New challenge: Transitioning without BC'ing...

Hi all,
This might be old information for some of you but I will still put this out there. I decided to go natural and was doing some research when I came across this site which I think will be very helpful for transitioners, especially us who are new. The link is below

Also while you are on the site checkout the natural relaxer for new growth, NATURAL-LAXER. Has anyone tried this before? If Yes please share your experience. If this product is as good as it says it is by softening new growth, all natural with no chemicals and lasts 6-8 weeks, then I think my transition will be easier than I thought and also for other LHCFers.

Check it out and let me know what you all think.

Ive posted a couple times on that product. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT under any circumstances try this. it is just like a relaxer (even smells the same), ONLY WORSE (if your talking about the african wonders brand). It made my hair fall out in clumps! the woman who created it won awards and has nice thick hair, but THIS WAS ONE OF THE WORSE THINGS I EVER DID TO MY HAIR. i would stick to heat for straightening or some REALLY natural remedy (made in your kitchen from our recipe board) rather than purchase this. dont do it to yourself.
Ive posted a couple times on that product. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT under any circumstances try this. it is just like a relaxer (even smells the same), ONLY WORSE (if your talking about the african wonders brand). It made my hair fall out in clumps! the woman who created it won awards and has nice thick hair, but THIS WAS ONE OF THE WORSE THINGS I EVER DID TO MY HAIR. i would stick to heat for straightening or some REALLY natural remedy (made in your kitchen from our recipe board) rather than purchase this. dont do it to yourself.

HUMPH good to know!:yep:
I used the naturalaxer too, and not only did it make my hair bone dry, it did not give me the results it promised. :ohwell:
I'm not sure if I joined this challenge or not. But I would like to...

I am currently 5 months post...and would like to go 24 months or so before I BC
I did it...caved in and bc'd on Jan. 19th. I must confess it HERE. I have on other threads proudly and well....sadly I feel like I'm telling the truth to my parents....:look:. So I'm out of this one. :ohwell:
I'm new to LHCF, so, "Hey to all you long hair chicks out there. We can do this!"

I want natural hair and I'm hoping that Caramel will be my path to "the light". I am 3 inches past SL and need help through this maze of au natural. I will not do the BC! I do not like short hair...on me, at least.

I'm excited and want to wish you all good success...I'm also on the APL challenge...I guess you can tell I'm pretty hyped.
Just checking in...I'm still hanging in there but I am dreading the summer months. How are you ladies planning to wear your hair during the summer..especially the ladies that 1+ years into their transition?
I'm in. This is just the challenge I needed. I've been transitioning since December 2007 (last texturizer) and I'm really sick of the two textures already! I'm hanging in there...
Came across a pretty good website (Natural Hair Care Guide) that some of you ladies can get some use out of.

Not sure what board (if any) the owner belongs to but it's well put together and informative.

Here's the link:

*****Natural Hair Care Guide *****
I am 17 weeks post and I must say it isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
As long as I keep my hair moisturized, it will do what it needs to do.
I'm having trouble because I'm hitting SL almost and my ends rubbing on my clothes isn't a good look.
So I think I'm going to clip my hair up and see how that works out.
I refuse to BC because frankly, my head is too damn big to have a TWA. :yep:
Just checking in...I'm still hanging in there but I am dreading the summer months. How are you ladies planning to wear your hair during the summer..especially the ladies that 1+ years into their transition?

Same here- dreading the summer! I realllly don't want to wear a bun or phony pony from May-Sept! I am thinking about getting a weave- just to get me through the summer.
:newbie:It's good to know others want to transition without doing the BC. I tried it once but only lasted 3 months!!! I'm going to give it a go again. I plan to do braids this time, this weekend i'm going to kick it off with tree braids and depending on how that goes i may stick with that. On my first go round I found it was eaiser to use a naturaly textured, curly pony while transitioning. It blended well with my NG. I've been transitioning my DD for almost a year now and her hair has done very well. She's very, very thick and past the sholders now!

Officially joining this challenge as of last night... I made the decision to go natural without BCing... my head is also too big to rock a TWA and I will look like a boy with earrings. I will use braids, braidouts and whatever I can use to get this newgrowth to blend. I am just tired of the creamy crack... On to a more NATURAL me :)
Officially joining this challenge as of last night... I made the decision to go natural without BCing... my head is also too big to rock a TWA and I will look like a boy with earrings. I will use braids, braidouts and whatever I can use to get this newgrowth to blend. I am just tired of the creamy crack... On to a more NATURAL me :)

Im with you on this one! I have short hair now so i dont have that much hair to cut off but i will trim little by little til the perm is cut off.:grin:
I cant wait. three months strong
I have about 2-3 inches of new growth. I am second guessing my decision now. I am trying to leave my hair alone until at least 10/1 and then decide what I am going to do
Im with you on this one! I have short hair now so i dont have that much hair to cut off but i will trim little by little til the perm is cut off.:grin:
I cant wait. three months strong

Yep I'll be doing the same Im shoulder length now and I thank god its not any longer lol... I'll be 3 months April 10th so im right behind you.

OT: That Natural Hair Care Guide Website is excellent, its exactly what I needed
So ladies, how are you all coming along? I did a high messy bun today (extra pic in my siggy) and actually got compliments on it! It was the only really quick and painless thing I could do last night before bed. As of 3/24/08, I am 3 months post. 2 inches ng stretched. Yay!


top view front view springy coils! can't see my scalp!
yay! congrats :D

Just wanted to say "hi". i think we are at the same stage - my last relaxer was december 06 and my last trim was in jan 08 (one month after you). and my ends look like yours in the picture. Mine bother me, though... do you think the ends are still ok w/out being blunt or shaped? i really dont want to cut off more than needed cuz my hair grows at a snails pace (i barely have eyelashes and shave my legs every 6 weeks or so - lol). i am 3c at the nape and edges and 4a in the crown i think, but rite now i have the BKT in my hair to make it manageable.
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As of today I am 365 days post relaxer. :woot:
YES-yes, I made my one year mark. :pray:
I'm living in cornrows.
• I am still looking for a good air drying routine.
• I haven't used a flat iron since October
• I haven't trimmed since early March
• I haven't used a blow dryer since early March (it was an emergency)
• I baggy my ends every night. (I started doing this in April) but my ends
are still very dry and very prone to breakage lately.

And NO BC!:woohoo2:
Yep I'll be doing the same Im shoulder length now and I thank god its not any longer lol... I'll be 3 months April 10th so im right behind you.

OT: That Natural Hair Care Guide Website is excellent, its exactly what I needed

3 months here too! :grin:

Ladies who are in your first couple of months what's your regime ... I'm in desperate need of a good one !