Newbie Challenge 08 P2

I'm scared to try any kind of growth aid. My hair is doing well. I am about 9 weeks post. I am stretching to the end of April. Hopefully. My NG is just starting to give me a little trouble. Poking out from my ponytails. Is this typical growth? The OCT is so expensive and the results are remarkable. At this point I'm still learning my hair and I don't have a length goal. First I just want healthy hair.
I'm scared to try any kind of growth aid. My hair is doing well. I am about 9 weeks post. I am stretching to the end of April. Hopefully. My NG is just starting to give me a little trouble. Poking out from my ponytails. Is this typical growth? The OCT is so expensive and the results are remarkable. At this point I'm still learning my hair and I don't have a length goal. First I just want healthy hair.

Then I'd definitley say just keep doing what you've been doing and leave the OCT alone. For 9 weeks post and almost 2 inches on NG, you are ROLLING!!!:yep:
Then I'd definitley say just keep doing what you've been doing and leave the OCT alone. For 9 weeks post and almost 2 inches on NG, you are ROLLING!!!:yep:

Co-signing Leonia....stick with the M&T a few more weeks...track your progress a little longer:yep::yep::yep:
:orders:Alright Y'all...I tried to recover from this hair disaster with a braid out

I braided my hair with Organix Coconut Milk Mousse(:thankyou:Daephae) and rolled the ends...I know I might be:deadhorse:but I am not willing to let it go ...

It feels good..light & fluffy...the top braid did not have as much wave definition as the others(see that frizz in the front:ohwell:)....there's always a patch of hair that won't cooperate :whyme:What's up with that!!! I think maybe if I spritz it w/some Lotta body or sumthin'...I'm also gonna spritz w/Tresemme' shine spray and see if I can get more blingage!!!
:orders:Alright Y'all...I tried to recover from this hair disaster with a braid out

I braided my hair with Organix Coconut Milk Mousse(:thankyou:Daephae) and rolled the ends...I know I might be:deadhorse:but I am not willing to let it go ...

It feels good..light & fluffy...the top braid did not have as much wave definition as the others(see that frizz in the front:ohwell:)....there's always a patch of hair that won't cooperate :whyme:What's up with that!!! I think maybe if I spritz it w/some Lotta body or sumthin'...I'm also gonna spritz w/Tresemme' shine spray and see if I can get more blingage!!!

OOOHHHH, MUCH better! now there's my Klo's hair...whew!:lachen:The shine and wave definition are off the chain!!! (I'm glad you continued to beat that horse 'cause it's working out better:yep:Yep, true.:yep:)
:orders:Alright Y'all...I tried to recover from this hair disaster with a braid out

I braided my hair with Organix Coconut Milk Mousse(:thankyou:Daephae) and rolled the ends...I know I might be:deadhorse:but I am not willing to let it go ...

It feels good..light & fluffy...the top braid did not have as much wave definition as the others(see that frizz in the front:ohwell:)....there's always a patch of hair that won't cooperate :whyme:What's up with that!!! I think maybe if I spritz it w/some Lotta body or sumthin'...I'm also gonna spritz w/Tresemme' shine spray and see if I can get more blingage!!!

You're welcome! :grin: No matter what you do, your hair is absolutely GAWJUS!
:violin:ain't nobobdy comment on my 1 inch of growth and my layers growin' out...:crying3:

:lachen::lachen:Seriously, though, I am excited about my 1 month progress!!!:yep:
:violin:ain't nobobdy comment on my 1 inch of growth and my layers growin' out...:crying3:

:lachen::lachen:Seriously, though, I am excited about my 1 month progress!!!:yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Sorry girl....I didn't even read anything but the last page! As always, your hair is TDF! I'm to the point that I don't even look for growth in my hair (although people have commented that my hair is really growing :grin:) gonna totally grow your layers out? I think I'll probably always keep some layers, no matter how long my hair gets. Just to spice things up a bit. :yep:

ETA: Never posted a pic of my rollerset cuz I can't find my camera's USB cord! UGH!!!
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:violin:ain't nobobdy comment on my 1 inch of growth and my layers growin' out...:crying3:

:lachen::lachen:Seriously, though, I am excited about my 1 month progress!!!:yep:

:orders:YES I DID !!! was on the other thread though!!!! I testified to the FABULOUS growth ...I was also all up in the Fotki checkin' out the slammin' up do!!!! :yep::yep::yep:.

Oh, FM I forgot to tell you I always do my bantu knots on dry hair.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Sorry girl....I didn't even read anything but the last page! As always, your hair is TDF! I'm to the point that I don't even look for growth in my hair (although people have commented that my hair is really growing :grin:) gonna totally grow your layers out? I think I'll probably always keep some layers, no matter how long my hair gets. Just to spice things up a bit. :yep:

ETA: Never posted a pic of my rollerset cuz I can't find my camera's USB cord! UGH!!!

Yep, that's the plan!! THANKS for comments!

OT: I just have to vent:bangdesk:. I started a thread (after doing a search of the forum, mind you) as I am simply looking for a video of how a Dominican blowout is done. I thought that was a valid question, bc if you've never been to a Dominican salon and/or don't have access to one, you don't really know how they do those doggone blowouts. I am a visual learner. I can see something and try to replicate it from that. It's harder for me to read some steps on a page and try to understand. So, I check my thread this morning and all the answers I have are basically check out Macheriamour's video link (which I already do with some success as it is not a true Dominican blowout) and that blowouts basically are damaging to the hair unless you only get the roots done. :ohwell:
THEN, to top it off with an effin' cherry, some skeezer rated the daggone thread a 1 star "terrible," which I'm confused about bc all I was doing was asking a doggone question. Makes me want to tell that chick :eatme: and beat her over the head with a mallot. :hammer: What, you can't ask a question anymore on the threads without someone saying your question is terrible?:naughty: Sometimes these chicks get on my nerves...I'm glad I have my little inner circle :grouphug:here bc people treat you like you don't know nothing if you don't have 3000 posts or been here for 3000 years. God forbid you ask a freakin' question that other folks know the answer to, but won't share bc "you ignant if you don't know, too"!!! I thought I had been a member of the forum long enuf and had participated enuf to start a thread and get some valid responses without folks tryin' to make you feel stupid...

I'm at a loss, do you think it was bc I said Macherie's video was only marginally successful for me? (ie, someone took it as dissin' a vet?) I give up, I will just stick to what I have been doing and read the posts silently and only comment where I feel safe.:giveup:
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:orders:YES I DID !!! was on the other thread though!!!! I testified to the FABULOUS growth ...I was also all up in the Fotki checkin' out the slammin' up do!!!! :yep::yep::yep:.

Oh, FM I forgot to tell you I always do my bantu knots on dry hair.

Thanks, KLO!!!! I checked out the other thread!!! Girl, them knots was a trip! I can even describe how the ends looked. I will have to try it one mo' time on dry hair...after that, I may have to leave those to the professionals! :grin:
Yep, that's the plan!! THANKS for comments!

OT: I just have to vent:bangdesk:. I started a thread (after doing a search of the forum, mind you) as I am simply looking for a video of how a Dominican blowout is done. I thought that was a valid question, bc if you've never been to a Dominican salon and/or don't have access to one, you don't really know how they do those doggone blowouts. I am a visual learner. I can see something and try to replicate it from that. It's harder for me to read some steps on a page and try to understand. So, I check my thread this morning and all the answers I have are basically check out Macheriamour's video link (which I already do with some success as it is not a true Dominican blowout) and that blowouts basically are damaging to the hair unless you only get the roots done. :ohwell:
THEN, to top it off with an effin' cherry, some skeezer rated the daggone thread a 1 star "terrible," which I'm confused about bc all I was doing was asking a doggone question. Makes me want to tell that chick :eatme: and beat her over the head with a mallot. :hammer: What, you can't ask a question anymore on the threads without someone saying your question is terrible?:naughty: Sometimes these chicks get on my nerves...I'm glad I have my little inner circle :grouphug:here bc people treat you like you don't know nothing if you don't have 3000 posts or been here for 3000 years. God forbid you ask a freakin' question that other folks know the answer to, but won't share bc "you ignant if you don't know, too"!!! I thought I had been a member of the forum long enuf and had participated enuf to start a thread and get some valid responses without folks tryin' to make you feel stupid...

I give up, I will just stick to what I have been doing and read the posts silently and only comment where I feel safe.:giveup:

Girl, girl, girl...:nono:...I totally feel you! I felt the same way and actually called them on it!

It gets me when a newbie posts a question and NOONE ANSWERS but someone who's been on the board 10 years and has SL hair can say boo and have friggin' 99 responses. Okay, why would you want to follow the advise of someone who hasn't shown results? I think your question was valid because I've never had a dom blowout, nor do I know anyone who has...

Don't worry about the "One star bandit" :lachen:She seems to get every thread from time to time...I wouldn't take it personal. Plus, ain't nobody one starring them damn CURLFORMERS threads! All 1 million of them!!!

Keep posting, don't worry about these chicks...if you "bump" enough, someone will respond with a decent answer eventually. If not, there's always Youtube. :yep:

The board is cliquey just like in high school. I learned early on. I think it made me slow down on my enthusiasm a bit, but it doesn't bother me as much. I'm glad I have y'all too.
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Thanks, KLO!!!! I checked out the other thread!!! Girl, them knots was a trip! I can even describe how the ends looked. I will have to try it one mo' time on dry hair...after that, I may have to leave those to the professionals! :grin:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I use a little moisturizer too!!..Girl now you know if I can beat the braid out to death ( I SWEAR I can't let it go :evillaugh:) you can give it one mo' try... I know it's gonna be the SHIZZZ .....gotta go send some money to Obama :callme:...he can't stomp Hillary without Fundage.
Yep, that's the plan!! THANKS for comments!

OT: I just have to vent:bangdesk:. I started a thread (after doing a search of the forum, mind you) as I am simply looking for a video of how a Dominican blowout is done. I thought that was a valid question, bc if you've never been to a Dominican salon and/or don't have access to one, you don't really know how they do those doggone blowouts. I am a visual learner. I can see something and try to replicate it from that. It's harder for me to read some steps on a page and try to understand. So, I check my thread this morning and all the answers I have are basically check out Macheriamour's video link (which I already do with some success as it is not a true Dominican blowout) and that blowouts basically are damaging to the hair unless you only get the roots done. :ohwell:
THEN, to top it off with an effin' cherry, some skeezer rated the daggone thread a 1 star "terrible," which I'm confused about bc all I was doing was asking a doggone question. Makes me want to tell that chick :eatme: and beat her over the head with a mallot. :hammer: What, you can't ask a question anymore on the threads without someone saying your question is terrible?:naughty: Sometimes these chicks get on my nerves...I'm glad I have my little inner circle :grouphug:here bc people treat you like you don't know nothing if you don't have 3000 posts or been here for 3000 years. God forbid you ask a freakin' question that other folks know the answer to, but won't share bc "you ignant if you don't know, too"!!! I thought I had been a member of the forum long enuf and had participated enuf to start a thread and get some valid responses without folks tryin' to make you feel stupid...

I'm at a loss, do you think it was bc I said Macherie's video was only marginally successful for me? (ie, someone took it as dissin' a vet?) I give up, I will just stick to what I have been doing and read the posts silently and only comment where I feel safe.:giveup:

FM I am sorry this happened to you :ohwell:. If I knew I would tell you how to do a blow out. But I did find your thread and a posted :fan: 5 stars.
Klomax, i'm so glad you did that because i was going to do the exact thing. We are all hear for the same reason and it's no reason why someone would do that. That's why I am very skeptical about posting because of the responses I see others get.
Girl, girl, girl...:nono:...I totally feel you! I felt the same way and actually called them on it!

It gets me when a newbie posts a question and NOONE ANSWERS but someone who's been on the board 10 years and has SL hair can say boo and have friggin' 99 responses. Okay, why would you want to follow the advise of someone who hasn't shown results? I think your question was valid because I've never had a dom blowout, nor do I know anyone who has...

Don't worry about the "One star bandit" :lachen:She seems to get every thread from time to time...I wouldn't take it personal. Plus, ain't nobody one starring them damn CURLFORMERS threads! All 1 million of them!!!

Keep posting, don't worry about these chicks...if you "bump" enough, someone will respond with a decent answer eventually. If not, there's always Youtube. :yep:

The board is cliquey just like in high school. I learned early on. I think it made me slow down on my enthusiasm a bit, but it doesn't bother me as much. I'm glad I have y'all too.

I know, true?!!

Girl, I remember your thread!!! You were SO right! That's why I was glad when you came on over here!

I saw you up in my thread bumping and I know you gave me some stars to counteract that chick's one star!! LOVE YA FOR THAT!:blowkiss:

I was SO confused. I felt like I didn't know what I was doing, like there were some unwritten rules somewhere that I hadn't read about starting a thread...OK, vent officially over...:lachen:
:blowkiss:SEE, that's whay I love my Newbie Challenge 08 P2 sistas!!!:lachen:

I'm sorry about that too FM!!!!!! They don't know what a nice person u are to be acting like that. But many of these so called 'hair vets', think us newbies don't know anything. I'm like, we kept our hair before here and will do so after. Which is why i don't post in many of these threads.
And i just read that thread. I think the OP meant the newer members compard to the older members. but it got twisted around and they closed it. Typical:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yep, that's the plan!! THANKS for comments!

OT: I just have to vent:bangdesk:. I started a thread (after doing a search of the forum, mind you) as I am simply looking for a video of how a Dominican blowout is done. I thought that was a valid question, bc if you've never been to a Dominican salon and/or don't have access to one, you don't really know how they do those doggone blowouts. I am a visual learner. I can see something and try to replicate it from that. It's harder for me to read some steps on a page and try to understand. So, I check my thread this morning and all the answers I have are basically check out Macheriamour's video link (which I already do with some success as it is not a true Dominican blowout) and that blowouts basically are damaging to the hair unless you only get the roots done. :ohwell:
THEN, to top it off with an effin' cherry, some skeezer rated the daggone thread a 1 star "terrible," which I'm confused about bc all I was doing was asking a doggone question. Makes me want to tell that chick :eatme: and beat her over the head with a mallot. :hammer: What, you can't ask a question anymore on the threads without someone saying your question is terrible?:naughty: Sometimes these chicks get on my nerves...I'm glad I have my little inner circle :grouphug:here bc people treat you like you don't know nothing if you don't have 3000 posts or been here for 3000 years. God forbid you ask a freakin' question that other folks know the answer to, but won't share bc "you ignant if you don't know, too"!!! I thought I had been a member of the forum long enuf and had participated enuf to start a thread and get some valid responses without folks tryin' to make you feel stupid...

I'm at a loss, do you think it was bc I said Macherie's video was only marginally successful for me? (ie, someone took it as dissin' a vet?) I give up, I will just stick to what I have been doing and read the posts silently and only comment where I feel safe.:giveup:

Breathe! ITA! Its okay, that's why this thread is here. To help each other.
:orders:Hey Y'all,

This product is on sale at Rite Aid this week B1G1F...I've been curious about it for a while.....Has anyone ever used this ? :feedback:

I have a confession...I'm getting bored with the Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion. Anyone else? Does it seem like the threads aren't as exciting? I still come in and look around a lot, just doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies anymore. :nono:

I've now moved into the Make-up and Skincare, the Off-Topic Discussion, and the Politics Thread.:spinning: Just wanted you all to know where to find me. :look:
I have a confession...I'm getting bored with the Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion. Anyone else? Does it seem like the threads aren't as exciting? I still come in and look around a lot, just doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies anymore. :nono:

I've now moved into the Make-up and Skincare, the Off-Topic Discussion, and the Politics Thread.:spinning: Just wanted you all to know where to find me. :look:

I'm starting to branch over to those as well. I pretty much keep up with our 2 newbie threads and then just scan around the Hair care Tips, etc boards unless I see something pressing. I'm sure I'll see ya over there-
:orders:Hey Y'all,

This product is on sale at Rite Aid this week B1G1F...I've been curious about it for a while.....Has anyone ever used this ? :feedback:


Did U check out the ingredients? I'm starting to do that now to compare with stuff I know works for my hair, so I don't go spending all my $$. I agree with Daphae, I don't think it can hurt anything if it's cheap enuf...
I have a confession...I'm getting bored with the Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion. Anyone else? Does it seem like the threads aren't as exciting? I still come in and look around a lot, just doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies anymore. :nono:

I've now moved into the Make-up and Skincare, the Off-Topic Discussion, and the Politics Thread.:spinning: Just wanted you all to know where to find me. :look:
I'm not getting bored(too many products to try)!!!!:yep::yep: But I have visited the other topics...found out interesting info regarding mineral make up...Obama etc.....

I'm still warm & fuzzy... oh xcuse me....that might be all the crap I'm putting on my scalp & hair
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:blowkiss:SEE, that's whay I love my Newbie Challenge 08 P2 sistas!!!:lachen:

Girl I know thats why I hardly post outside of this thread bc no one answers and maybe 5 if that. I also see sometimes alot of us only read the last page and some of our post gets no answers because of that. I think what I really want this to be is like a group where we r there for each other starting out together and getting results together. I do get what ur saying bc i see vets that post and its about nothing yet every1 is there. I think since we started this thread only 2 vets came in and said anything. Its hard 2 believe. Then I saw this thread had 4 stars and the original had 5 and I dont see why but Im still happy that we are happy with each other no matter how many stars we have we are still stars
:violin:ain't nobobdy comment on my 1 inch of growth and my layers growin' out...:crying3:

:lachen::lachen:Seriously, though, I am excited about my 1 month progress!!!:yep:

Awww, well I'm having a busy week, but I'm here now! :grin: An inch of growth is AWESOME! Yay! (your hair always looks great). I've just been bunning my hair and doing updo's and leaving it alone. I'll provide an update photo in the near future.

And Klomax, I like that last braidout, keep doing them!

All the other ladies, I'm slowly but surely getting around to commenting on your posts. Keep up the good work, don't get discouraged, and HHG!!!
I tried castor oil on saturday night Im hoping to get some thickness from this. I hate the smell soooo much but Im gonna try and stick to it.

Anyone else using Castor Oil??

I used Castor Oil every now and then, but I'm really into using coconut oil and EVOO right now.