Newbie Challenge 08 P2

Ok ladies I have a BIG problem....

Ever since I got my relaxer I have been getting carried away with using heat. Ive been Flat ironing my hair:nono:..... I did it atleast 4 times since March 11. I was doing so good. I didnt use any heat at all for 3 months and now Im using it again I need to stop this is not good for my hair:nono: and I know it but I just love the way it looks after I use it. This is why I can never get beyond this point in my hair growing. Why do I know that this is wrong yet I still do it. I know its only 4 times but I shouldnt be doing it at all.

:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:HELP ME:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Pr3tty, back away from the flat iron!!! :catfight:

I know it is SOOOO tempting because your hair looked SOOOO beautiful when you flat ironed it on your birthday :grin:. But you are doing well and we want you to keep growing! Try doing twist outs or braid outs, or if you want it straight, do a rollerset. Since your relaxer is fresh, you won't even have to blow out your ends. Plus a rollerset will give you great volume! I have always had my hair in braids or bone straight, so having a fro, and twists, and twist outs are so new for me, but you are doing your hair a favor! And it will continue to love you for it! :love2:
Thanks KLo!!

That could be the problem. I'm using Apogee leave in cond... its okay, but not great. Would love to find a better one. And suggestions?
NTM silk touch leave in (moisturizing) really helped to stop my hair from breaking...also I have EQP Mango butter (moisturizing) in my hair(braid out)..I'll take out later in the day.

Is that Aphogee leave in protein?

Rollersets and a wrap will give the same shine and smoothness. I actually prefer rollersets for the shine and body they give my hair. I have never been able to duplicate the bounce and body I get when I do my hair with a flat iron...STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT

Co-Signing.....knock it off!!!:hammer:Don't make me :driver:up there and confiscate the flat iron. How are you putting it up at night?

Rollersets and a wrap will give the same shine and smoothness. I actually prefer rollersets for the shine and body they give my hair. I have never been able to duplicate the bounce and body I get when I do my hair with a flat iron...STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT

ITA! Pr3tty, you betta stop that! :spank:
I heat style as well, but ONLY ON WASH DAYS! Come hell or high water, if it's not a wash day, I'm not applying heat...NO MATTER HOW BAD MY HAIR LOOKS (after all, what looks bad to me, looks GREAT to everyone else :lachen:)! I agree with FindingMe, a rollerset is great. If you like the sleek look, after you take out the rollers, wrap your hair around...add a little leave-in...wrap saran wrap around it...sit under the dryer for 5 or 10 minutes. It will relax the curls for a flatter look but the "bump" will be locked in place. You don't need those flat irons!

ETA: Not to mention, what type of heat protection are you using? Please tell me that your using something!
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Thanks KLo!!

That could be the problem. I'm using Apogee leave in cond... its okay, but not great. Would love to find a better one. And suggestions?

Hey coco...if its breaking while dry you need more moisture. Aphoghee is protein. I'm protein sensitive so I can't mess with Aphoghee at all! I would suggest NTM Silk Touch or Mango Butter just as Klomax recommended. I also use Elasta QP Recovery Oil Moisturizer.

A few more tips:
  • Make sure you seal the moisture with a light coating of oil! That's key.
  • Add a water based leave in after washing. To combat my dryness, I add a water based leave in (Elasta QP H-Two), a creme based leave in (Oil Recovery), AND seal with oil before styling (Usually jojoba, EVOO, Coconut, Peppermint, Vatika, or some combo of these). After my hair dries, I add the creme leave in and the oil AGAIN. It sounds like a lot, but my hair DRINKS IT UP! Plus, I only use a dime/nickel sized amount each time.
How often are you DC'ing and what type are you using?
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Ok ladies I have a BIG problem....

Ever since I got my relaxer I have been getting carried away with using heat. Ive been Flat ironing my hair:nono:..... I did it atleast 4 times since March 11. I was doing so good. I didnt use any heat at all for 3 months and now Im using it again I need to stop this is not good for my hair:nono: and I know it but I just love the way it looks after I use it. This is why I can never get beyond this point in my hair growing. Why do I know that this is wrong yet I still do it. I know its only 4 times but I shouldnt be doing it at all.

:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:HELP ME:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Pr3tty, I know it's tempting, but stay away from the heat! The other ladies suggested some great alternatives. When I'm tempted to use heat, I just go and co-wash and put an end to the madness :lachen:. Since I'm addicted to co-washing, I keep doing it (in addition to my bi-weekly shampoo washes) and I forget about the heat.
pretty!!! stop, and back away from the flat iron!!! lol, try to reduce to every wash day. I only flat iron mine once a week after i wash. Or reduce to every other wash day/week. u can do it.
And Jassy, i finally checked out your fotki and i love the braids girl. They really look nice on you.

And why do i post more in the other thread than this one? lol, i'm all confused.
Welcome Jassy!

Well, I've been revamping my regimen, tweaking the last few things. I've been on a mission to prevent all breakage. I have changed my moisturizer to LeKair Olive Oil Cream, I'm adding Infusium 23 original formula to my leave ins, and I will be using Aphogee 2 minute Keratin reconstructor to weekly use along with my QH for deep conditioning. I got part 1 of my Pibbs, but I will only be using it for DC's until I reach my goal.
Thanks ladies for the warm welcome. Im movin on up like the Jeffersons!:grin: I look forword to getting to know you all ( those that I dont know already).
Ill read through the thread so I can catch up on whats going on, and so I dont ask a bunch of question that have already been answered.
Thanks again ladies
Ok ladies I hear you all Im gonna try..... I WONT USE MY FLAT IRON I CAN DO IT..... Lord I hope I can NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I KNOW I CAN... Can yall see this is driving me crazy. Okay I dont need heat Im gonna rollerset this weekend and we'll see how it turns out
NTM silk touch leave in (moisturizing) really helped to stop my hair from breaking...also I have EQP Mango butter (moisturizing) in my hair(braid out)..I'll take out later in the day.

Is that Aphogee leave in protein?

OK Y'all this weeks braid out was a disaster...more specifically a flat stringy mess much for tweaking...back to the drawing board...I cheat set/flat ironed roots and braided with mango butter...I think the mango butter was too thick and oily for my hair....I have to go back and look at last weeks journal.
Thanks daephae, I was laughing at your siggy. Im hidding too, atleast until I reach my first goal.:yep:

You're welcome! Yeah, it's no fun to post pics alot. It's like watching grass grow...:yawn:...I'm gonna take a pic May 14th (my three month mark for my fotki) but I probably won't post a real progress pic on the board until August 14 (six months).

OK Y'all this weeks braid out was a disaster...more specifically a flat stringy mess much for tweaking...back to the drawing board...I cheat set/flat ironed roots and braided with mango butter...I think the mango butter was too thick and oily for my hair....I have to go back and look at last weeks journal.

Hi KLomax! About the braid out...maybe you should try a mousse? I saw Organix has a mousse I think it's called Coconut Milk...they sell it in CVS, Target and other's supposed to be light. Also, how much Mango Butter are you using?

***Off to find info on Organix Coconut Milk Weightless Mousse***


This line is on my wishlist!
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Hi KLomax! About the braid out...maybe you should try a mousse? I saw Organix has a mousse I think it's called Coconut Milk...they sell it in's supposed to be light. Also, how much Mango Butter are you using?

***Off to find info on Organix Coconut Milk Mousse***
My hair was just laid down and played dead....evidently it was TOO much.....Coconut Milk Mousse huh?
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Here's a link to the Organix site, in case you overlooked it above.

Here's a page of threads about the Organix line. The line is apparently lighweight (which I think would be ideal for you). It's also sulfate free.

:thankyou: The mousse, styling cream & anti breakage serum all look promising. I'ma check it out. The last time I took your advise my hair really improved. I saw these products in Walmart.
:thankyou: The mousse, styling cream & anti breakage serum all look promising. I'ma check it out. The last time I took your advise my hair really improved. I saw these products in Walmart.

AWWW...that's so sweet to say! Thanks! Glad I could help. I've never Organix though I can't wait to try it. I closely follow what Gymfreak recommends because she's very knowledgeable and our hair seems to be similar. She seems to like the Organix line as well as Aubrey Organics GPB. Some people you just come to trust, ya know?
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Hey coco...if its breaking while dry you need more moisture. Aphoghee is protein. I'm protein sensitive so I can't mess with Aphoghee at all! I would suggest NTM Silk Touch or Mango Butter just as Klomax recommended. I also use Elasta QP Recovery Oil Moisturizer.

A few more tips:
  • Make sure you seal the moisture with a light coating of oil! That's key.
  • Add a water based leave in after washing. To combat my dryness, I add a water based leave in (Elasta QP H-Two), a creme based leave in (Oil Recovery), AND seal with oil before styling (Usually jojoba, EVOO, Coconut, Peppermint, Vatika, or some combo of these). After my hair dries, I add the creme leave in and the oil AGAIN. It sounds like a lot, but my hair DRINKS IT UP! Plus, I only use a dime/nickel sized amount each time.
How often are you DC'ing and what type are you using?

Girl, you really know what you are talkin about!! I love it!!

My hair breaks when its wet, it breaks its dry... it just breaks all the time! :nono: Sometimes its little pieces, sometimes its long strands, sometimes little clumps... its amazing that I still have so much hair! I kinda attribute it to tbe fact that i dont comb it at all (I can't pull a comb thru this stuff :lachen:) and so when I do manipulate it, I am losing the hair that I would have lost daily...

I am definitely going to try that NTM Silk Touch (that's Neutrogena Triple Moisture, right?:perplexed)

I DC every time I wash (1-2X per week) My last two times I have done a ORS rep pak with EVOO under the dryer for an hour and my hair :love: it! The time before I did that after doing the aphogee treatment (the one that makes your hair as hard as a rock!) Still lots of breakage....:nono:
Girl, you really know what you are talkin about!! I love it!!

My hair breaks when its wet, it breaks its dry... it just breaks all the time! :nono: Sometimes its little pieces, sometimes its long strands, sometimes little clumps... its amazing that I still have so much hair! I kinda attribute it to tbe fact that i dont comb it at all (I can't pull a comb thru this stuff :lachen:) and so when I do manipulate it, I am losing the hair that I would have lost daily...

I am definitely going to try that NTM Silk Touch (that's Neutrogena Triple Moisture, right?:perplexed)

I DC every time I wash (1-2X per week) My last two times I have done a ORS rep pak with EVOO under the dryer for an hour and my hair :love: it! The time before I did that after doing the aphogee treatment (the one that makes your hair as hard as a rock!) Still lots of breakage....:nono:

:grin: Girl, I'm learning just like everybody else...but dryness was my issue so I'm getting kinda good at diagnosing those problems. I would say lay off the Aphoghee 2 step (hardcore)...maybe it's too strong for you? Also how about trying another type of reconstructor like Aphoghee 2 minute Reconstructor. At this point I think you hair is looking for balance. The key is finding the correct mositure/protein balance and keeping it there. I think you should try another Deep Conditioner as well. If it's breaking while wet and dry maybe it's something that you're using that's causing it?

ETA: Also if you're not combing, it would be natural to lose some hair...I think 50-150 strands a day?
Okay ladies... I'm throwing in the towel... :giveup:
I have been struggling with this hair since Feb 6... and I am actually proud of myself for having it out this long, because I usually braid it up the next day. But this is entirely too much work. My schedule is beyond hectic, and for the past 6 weeks I have had to sacrifice much needed :sleep2:and time at the :strong:and its making me feel like :eek:. I have too much breakage, and I'm tired of vaccumming my bathroom floor! :spinning: But I have learned too much here to give up on hair care:nono2:. I am going to get my hair braided, in some form, and do my own C&G method. So I will still keep a regimin and I am still on the path to growing my hair.
I knew I had to give it up because last night I fell asleep without doing anything to my hair because I was SO TIRED and this morning I HAD to wash this mess and just rock a small, tight :afro: which is SO not me!! My co-workers were like " Ummm... did you cut your hair!?" I'm like NO, its called shrinkage! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I don't know if this puts me out of the challenge (pr3tty, you be the judge) If it does, then I'll be sad, but it is what it is... if not, then I'll continue to post my pics and reggie and stuff
Okay ladies... I'm throwing in the towel... :giveup:
I have been struggling with this hair since Feb 6... and I am actually proud of myself for having it out this long, because I usually braid it up the next day. But this is entirely too much work. My schedule is beyond hectic, and for the past 6 weeks I have had to sacrifice much needed :sleep2:and time at the :strong:and its making me feel like :eek:. I have too much breakage, and I'm tired of vaccumming my bathroom floor! :spinning: But I have learned too much here to give up on hair care:nono2:. I am going to get my hair braided, in some form, and do my own C&G method. So I will still keep a regimin and I am still on the path to growing my hair.
I knew I had to give it up because last night I fell asleep without doing anything to my hair because I was SO TIRED and this morning I HAD to wash this mess and just rock a small, tight :afro: which is SO not me!! My co-workers were like " Ummm... did you cut your hair!?" I'm like NO, its called shrinkage! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I don't know if this puts me out of the challenge (pr3tty, you be the judge) If it does, then I'll be sad, but it is what it is... if not, then I'll continue to post my pics and reggie and stuff

Hey girlie, I understand. What are you gonna do after you take the braids out? I hope you still check in from time to time...let us know how you're doing.
KLo, check CVS. I saw the organix line the other day and the poo and conditioner had rebates on them, FULL rebates. Maybe some of the other products have them as well?
:thankyou: The mousse, styling cream & anti breakage serum all look promising. I'ma check it out. The last time I took your advise my hair really improved. I saw these products in Walmart.