New challenge: Transitioning without BC'ing...

I'M IN!! The last time I relaxed my hair was sometime in October, I believe!! I haven't been braiding it or weaving it, just doing what I normally did when I relaxed (rollerset or flat iron) BCing hasn't ever crossed my mind so this challenge works for me! :grin:
Hey thanks for that, I tried it and it did OK but my hair just unbraids itself and I hate holding the braids with scrunchies, etc. Ive learned since then that if I stand in the shower with my shower comb and detangle under water I dont lose any hair. Plus Garnier Fructis really, really helped with this too because it has a lot of slip in it. Thanks!

Sweet_Ambrosia said:

Have you tried washing/detangling your hair in braided sections? You basically braid your hair up in sections before you wash/detangle it, after you braid it up wet your hair first then apply your products that you normally use for washing/detangling, when detangling it's best to use a moisturizing conditioner one that has slip, add a generous amount to each section and throughly work it in, detangle one section at a time starting from the ends on up by using a wide tooth comb, after you detangle one section you can clip it up or make a small twist bun/bantu knot to prevent it from tangling with the rest of your hair. I've basically been applying the same technique since I started transitioning nearly 2 years ago and it only takes me 5 mins or less to detangle my hair, you should try it out I'm sure it will work for you and your hair. ;)
What a great thread!!! I just asked this question today, about transitioning without the BC. I am trying now, and want to sooooo bad...I just dont know since Im just starting I am just taking it one day at a time and see how things go. Wishing well to all that have been going so since the start of this challenge...Im in, although Im late! Will def try to maintain but I do hope you ladies are checking in regulalrly somewhere cause Ima need the encouragement!!! Need to find my staples and start from there, so let's do it!
al00fone!! Girl you have an amazing transition Journal!! OMG You have made so much progress!! You waves are beautiful. What an inspiration. I love all of the information you give on each of your pics..I am sitting here late for work reading your journal. Many thanks for your contribution and knowledge sharing. You really help pave the way many considering to transition.
This is how I've been doing my transition since dec. 20, 2006. I wore rollersets in the beginning, then went to falls, then a phony pony, and then rollersets for a little bit this summer, and now i'm doing hand coils or bantu knot sets. I'm loving the coils right now, so I'll try those for awhile longer.

I wanted to do braids or the C&G challenge until Dec. but money is funny, and I don't have time to braid or twist my own hair right now. :nono:
Ok, I'm still debating on whether or not to do this. I think I'm 4 weeks post I don't really keep count. I hate being so dependent on relaxers and I am between APL and BSL. I think I'm going to join but I'm still on the fence so I made an appt with a natural hair care salon tomorrow and I'll see if it is something that seems doable.
How is everyone doing? I had a really bad hair week and I actually went out and bought a relaxer yesterday. I couldn't go through with it though. I definitely don't want to relax but I'm thinking about BC in December. What's frustrating me is that the top to the back of my hair is really manageable The front of my hair is a completely different story. I don't know if it's severely damaged, scab hair, or just a totally different. It's dry, brittle and very difficult to deal with.:wallbash: I am hoping that the front grows out to match the hair in the back.......
al00fone!! Girl you have an amazing transition Journal!! OMG You have made so much progress!! You waves are beautiful. What an inspiration. I love all of the information you give on each of your pics..I am sitting here late for work reading your journal. Many thanks for your contribution and knowledge sharing. You really help pave the way many considering to transition.

hey thanks! so sorry i havent kept up this month, school is kickin my butt!

But Im still transitioning, and I hope I can get pics up now that Im 5 months post today!!!:drunk:
Can I join Please??? This will be my first time Transitioning but not natural, I was natural for almost a year, but wearing a Twa daily made me mad so about a month or so ago I relaxed and I don't like it, I want my natural hair but this time I will just let it grow out for a year at least or until I have enough to cornrow down and wear a wig, But I am very excited, I know how to care for my natural hair but not two textures.

I am so in, I am gonna subscribe to this Thread!

Thanks Ladies
I posted a question on the board but I got no response so here I am.

I'd like to transition a little longer than I initially planned but I like to wear my hair straight sometimes. I'm worried I won't look right if I transition for a long time (1 1/2 to 2 years) and continue to straighten my hair. Everytime I think about the idea, I imagine thick roots and thin barely there ends. Can you still wear your hair straight if you transition without ever doing the big chop? Has anybody successfully transitioned without ever bcing? If so, what was your regimen to maintain both textures?
I posted a question on the board but I got no response so here I am.

I'd like to transition a little longer than I initially planned but I like to wear my hair straight sometimes. I'm worried I won't look right if I transition for a long time (1 1/2 to 2 years) and continue to straighten my hair. Everytime I think about the idea, I imagine thick roots and thin barely there ends. Can you still wear your hair straight if you transition without ever doing the big chop? Has anybody successfully transitioned without ever bcing? If so, what was your regimen to maintain both textures?

I wear my hair straight most of the time, but I may not be the best person to ask. My hair was texlaxed for the last year or so before I started transitioning, so it doesn't look thin next to my natural hair. I really don't have any problems maintaining it, especially since I cut it.
I wear my hair straight most of the time, but I may not be the best person to ask. My hair was texlaxed for the last year or so before I started transitioning, so it doesn't look thin next to my natural hair. I really don't have any problems maintaining it, especially since I cut it.

Your hair looks so thick and healthy! Do you trim often?
Count me in on this as well. I signed up for the braids challenge but certain circumstances has caused me to fail miserably. I had a braiding appointment but then they called and rescheduling, this went on for 2 months then I gave up.

So now I'm transitioning...great challenge to add
I just did my braids in my hair. ANd I will be updating my albums soon, or even maybe today. My last relaxer wasssss in september so its been like 4 months :):grin:
or braids/weave. Seeing related threads has made me want to try again after failing miserably in December. So if anyone else, besides me, needs support for maintaining 2 different textures for the rest of the year (1 year at a time :cool:) come on and join!

So here's my plan. My last relaxer was on January 6th, I plan on doing the satin scarf method (after cw'ing) and braidouts. And if I do get my hair flat ironed I'm going to get someone else to do it.

So does anyone else want to join me? :grin:

I'm in. I need so much support. The scissors are calling to me everytime I walk into the bathroom.
I'll join this challenge too, but I'm not doing braids or weaves, so I'll going with the flow of doing ponytails and falt ironing. I'm 6 months post and can wait to be fully natural. :grin:
I'd like to officially join this challenge. I started my transition about 2 months ago. I haven't figured out what I'm going to do for protective styles just yet. So far, my regimen has been weekly shampoo, deep condition and rollerset. I can tell my hair is growing faster because my scalp is itchy all the time. I'm thinking about doing a protective bun style but my hair isn't quite long enough for a dignified bun. I'll most likely buy a fake one from a BSS.
I'm so excited the last time i transitioned at 4 months i was getting a relaxer done on that day of my 4 months of now here i am once again at 4 months of transitioning..with a sewn weave thats going to keep me from relaxing anyway but not a thought of even relaxing..Thank God !!! I'm just too excited and happy....

I even set my alarm to let me know i made it 4 months(actually im doing it as a reminder every month).. :)
I want to join this challenge. I think I am about 4 weeks past due for relaxing. I decided that I want to go natural but I don't want to do the BC nor am I into braids. I thought I just go with a bun and bad hair for a year:lachen:. My braid-outs and twist-outs come out horrible so I have to practice, practice, practice.

I am definitely in.

PS - I haven't been using heat at all on my hair except for a hot towel turbin after I put a conditioner cap on. I am co-wash daily and currently working to find something to combat my dry roots.
My last texlax was in August. I'm now at the point where I got frustrated and BC'd back in 05. I don't want to get frustrated and BC again. Pray for me yall.
I did a mini chop.. so I guess I'm still in the challenge since I haven't BCd yet. Im 8 months post as of today... half my head is natural too
I've decided I am transitioning without the BC
I can't say goodbye to my length :( However, it isn't too bad because my natural hair is quite easy to stretch or brush straight, and it just blends in with my relaxed hair. :D
I posted a question on the board but I got no response so here I am.

I'd like to transition a little longer than I initially planned but I like to wear my hair straight sometimes. I'm worried I won't look right if I transition for a long time (1 1/2 to 2 years) and continue to straighten my hair. Everytime I think about the idea, I imagine thick roots and thin barely there ends. Can you still wear your hair straight if you transition without ever doing the big chop? Has anybody successfully transitioned without ever bcing? If so, what was your regimen to maintain both textures?

It is possible. Like Lauren stated it depends on how much of a texture difference your relaxed hair is from your natural hair. I wear my hair straight most of the time (I don't think this is the healthiest way to transition) and it only starts to look funny when the natural hair starts to curl up again-- a week or two after I've straightened it.
i'm 1 month post today! after not having discipline-my last big chop was in july '07! I'll resist this year!
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I'm in. I am so tired of the relaxers and breakage. I had a professional relaxer at the the beginning of August 07. I attempted to relax my own hair at the end of September 07. My hair was only straight for two weeks and then reverted. The Monday before Thanksgiving I "kinky twist" put in. I will probably take those down at the end of this month (Jan). I have been shampooing my kinky twists. I can't do buns. I don't know what to do after I take my twists out. I don't know how to braid, so doing my own braid out is out of the question. I have tried twist outs and they always come out bad. I am 4b. On the LOIS system, I am a S, with thick and thready hair. Maybe the twist outs will work better because I am 4-5 months post relaxer. What to do? What to do?

At this point, I am also wondering what to type of products will work best with my hair. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I'm in. I am so tired of the relaxers and breakage. I had a professional relaxer at the the beginning of August 07. I attempted to relax my own hair at the end of September 07. My hair was only straight for two weeks and then reverted. The Monday before Thanksgiving I "kinky twist" put in. I will probably take those down at the end of this month (Jan). I have been shampooing my kinky twists. I can't do buns. I don't know what to do after I take my twists out. I don't know how to braid, so doing my own braid out is out of the question. I have tried twist outs and they always come out bad. I am 4b. On the LOIS system, I am a S, with thick and thready hair. Maybe the twist outs will work better because I am 4-5 months post relaxer. What to do? What to do?

At this point, I am also wondering what to type of products will work best with my hair. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.