Newbie Challenge 08 P2

Thanks Everyone for the Congrats. I been very busy the past few days, but the board and you guys have been lurking in my mind. I was married on Friday and my mom ask my hubby:blush:(so not use to saying that) how he felt. He said,"I feel all excited inside. I feel like a husband" and it was the cutest thing to me. We didn't do the honeymoon yet as we plan to go to Kenya to visit his parents and we just aren't ready yet and then we are moving into a nicer apartment next month so we been shopping for that. Everything feels different now that I'm married which is crazy cause I'm still the same person. I got my mega tek which I was afraid to use, but I decided to try it out and if I get some bad reults to just stop using. Well thats about it for now.
Thanks Everyone for the Congrats. I been very busy the past few days, but the board and you guys have been lurking in my mind. I was married on Friday and my mom ask my hubby:blush:(so not use to saying that) how he felt. He said,"I feel all excited inside. I feel like a husband" and it was the cutest thing to me. We didn't do the honeymoon yet as we plan to go to Kenya to visit his parents and we just aren't ready yet and then we are moving into a nicer apartment next month so we been shopping for that. Everything feels different now that I'm married which is crazy cause I'm still the same person. I got my mega tek which I was afraid to use, but I decided to try it out and if I get some bad reults to just stop using. Well thats about it for now.'s to the happy couple!:cheers:

I'm surprised you got time to even be on the husband and all:eyebrows2

Thanks Everyone for the Congrats. I been very busy the past few days, but the board and you guys have been lurking in my mind. I was married on Friday and my mom ask my hubby:blush:(so not use to saying that) how he felt. He said,"I feel all excited inside. I feel like a husband" and it was the cutest thing to me. We didn't do the honeymoon yet as we plan to go to Kenya to visit his parents and we just aren't ready yet and then we are moving into a nicer apartment next month so we been shopping for that. Everything feels different now that I'm married which is crazy cause I'm still the same person. I got my mega tek which I was afraid to use, but I decided to try it out and if I get some bad reults to just stop using. Well thats about it for now.

That is just too cute!!!!! I hope u two have a long happy life with each other. Congrats again Leona!!!!!'s to the happy couple!:cheers:

I'm surprised you got time to even be on the husband and all:eyebrows2


Lol :lol:

Thanks Everyone for the Congrats. I been very busy the past few days, but the board and you guys have been lurking in my mind. I was married on Friday and my mom ask my hubby:blush:(so not use to saying that) how he felt. He said,"I feel all excited inside. I feel like a husband" and it was the cutest thing to me. We didn't do the honeymoon yet as we plan to go to Kenya to visit his parents and we just aren't ready yet and then we are moving into a nicer apartment next month so we been shopping for that. Everything feels different now that I'm married which is crazy cause I'm still the same person. I got my mega tek which I was afraid to use, but I decided to try it out and if I get some bad reults to just stop using. Well thats about it for now.

:congrats: Leona!
Here's my July update:

I had cornrows in for the past 2 1/2 weeks. I took them down this past Sunday b/c they were getting old and I was hoping to catch my cousin so she could redo my hair. Unfortunately she was MIA, but that's okay, b/c I'm obsessed with co-washing anyway :lachen:. I washed with ORS shampoo, conditioned with Porosity Control and Suave Humectant, and since I was too tired to deep condition under the dryer, I just slapped on BioInfusion's Rosemary Mint conditioner, my own spray concoction of conditioner, glycerin, and oil, and finished it off with coconut oil and Oyin's Burnt Sugar Pomade. I baggied my entire head and when I took it off in the morning my hair had literally soaked it all up! I was so glad that I baggied b/c I guess my hair needed the moisture. My hair was so THICK and healthy looking :yep:.

I still wanted to wear a protective style, so I fell back on the good ol' bun. However, a few months ago I had purchased these "ballerina bun covers" from a very nice lady on Ebay. Here's my bun with cover:




As you can see, I baggied my ends underneath. I just used a sandwich bag; next time I'll use the kind that doesn't have colored lines at the top...oh well :yawn:. But it was so cool, and it wasn't the typical boring bun that I'm prone to do all the time. These bun covers come in different sizes (for those of you with longer hair) and they also come in different colors (I also own black, white, I think pink, and gray). These are all handmade, and the person who sales them is very nice, professional, and I think even sends an extra bun as a free gift.

Her eBay store if you're interested:

I might get cornrows again if I can catch my cousin, but for now my baggied covered-bun is a winner! I'm not doing a length check until my August 1 update, at which point I think I'll be able to claim APL (I think I might be already, but I'll allow myself this last month). Afterward, I want to go for BSL by 12/31.
Thanks for all the good wishes. I have been totally busy, lol. I will be posting my progress pics. Here's what's been going on with the MT. I will keep ya'll posted with my progress as well as set backs. I have used MT 3 times and only on my scalp. I am mixing it with vitamine e and castor oils. The second time I used MT I had more shedding than usual, but it didn't bother me. Last night when I redid my braid I only had like 10 shed hairs. So I recombed it thinking I'd missed something and no extra hairs. I'm not saying it's the MT cause I've only used it three times, but my hair was hella hard to get into my usual ponytail. I had to wet it up and put my IC gel on it to hold it down. I will post pics cause my braid it looking super thick. I was having some issues with my ends breaking so I put a little MT on them. Then they were crunchy, so I got my Elasta QP DPR 11 and put it on the ends as a leave in. I saw elasta qp oil moisturizer in the bss and I wondering have anyone here used it?
Hey leona! Congrats on snagging a hubby! :yep: I wish you many years of wedded bliss!

Galadriel, I love the bun covers. Very sophisticated! :yep:

Now for my update: I've been wearing my UPA clip faithfully ERDAY. :lachen:I haven't used direct heat in over a month so I don't know how much growth I've gotten. I've been pooing and DCing with heat (heat cap) 2x a week. I'm gonna try to pony until my next length check in August.

Love y'all!

BTW, I wonder what Cocopuff is up to. I miss her! :yep:
Hey leona! Congrats on snagging a hubby! :yep: I wish you many years of wedded bliss!

Galadriel, I love the bun covers. Very sophisticated! :yep:

Now for my update: I've been wearing my UPA clip faithfully ERDAY. :lachen:I haven't used direct heat in over a month so I don't know how much growth I've gotten. I've been pooing and DCing with heat (heat cap) 2x a week. I'm gonna try to pony until my next length check in August.

Love y'all!

BTW, I wonder what Cocopuff is up to. I miss her! :yep:

That's great, Daephae! I know you'll have crazy progress (can't wait to see!). And yeah...where are you Cocopuff? We miss you!
That's great, Daephae! I know you'll have crazy progress (can't wait to see!). And yeah...where are you Cocopuff? We miss you!

Thanks girl! You're avi pic is AWESOME. You're making GREAT progress! I'm considering transitioning to natural. I have one misgiving about it though...I have NO IDEA of what my natural texture looks like....I'M SCARED.

How is it going for you? Are you planning to BC at some point?
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Thanks girl! You're avi pic is AWESOME. You're making GREAT progress! I'm considering transitioning to natural. I have one misgiving about it though...I have NO IDEA of what my natural texture looks like....I'M SCARED.

How is it going for you? Are you planning to BC at some point?

Thank you for the compliment! I know it's scary at first, but once you get into it, and with all the new knowledge you have about haircare and moisturizing, I think transitioning is something achievable :yep:. So far my transition is going very well, and I don't plan to BC. I do plan to trim off the remaining relaxed/texlaxed ends when I grow a few more inches. I've found that keeping my hair well-moisturized and maintained makes a difference. I learned to work with my texture, so I like to do different things like braidouts, buns, braids, etc. I like styles that work with my texture, so I won't be tempted to relax/texlax or try to "gel it down and smooth it." Sometimes I walk around and people ask me, "Why don't you get a perm?" or "I know someone who could press your hair out," but I don't pay them any mind. I'm longing for my long waves/curls so I can one day do an awesome WnG :grin:. I've gotten so used to my transitioning hair, that I find myself only getting my hair straightened for length checks or special occasions. I think once you just jump in and do it, and with the advice and support of the other ladies here, you can transition much easier Daephae.
Thank you for the compliment! I know it's scary at first, but once you get into it, and with all the new knowledge you have about haircare and moisturizing, I think transitioning is something achievable :yep:. So far my transition is going very well, and I don't plan to BC. I do plan to trim off the remaining relaxed/texlaxed ends when I grow a few more inches. I've found that keeping my hair well-moisturized and maintained makes a difference. I learned to work with my texture, so I like to do different things like braidouts, buns, braids, etc. I like styles that work with my texture, so I won't be tempted to relax/texlax or try to "gel it down and smooth it." Sometimes I walk around and people ask me, "Why don't you get a perm?" or "I know someone who could press your hair out," but I don't pay them any mind. I'm longing for my long waves/curls so I can one day do an awesome WnG :grin:. I've gotten so used to my transitioning hair, that I find myself only getting my hair straightened for length checks or special occasions. I think once you just jump in and do it, and with the advice and support of the other ladies here, you can transition much easier Daephae.

Thanks for the advice! I think I'm gonna try to transition...:yep:
These are my progress pics for this month. I relaxed on June 13. She cut close to an inch off:ohwell:and all i wanted was a small trim. But it does look neater and i do like it.
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These are my progress pics for this month. I relaxed on June 13. She cut close to an inch off:ohwell:and all i wanted was a small trim. But it does look neater and i do like it.





Fiya, the color looks great! Your hair looks VERY healthy. Don't worry about the trimming (although I have to admit, I hate them myself), your hair will thrive even more.
Fiya, the color looks great! Your hair looks VERY healthy. Don't worry about the trimming (although I have to admit, I hate them myself), your hair will thrive even more.

Thanks Galadriel. I'm so ready for this color to leave,lol. And i hate trims too but they are needed sometimes. I just adore those bun covers you have. I may start wearing them more often now.:yep:
Thanks Galadriel. I'm so ready for this color to leave,lol. And i hate trims too but they are needed sometimes. I just adore those bun covers you have. I may start wearing them more often now.:yep:

Thanks! Right now I'm doing black/jet black cellophanes, and I love them. I think dark black hair really compliments my skin tone. I think your color looks pretty on you, but I definitely understand about being tired with a certain color and wanting to change up or go back to a previous color :yep:.
FM! I saw your new ava and siggy in the bonelaxed thread (:lachen:btw) and had to come in here and give you a shoutout. Looking good girl! :yep:

HI LADIES :bighug::bighug:

I know I haven't checked in here for a while, I've been surfin the other threads postin a little here and there but takin more me time lately.

I also know I'm late on Biggin you up FM, but I still have to say it, Your last pics have been the BOMB!!! I still have you last avi picture with the braid out in my head, and now the hair zing, gosh you killin me :lachen::lachen:.

You are workin it Girl!
Girl I'm still just as obessed. It's been kinda hectic. I'm getting married on Friday and I'm trying to catch up on back homework at school. Then I have to spend time with family. I'm stressed times 5, but I make time for my hair, lol. OOOOOOh I had a bad experience with roller setting. I got it into my head that if I used the tiny rollers I could create a strawset effect. Well my head is big and that is to much rolling so I settled for the ponytail set. It was not cute. Tell me why these curls are holding up so well? They haven't really fell at all and the cute sets won't stay to save my life. I almost bought a roll around dryer Saturday. Gold and Hot and Conair makes them and I was tempted, but I've never been one to sit under a dryer even in a salon so I don't know if it will be a complete waste.


:clap:Congrats to you and the new Hubby!!!:clap:

I'm soooo happy for you!!!

Now I need you to sprinkle some of that fairy dust over my way. I'm ready to take it back to the cave man days and clobber me a man over the head and drag him back to my cave. :lachen::lachen:
Hey ladies...just checking in for July. I'm not posting pics for this one because I have officially JACKED UP my hair :crying3: I did a henna, and used apple juice to mix it :wallbash: Not to mention that I chelated/clarified the night before. :badidea: My hair is so stripped it is not even funny. I can't even run my fingers through it it is so tangled. It's a tangled, matted mess. :cantlook:

I'm so distraught. I posted a thread about it and got a few tips. Basically I think this will just be a waiting game though. I have a mix of honeyquat, olive oil, Vanilla Organix, and honey sitting it atm. I D/C'ed overnight and no change, so I'm just going to leave it baggyed with a scarf over that and not touch it except to rinse the condish out in the shower, and re-drench it with condish afterward. :paperbag: I just don't know what else to do :endworld:

On the bright side though, I'm very pleased with my natural texture. Looking at my hair soaked in conditioner has me very excited for this relaxer to be all grown out. I have about 3 inches of NG. The NG btw is fine, considering...its the relaxed hair that's in such bad shape right now :ohwell: :nono:


HI LADIES :bighug::bighug:

I know I haven't checked in here for a while, I've been surfin the other threads postin a little here and there but takin more me time lately.

I also know I'm late on Biggin you up FM, but I still have to say it, Your last pics have been the BOMB!!! I still have you last avi picture with the braid out in my head, and now the hair zing, gosh you killin me :lachen::lachen:.

You are workin it Girl!

Hi Bign, good to hear from you! And yes, FM's hair is the BOMB!!!! :grin:
Hey ladies...just checking in for July. I'm not posting pics for this one because I have officially JACKED UP my hair :crying3: I did a henna, and used apple juice to mix it :wallbash: Not to mention that I chelated/clarified the night before. :badidea: My hair is so stripped it is not even funny. I can't even run my fingers through it it is so tangled. It's a tangled, matted mess. :cantlook:

I'm so distraught. I posted a thread about it and got a few tips. Basically I think this will just be a waiting game though. I have a mix of honeyquat, olive oil, Vanilla Organix, and honey sitting it atm. I D/C'ed overnight and no change, so I'm just going to leave it baggyed with a scarf over that and not touch it except to rinse the condish out in the shower, and re-drench it with condish afterward. :paperbag: I just don't know what else to do :endworld:

On the bright side though, I'm very pleased with my natural texture. Looking at my hair soaked in conditioner has me very excited for this relaxer to be all grown out. I have about 3 inches of NG. The NG btw is fine, considering...its the relaxed hair that's in such bad shape right now :ohwell: :nono:



I'm so sorry to hear that!!! :sad:
Hopefully the baggying and conditioning will get it back in order. I had a mishap a couple of months ago myself and stripped my hair :wallbash:. I've learned my lesson.
I'm so sorry to hear that!!! :sad:
Hopefully the baggying and conditioning will get it back in order. I had a mishap a couple of months ago myself and stripped my hair :wallbash:. I've learned my lesson.

Yes, I remember :( You used a straight undiluted ACV rinse didn't you? (yikes) I thought of you yesterday during all of that mess. :perplexed: Though I don't think that was any worse than what I did. It's pretty extreme.

This is downright depressing. :nono:
Yes, I remember :( You used a straight undiluted ACV rinse didn't you? (yikes) I thought of you yesterday during all of that mess. :perplexed: Though I don't think that was any worse than what I did. It's pretty extreme.

This is downright depressing. :nono:

Don't worry, you'll get through it :yep:. What helped me was baggying, Porosity Control conditioner...and strangely enough, going to the salon at least once (to the only hairstylist in the world that I trust) to help give my hair some TLC. I'm back on track now and my hair loves me for it :drunk:. I've been washing twice a week, co-washing 3-4 times a week, and deep conditioning at least once a week. If I feel I need a moisture boost, I baggy my whole head over night with condish and oils. I use no direct heat, and I wear a lot of wet buns.
Hi Ladies....

Morenita I'm sooo sorry to hear about you set back. I know the frustration, especially when you're trying hard to see some progress. I know when these things happen to me, every piece of hair I see breaks my heart. But it will pass and you'll get trough it.

Fiya, I like your update pic. I'm totally digging the color.

Galadriel, your transition is coming along beautifully.

Have a question for you guys. I'm going to switch my relaxer from Precise no-lye to a lye relaxer, which one would you recommend. I was thinking about silk elements but wasn't really sure. The reason why I'm changing is because I think lye would be better for my hair. I've use no-lye for so long only because I thought it was better for the hair because it doesn't have lye in it but after joining the boards I know that isn't the case. Also if I do switch do I have to do a corrective, and if I do, how the heck do you do it.
Hi Ladies....

Morenita I'm sooo sorry to hear about you set back. I know the frustration, especially when you're trying hard to see some progress. I know when these things happen to me, every piece of hair I see breaks my heart. But it will pass and you'll get trough it.

Fiya, I like your update pic. I'm totally digging the color.

Galadriel, your transition is coming along beautifully.

Have a question for you guys. I'm going to switch my relaxer from Precise no-lye to a lye relaxer, which one would you recommend. I was thinking about silk elements but wasn't really sure. The reason why I'm changing is because I think lye would be better for my hair. I've use no-lye for so long only because I thought it was better for the hair because it doesn't have lye in it but after joining the boards I know that isn't the case. Also if I do switch do I have to do a corrective, and if I do, how the heck do you do it.

Thanks Bign! I'm not the greatest expert on relaxers (I've only texlaxed with ORS no-lye) but I think one of the relaxed/recently relaxed ladies can chime in and give their feedback.
Thanks for the advice! I think I'm gonna try to transition...:yep:

YAY!! I am 3.5 months into my transition and having no major issues so far...knock on wood!

These are my progress pics for this month. I relaxed on June 13. She cut close to an inch off:ohwell:and all i wanted was a small trim. But it does look neater and i do like it.





Fiya, the color looks great! Your hair looks VERY healthy. Don't worry about the trimming (although I have to admit, I hate them myself), your hair will thrive even more.

^^what she said!! Fiya, Girl, you looking hot to death!!!! :grin: I love the haircut, altho- I have decided to take it easy on the scissors for a minute myself....

HI LADIES :bighug::bighug:

I know I haven't checked in here for a while, I've been surfin the other threads postin a little here and there but takin more me time lately.

I also know I'm late on Biggin you up FM, but I still have to say it, Your last pics have been the BOMB!!! I still have you last avi picture with the braid out in my head, and now the hair zing, gosh you killin me :lachen::lachen:.

You are workin it Girl!

:spinning: THANK YOU!!! I am LOVING my braidout's, no-heat AND my transition right now...

Hey ladies...just checking in for July. I'm not posting pics for this one because I have officially JACKED UP my hair :crying3: I did a henna, and used apple juice to mix it :wallbash: Not to mention that I chelated/clarified the night before. :badidea: My hair is so stripped it is not even funny. I can't even run my fingers through it it is so tangled. It's a tangled, matted mess. :cantlook:

I'm so distraught. I posted a thread about it and got a few tips. Basically I think this will just be a waiting game though. I have a mix of honeyquat, olive oil, Vanilla Organix, and honey sitting it atm. I D/C'ed overnight and no change, so I'm just going to leave it baggyed with a scarf over that and not touch it except to rinse the condish out in the shower, and re-drench it with condish afterward. :paperbag: I just don't know what else to do :endworld:

On the bright side though, I'm very pleased with my natural texture. Looking at my hair soaked in conditioner has me very excited for this relaxer to be all grown out. I have about 3 inches of NG. The NG btw is fine, considering...its the relaxed hair that's in such bad shape right now :ohwell: :nono:



Daggg, I'm sorry, Ma.....I think cowash cowash cowash...don't even think about a BC...:nono: it will normalize soon....

Hi Bign, good to hear from you! And yes, FM's hair is the BOMB!!!! :grin:

Ya'll are too doggone sweet, have you guys looked in the mirror lately??!?!?:yep:

Hi Ladies....

Morenita I'm sooo sorry to hear about you set back. I know the frustration, especially when you're trying hard to see some progress. I know when these things happen to me, every piece of hair I see breaks my heart. But it will pass and you'll get trough it.

Fiya, I like your update pic. I'm totally digging the color.

Galadriel, your transition is coming along beautifully.

Have a question for you guys. I'm going to switch my relaxer from Precise no-lye to a lye relaxer, which one would you recommend. I was thinking about silk elements but wasn't really sure. The reason why I'm changing is because I think lye would be better for my hair. I've use no-lye for so long only because I thought it was better for the hair because it doesn't have lye in it but after joining the boards I know that isn't the case. Also if I do switch do I have to do a corrective, and if I do, how the heck do you do it.

I have used the Silk elements and it worked really well for my hair. Just be sure to mix it with 2 tbsp of olive oil...if you are interested (pm me), i have a relaxer regi using the silk elements that worked really well for my hair...

well, ya'll i don't have any update pics to share as I have been on vacay for the last 2 weeks and have been rocking braidouts mostly and cool buns with hair candy (I bought some hair flowers from claire's as i was inspired by traycee to dress up my buns other than hair zings and flexi8's...) sorry i have no pics to share....
FM, welcome back! I'm glad you had a nice vacation!

Thanks, I did!!:grin: I missed the boards, tho-

It's nice just to be on LHCF for a change and just browsing info and doing some light posting without any real issues or questions bc I have finally gotten into a groove that is working for me...DC 1x week with ORS+ EVOO & braidouts with V05 and coconut can't be much simpler than that...:drunk:
Hi Ladies....

Morenita I'm sooo sorry to hear about you set back. I know the frustration, especially when you're trying hard to see some progress. I know when these things happen to me, every piece of hair I see breaks my heart. But it will pass and you'll get trough it.

Thanks for the support everyone. I feel much better since Monday. I was so depressed that day :( After almost 48 hours of living with a plastic bag on my head, I finally let my hair airdry since all of that deep conditioning seemed to be doing nothing. I doused my hair with a leave-in mix, and a whole lot of Elasta QP Mango Butter and Jojoba oil. It seemed fine after it was dry...soft even (the new growth feels amazing! I can't stop looking at it) :o I am not going to wash it until Sunday and that will only be a co-wash. Hopefully it will have improved... If it's acting more normal after the co-wash Sunday, then it will be pretty apparent to me that while my scalp LOVES being clean, my hair just does not like being handled wet everyday and I will have to cut back on the co-washing, even though I love it so much :infatuated:

Daggg, I'm sorry, Ma.....I think cowash cowash cowash...don't even think about a BC...:nono: it will normalize soon....

Lol...the thought has been entering my mind lately. The only thing holding me back is that my hair has gotten so long, I'd hate to let go of all that length. A BC would make life soo much easier! :look:

Thanks, I did!!:grin: I missed the boards, tho-

It's nice just to be on LHCF for a change and just browsing info and doing some light posting without any real issues or questions bc I have finally gotten into a groove that is working for me...DC 1x week with ORS+ EVOO & braidouts with V05 and coconut can't be much simpler than that...:drunk:

I can't wait to get to this point...still trying things out. :spinning::infatuated:
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