Newbie Challenge 08 P2

I haven't ventured into buying indigo and henna, but that sounds great! So far, how do you feel it's benefiting your hair?

Well, the henna makes my hair feel thicker & stronger. Since joining this thread I am experiencing a lot less breakage. I think this is because I have increased moisture. I am still working on the moisture/protein balance.

I :love3: my haircolor after Indigo ( rich deep black).:yep: There aren't any harsh side effects either.
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Ladies PLz dont 4get its progress time. This does not have to be a length check just where you are and how April went.

This is mine.... Its a wash and go

I swear I don't know this NG :lachen:. I notice that if I use certain products, it gets tangled, so I have to be careful. But I co-wash almost daily (with LTR) and I moisturize (w/ ORS olive oil moisturizer or LTR leave-in) and seal (w/ coconut oil). When I do that, the NG is very soft and manageable. I really like the waves that are coming in and can't wait for my entire head to be all wavy :yep:. How's it going with you? Any changes to your reggie? Any recent favorite products?

Im still using my Breaks over I loveee this thing. Im looking for a good DC and I havent been taking care of my hair like I should bc of work so busy but its not shedding anymore so thats a good sign. Cant want to see pics. Oh yea and Lacio is my fav for leave in it works great with my Breaks Over and leaves my NG so soft
Hey all,:hiya:
This week I henna'd...banded and airdried...I blow dried the next day for a few minutes because my hair was damp.... then I put it in a ponytail!!! :grin:
I need to buy more indigo :yep:. Does anyone know who has the best prices?

I think it's growing!!!


I have no more words to describe how pretty your hair is. I wanted to try Henna but Im so scared and I dont understand how to buy it or make it no matter how much I read this is one thing that does not get thru to me but is still on my mind
Hey all,:hiya:
This week I henna'd...banded and airdried...I blow dried the next day for a few minutes because my hair was damp.... then I put it in a ponytail!!! :grin:
I need to buy more indigo :yep:. Does anyone know who has the best prices?

I think it's growing!!!


KLo, tell me the henna really the shiz-nit like everyone says? It looks so messy, but if it's gonna do some wonders for my hair, I may have to break on down...for some reason it scares me. It's irrational and I don't know why, but it does...Maybe it's cause I have to mix it up or somethin'...not sure:ohwell:
I have no more words to describe how pretty your hair is. I wanted to try Henna but Im so scared and I dont understand how to buy it or make it no matter how much I read this is one thing that does not get thru to me but is still on my mind

OMG, I feel the SAME way!!!!!!:lachen:
Hey, ladies! Here is my May update pic (click to see larger) and status...I am transitioning to natural hair. 4 weeks in:lachen:, so my NG is barely there. Since I have decided to transition, I trimmed another inch off the ends of my hair as I'd like to get rid of the layers and keep my ends as healthy as possible during the transition.

My goal is to fully transition and cut relaxed ends at 18 months. :grin: My hope is that my natural hair will be between SL and APL at that time. If not, I may chop anyway. My original goal was to make BSL this year, but I think I will abandon that for the new goal of transitioning for 18 months before chopping relaxed ends. There is no way I could transition for 3 years to natural stretched BSL, I know me:ohwell:, so I'm changing my goal from acheiving BSL this year and hopefully can maintain btw APL and BSL for the transition....


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OMG, I feel the SAME way!!!!!!:lachen:
FM & Pr3tty there is nothing to fear. Henna is a brownish green powder . I simply mix mine w/hot water(not boiling) until it is the consistency of yogurt. ...about 1/2 cup of henna . It is messy but I think it is worth it. I put a plastic cap on w/ heat for at least 1 hour. If you have gray strands they turn a copper color. Some people mix and let it sit overnight for color release. But I receive color with my method as well. I usually let mine sit about 15 minutes. The longer you leave it on the more color your hair receives. I usually rinse w/ BS then CW 1-2x to remove any residual henna.

I purchased mine From Nature With Love....5 lbs. for about $36 ..they have smaller amounts but the larger size was more economical... I think it will last for 2-3 years...if you PM me I will send you some to try. If you don't want color try Cassius(sp?) it thickens and strengthens w/o color release.

:sweet: progress picks ladies!!!
FM, your hair looks awesome! I love the color :grin:. Looks like we're both transitioning--yay!
Thanks for the answer, KLO, I've been curious about henna and indigo for a long time.
I'll post my May update by tonight.
FM, your hair looks awesome! I love the color :grin:. Looks like we're both transitioning--yay!
Thanks for the answer, KLO, I've been curious about henna and indigo for a long time.
I'll post my May update by tonight.

yep, actually your transition was one of the ones that tipped the scale for me to go ahead and make it happen!
Hey ladies....well here is my update.....unfortunately I don't have any pictures because my hair is in cornrolls:sad: and there is not much to show.....

But I have changed up my regimen just alittle -

I still pre poo with my amla oil.
wash with my shakakai bar.
leave in with my mixed chicks.
seal with my vatika oil.

I traded my Aubrey's Organic Conditioner for Trader Joe's nourish spa to co-wash with.... I think the AO left too much build up on my scalp.

I also purchased BioInfusion's Olive Oil deep conditioner.... my goal is to deep condition every two weeks under my hooded dryer.

*** Just wanted to also add that the vatika oil has really helped my edges which you can see were thinning (chk fotki). ***

hopefully I will be reporting good news with some bsl pics on June 1st.

I am glad to see all of you ladies doing so well.... FM I love your ends..... Pr3tty your wash & go is soooo cute.... and KLomax girl your thickness makes me wanna go out and buy some henna today, I am trying to resist.:grin:
Here's my latest pic...after a fresh co-wash today.


I can't wait 'til June. I've been protective styling and using my BT faithfully. I think it's really helped me along (esp. after that big trim that set me back a little). Co-washing is a life saver!!!!
Here's my latest pic...after a fresh co-wash today.


I can't wait 'til June. I've been protective styling and using my BT faithfully. I think it's really helped me along (esp. after that big trim that set me back a little). Co-washing is a life saver!!!!

Girl you have a lot of NG but it looks really soft
hello ladies!!
I've been away awhile trying new things and becoming a reclusive obessed political channel watcher. Anyhoo, I've been trying out a few thing outs like homemade steam treatments, conditioners and such hoping to find a complementary mix to build my regimen on. I have had some progress this month and won a battle with breakage... Thanks to Alphogee's protein treatment. The lesson learned about protein the instructions first. My hair was very dry after the treament because I didn't deep condition or use the moisture balance product from the Alphogee line. This was minor issue was history after a few co-washes.

This month my growth varies depending on the region on my head. I also noticed the difference in texture. It seems that I am a 3something in the top and back of the head. Throughout the middle its 4a-ish. My hair also grew longer in the top and back of the head but not south through the middle. Is this common?

I am four weeks post and will go another 4 to 6 weeks.

FM- did you ever get the steamer? Is it heavenly? You know I'm jealous!!
Here's my latest pic...after a fresh co-wash today.


I can't wait 'til June. I've been protective styling and using my BT faithfully. I think it's really helped me along (esp. after that big trim that set me back a little). Co-washing is a life saver!!!!

Yep, I see the waves go got going on under there!:yep: Makin' me seasick! :grin: What do you co-wash with? Does it have cones?
hello ladies!!
I've been away awhile trying new things and becoming a reclusive obessed political channel watcher. Anyhoo, I've been trying out a few thing outs like homemade steam treatments, conditioners and such hoping to find a complementary mix to build my regimen on. I have had some progress this month and won a battle with breakage... Thanks to Alphogee's protein treatment. The lesson learned about protein the instructions first. My hair was very dry after the treament because I didn't deep condition or use the moisture balance product from the Alphogee line. This was minor issue was history after a few co-washes.

This month my growth varies depending on the region on my head. I also noticed the difference in texture. It seems that I am a 3something in the top and back of the head. Throughout the middle its 4a-ish. My hair also grew longer in the top and back of the head but not south through the middle. Is this common?

I am four weeks post and will go another 4 to 6 weeks.

FM- did you ever get the steamer? Is it heavenly? You know I'm jealous!!

Girl, I had a problem with the first company I ordered from and have since ordered a second.:lachen:I'm relentless:blush:, but I know I will have to be working the heck out of DC's + steam while I go through this transition. And when my hair comes in fully natural, I just remember it being very thristy, so I know the steam will definitely help with that:yep: I'll holla when I get it - I plan on doing a test run onmy son's hair as his curls are SOOOOO thirsty. I will prolly post results in my FOTKI and let you know when I do:yep:
Looking good ladies :) Here's my hair as of Friday, May 2nd (wet in this picture). I just started mid-April so bear with me ;) My hair is still coming out way too much. No idea what the problem is. I've been using a lot of moisturizing conditioners and moisturizers to combat the dryness and its helped. I also did a protein treatment (Nexxus Emergencee). Guess I'll just do some more research into it and keep switching up my routine until I find something that works.

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Looking good ladies :) Here's my hair as of Friday, May 2nd (wet in this picture). I just started mid-April so bear with me ;) My hair is still coming out way too much. No idea what the problem is. I've been using a lot of moisturizing conditioners and moisturizers to combat the dryness and its helped. I also did a protein treatment (Nexxus Emergencee). Guess I'll just do some more research into it and keep switching up my routine until I find something that works.


LOOKING GOOD!!! :yep: You are almost at BSL!!! I was going to say it sounds like you need some protein, but I kept reading your post and you used the Emergencee- If you like Nexxus, have you tried Keraphix? That one worked for me in the past, but it ain't cheap:nono: Aphogee is also cheaper and it gets the job done without a whole lot of finesse...(i.e., it stops breakage, but you better add some moisture back after or you'll have hard hair which may increase breakage...)
LOOKING GOOD!!! :yep: You are almost at BSL!!! I was going to say it sounds like you need some protein, but I kept reading your post and you used the Emergencee- If you like Nexxus, have you tried Keraphix? That one worked for me in the past, but it ain't cheap:nono: Aphogee is also cheaper and it gets the job done without a whole lot of finesse...(i.e., it stops breakage, but you better add some moisture back after or you'll have hard hair which may increase breakage...)

Hey FM :) I actually bought some Keraphixx too, just haven't used it yet ;) TBH, I don't really know what I like lol. I got the bug and bought too much stuff all at once so now I have trouble deciding what to use :lachen: Although, I did get some Neutrogena Triple Moisture Mask and slept with that on my hair overnight, and used the Triple Moisture Leave-in the next day. My hair felt very soft and moisturized for a few days actually!

Yeah, I was really skeptical about using the protein, I was worried about it making my hair too dry so I when I did use it, I made sure to deep condition for a few hours afterward. My mom used to use Aphogee on my hair in the past, but that was a looong time ago. I would have gotten some Aphogee, but CVS is 2 mins from my house and they had Nexxuss so I went with that lol. Sally's is about 10 mins away and I was lazy that day. ;)

Yep, I see the waves go got going on under there!:yep: Makin' me seasick! :grin: What do you co-wash with? Does it have cones?

I've been co-washing with LTR and also V05. I always throw on a leave-in and coconut oil when I'm done. I think maybe they have a cone or two, but as long as my hair's not complaining, LOL.
FM, sounds cool! How often are you using it?

I think I am going to play it by ear and just whenever my hair feels like it needs some extra moisture or whenever I do some deep penetrating protein maybe 2 times a month? But willing to do more or less depending on my hair's in other words....i don't know...:lachen:
I think I am going to play it by ear and just whenever my hair feels like it needs some extra moisture or whenever I do some deep penetrating protein maybe 2 times a month? But willing to do more or less depending on my hair's in other words....i don't know...:lachen:

So, I read that thread on steamers... I REALLY REALLY want one now... Do you think the Pibbs steamer is worth it? :rolleyes:
Hey, ladies! Here is my May update pic (click to see larger) and status...I am transitioning to natural hair. 4 weeks in:lachen:, so my NG is barely there. Since I have decided to transition, I trimmed another inch off the ends of my hair as I'd like to get rid of the layers and keep my ends as healthy as possible during the transition.

My goal is to fully transition and cut relaxed ends at 18 months. :grin: My hope is that my natural hair will be between SL and APL at that time. If not, I may chop anyway. My original goal was to make BSL this year, but I think I will abandon that for the new goal of transitioning for 18 months before chopping relaxed ends. There is no way I could transition for 3 years to natural stretched BSL, I know me:ohwell:, so I'm changing my goal from acheiving BSL this year and hopefully can maintain btw APL and BSL for the transition....

Hey Ladies,

It's been a while since I posted. I stopped by because I wanted to show my support to both FM and Galadriel, I wish you all the luck with your transition. I know that wasn't an easy decision to make, as for me I'm not there yet (maybe one day, or maybe not :lachen::lachen::lachen: guess I'm a creamy crack lover at least for now I am), but I'm looking forward to following you both on your journey.
Ok, here is my May update.

As some of you know I've been havin issues lately, so I've been trying out different things in hopes of remedying my issue. My set back was the result of my experimentation one night with with a ACV and lemon juice rinse, something went wrong and for the last month or so my hair just hasn't been the same. I went out and purchased some of the French Perm Stabilizer and it has helped out some but things still haven't cleared up.

As a result of the problem I went ahead and trimmed up my ends quite a bit from all of the breakage I was seeing, where W I had started getting a little bigger so It was pretty necessary.

I've noticed when I wash my hair and it's wet, it still feels stripped (guess that is the right way to describe it), and I don't know what to do to cure it.

So KeraCare, Lacio Lacio, and the Lozione drops remain a staple in my reg but I've changed up my how I've been DCing - still on dry hair but now I'm massaging Neem oil on my scalp, and using either Biolage conditioning balm, Sedal (ceramidas), or Nacid Conditioner(olive oil or avocado) adding oils and honey and sitting with a heating cap for about 30 min. I then wash with KeraCare hydrating shampoo, condition with KeraCare Humecto mixed with EVOO for another 40 min under the heating cap. The end result is that my hair feels light and really nice after my saran wrap. My problem is when it is wet and I'm doing my roller set I still have that same straw feeling. As far as my leave in goes I use Lacio Lacio with SAA and Glycerin added and Organix anti breakage serum, after my hair is set, I add Lozione drops on the scalp and then sit under the dryer. I just purchased some Porosity control conditioner and I will begin to mix it in with my DC and hopefully that will help.

I've also joined a number of challenges
No Trim - which I failed out of this one
Vitamin Challenge - I've been sticking with it goes til Sept & seeing benefits
Steam Treatment Challenge - Will be doing the homegrown steam way monthly
DC challenge - will DC 2 - 3 times weekly til December
APL by end of 2008

And, I have been massaging my scalp more regularly. I'm 7 wks post right now and am scheduled to relax next week, but I'm going to put it off because the new growth isn't terribly bad, so I'm going to hold off a bit and try to get my hair back in shape.