reach my goal of BSL, then I'll start trimming regularly and making it blunt....Looks like I have about 3 more inches for BSL, tho-:ohwell: So I got another 6-7 months or so....

Your hair is pretty as always!!! You are my transition idol!!! I believe I can wear my transitioning hair straight and down when I see yours...:drunk:

Happy Belated Birthday Leonia


Can't wait to hear your product review and see those pics girl !!!

Hey FM,:bighug:

Spill the beans on that Mixed Chicks product in your siggy. I want all the details.

YEP YEP!! Happe Belated B-DAY Leona!!!!

Girl, that Mixed Chicks deep conditioner literally MELTS my new growth...I've never experienced anything like it. I put it on for like a coupla minutes in the shower and it starts melting it right away, then I rinse and it feels like butta!!! :yep: Girl, I was so shocked and amazed...I put it in my siggy, so more people will buy it, so they will never discontinue it!!!:lachen:

First off, let me say...

Happy Belated Birthday Leona!
:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2 :birthday2

Next, KLo, your hair is gorgeous as usual. Fiya, your hair is the bizness too! :yep:

Lastly, my newest progress pic is in my siggy below. I'm pleased with the progress I've made in 6 months. :yep: The pic below was taken a few days after my light retouch and color with Black Colorshowers. I airdryed and flat ironed. The pic was taken like two days later after I had been wrapping my hair for a few days.

So, I tried Wen and liked it alot. I haven't used it enough to give a rave yet but I'm sure that's coming soon.

Girl, I am officially off the PJ bandwagon.:yep: I got caught up in the beginning of my hair journey...:lachen: I am amazed at how much growth you have!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! Girl, your hair be looking like a wig!:lachen:

My progress pics below (click to see larger): I got a Domincan blowout in ATL for $35!!! Whoo-hoo!! Ya'll know I had been wanting to try it out. The heat wasn't too bad, but she had my 18 week post hair feeling like I had a fresh relaxer...I can't remember my hair ever being that straight. It lasted all week in the ATL humidity altho- my roots started to rise like dough bc I sweat in my head:blush:, but it still looked nice....You can't see it in the pics, but my hair is about 1.5 inches below APL now...everyone was like "oohh, that's all you?":lachen:my people....

PS...I thought I was HAWT to DEF... :lachen: I did a side bun for the wedding with a flower...woot!!!


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:hiya:Hey, ya'll! I am back from vacation and my best friend's wedding in ATL!!!

Girl, I am glad to see your hair has gotten over the stripping incident! I missed ya'll, too!

Girl, my hair looks like that all the time with hair shedding out:sad:. But it always has, so I am not really pressed...I guess:look: YOur hair is lovely and getting SOOO long! So pretty! Good work, lady!

Girl, tell me about those layers...I don't think I will ever really get rid of them bc once I get a little more length, I never want to cut it to really get rid of the layers. Maybe once I reach my goal of BSL, then I'll start trimming regularly and making it blunt....Looks like I have about 3 more inches for BSL, tho-:ohwell: So I got another 6-7 months or so....

Your hair is pretty as always!!! You are my transition idol!!! I believe I can wear my transitioning hair straight and down when I see yours...:drunk:

YEP YEP!! Happe Belated B-DAY Leona!!!!

Girl, that Mixed Chicks deep conditioner literally MELTS my new growth...I've never experienced anything like it. I put it on for like a coupla minutes in the shower and it starts melting it right away, then I rinse and it feels like butta!!! :yep: Girl, I was so shocked and amazed...I put it in my siggy, so more people will buy it, so they will never discontinue it!!!:lachen:

Girl, I am officially off the PJ bandwagon.:yep: I got caught up in the beginning of my hair journey...:lachen: I am amazed at how much growth you have!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! Girl, your hair be looking like a wig!:lachen:

My progress pics below (click to see larger): I got a Domincan blowout in ATL for $35!!! Whoo-hoo!! Ya'll know I had been wanting to try it out. The heat wasn't too bad, but she had my 18 week post hair feeling like I had a fresh relaxer...I can't remember my hair ever being that straight. It lasted all week in the ATL humidity altho- my roots started to rise like dough bc I sweat in my head:blush:, but it still looked nice....You can't see it in the pics, but my hair is about 1.5 inches below APL now...everyone was like "oohh, that's all you?":lachen:my people....

PS...I thought I was HAWT to DEF... :lachen: I did a side bun for the wedding with a flower...woot!!!

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Omg, I have been slacking so badly. Just been busy with a milion different things so I haven't been on this site really at all. I have to get back on the ball b/c FM, YOUR HAIR LOOKS AMAZING :dazed: :thud:

I may have to check out that mixed chicks. :nod: I am still looking for a great moisturizer. I was thinking about trying out the Curls brand too.
Good Evening Ladies :bighug:,

I am revising my reggie :crossfingers: for the next 90 days I am using the following products (weekly) and techniques. I also trimmed my own hair (1"- 1 1/2") :woot: :woot::woot::woot: using a link I found in Sareca's fotki.

Products: Joico K-PAk's :

1. chelating shampoo
2. cuticle sealer,
3. deep penetrating reconstructor(protein),
4. intense hydrator(moisture)
5. smoothing balm(heat activated,humidity resistant,heat protectant, straightening balm).

The 1st 4 products come in a kit....Joico K- Pak Professional 17 minute miracle.

Using protein weekly is a big change :pray:. I hope it will make my hair stronger. Since I trimmed today I am going to dust my ends on a monthly basis . I flat ironed for starting pics but for the next 90 days I will probably air dry/ ponytail roller set.

Wish me luck !!!!

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:hiya:Hey, ya'll! I am back from vacation and my best friend's wedding in ATL!!!

Girl, tell me about those layers...I don't think I will ever really get rid of them bc once I get a little more length, I never want to cut it to really get rid of the layers. Maybe once I reach my goal of BSL, then I'll start trimming regularly and making it blunt....Looks like I have about 3 more inches for BSL, tho-:ohwell: So I got another 6-7 months or so....

Your hair is pretty as always!!! You are my transition idol!!! I believe I can wear my transitioning hair straight and down when I see yours...:drunk:

PS...I thought I was HAWT to DEF... :lachen: I did a side bun for the wedding with a flower...woot!!!

FM!!!! WELCOME BACK! :grin:
Thank you for the kind comments :yep:. Your hair is GORGEOUS! I love it...and a blowout for only $35? You go, girl! I bet you had plenty of admirers:spinning:.
And I agree about the layers. I will probably start cutting blunt when I reach BSL.
Good Evening Ladies :bighug:,

I am revising my reggie :crossfingers: for the next 90 days I am using the following products (weekly) and techniques. I also trimmed my own hair (1"- 1 1/2") :woot: :woot::woot::woot: using a link I found in Sareca's fotki.

Products: Joico K-PAk's :

1. chelating shampoo
2. cuticle sealer,
3. deep penetrating reconstructor(protein),
4. intense hydrator(moisture)
5. smoothing balm(heat activated,humidity resistant,heat protectant, straightening balm).

The 1st 4 products come in a kit....Joico K- Pak Professional 17 minute miracle.

Using protein weekly is a big change :pray:. I hope it will make my hair stronger. Since I trimmed today I am going to dust my ends on a monthly basis . I flat ironed for starting pics but for the next 90 days I will probably air dry/ ponytail roller set.

Wish me luck !!!!


Very nice length KLo, and good luck on the protein treatments :yep:.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Omg, I have been slacking so badly. Just been busy with a milion different things so I haven't been on this site really at all. I have to get back on the ball b/c FM, YOUR HAIR LOOKS AMAZING :dazed: :thud:

I may have to check out that mixed chicks. :nod: I am still looking for a great moisturizer. I was thinking about trying out the Curls brand too.

::following Morenita to mixed chicks website:: :lachen:

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Omg, I have been slacking so badly. Just been busy with a milion different things so I haven't been on this site really at all. I have to get back on the ball b/c FM, YOUR HAIR LOOKS AMAZING :dazed: :thud:

I may have to check out that mixed chicks. :nod: I am still looking for a great moisturizer. I was thinking about trying out the Curls brand too.

Girl, I just went to Curlmart and got 4 jars!! I'm telling you, "it da truth!!!"

Good Evening Ladies :bighug:,

I am revising my reggie :crossfingers: for the next 90 days I am using the following products (weekly) and techniques. I also trimmed my own hair (1"- 1 1/2") :woot: :woot::woot::woot: using a link I found in Sareca's fotki.

Products: Joico K-PAk's :

1. chelating shampoo
2. cuticle sealer,
3. deep penetrating reconstructor(protein),
4. intense hydrator(moisture)
5. smoothing balm(heat activated,humidity resistant,heat protectant, straightening balm).

The 1st 4 products come in a kit....Joico K- Pak Professional 17 minute miracle.

Using protein weekly is a big change :pray:. I hope it will make my hair stronger. Since I trimmed today I am going to dust my ends on a monthly basis . I flat ironed for starting pics but for the next 90 days I will probably air dry/ ponytail roller set.

Wish me luck !!!!


KLO! Good lord, you hair is the bomb!!! Girl, you got about 3-4 inches from your avi to your siggy!!! GOOD WORK, Chica!!!! AND, you trimmed over an inch, too....To quote Morenita...:thud:

FM!!!! WELCOME BACK! :grin:
Thank you for the kind comments :yep:. Your hair is GORGEOUS! I love it...and a blowout for only $35? You go, girl! I bet you had plenty of admirers:spinning:.
And I agree about the layers. I will probably start cutting blunt when I reach BSL.

Girl, yes!!! $35!!! And that included the deep conditioner!!! (it was the Wed special:lachen:...ordinarily it would have been $45...)

::following Morenita to mixed chicks website:: :lachen:
Ya'll better hit it! I have a friend here and she has 4a BSL natural hair and I was asking her what she uses on her hair and she was like I use the MC Deep Conditioner in the jar...I was like...ME TOO!!!! We ranted and raved for about 20 minutes on that stuff...Neither one of us like the leave in (the more expensive yellow one in the plastic bottle, but we both can't get enuf of the cheaper DC in the jar...)

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KLO! Good lord, you hair is the bomb!!! Girl, you got about 3-4 inches from your avi to your siggy!!! GOOD WORK, Chica!!!! AND, you trimmed over an inch, too....To quote Morenita...:thud:

:thankyou:So much!!!! I 'm glad the Mixed Chicks is working for you. I'll keep it in mind if Joico doesn't work out. I did my DD' s hair as well... It's swangin',bouncin' and is smooth as glass. She won't let me take a picture.:nono: If she keeps flippin' her hair she's gonna get whiplash :lachen:Seriously!!!