New challenge: Transitioning without BC'ing...

I'm in. I've been transitioning for the last six months and I don't plan on doing a big chop. I alternate my styles; I'll wear a bun for a couple of weeks and then flat iron it and wear it out for a couple of weeks. I'm gradually trimming my ends until my natural hair reaches shoulder length when straightened. Somehow, my hair seems easier to manage as I get more new growth. I know that sounds strange, but it's true; as I learn what products work best the transition is getting easier and easier.

And, I've practiced trimming my own ends (even in the back) and I'm getting better at it, so I won't have to worry about paying a stylist who (a) can't handle my hair and (b) tries to talk me into getting a relaxer.
Count me in. :p It has been a little over 2 months sincee my last relaxer and I'm about 3 inches from BSL. I have been rather lazy and have not developed a solid transitioning regime. I have been mostly wearing buns and flat-ironing from time to time. Until recently, I was able to wash and tie my hair down at night with a satin scarf and put rollers on the ends of my hair. The textures blended rather well. I have too much new growth to do that anymore. My braidout is so wack:lol: ....I need some serious pointers. I am not cutting my hair off until my natural hair reaches at least APL so I can see myself transitioning for the next year and half before doing the BC.

Well its great to see so many ladies that are here for the long haul when it comes to transitioning. One thing that I love about it is that this is a long learning stage. We get to find out what works for our hair and what doesn't. So ladies dont be afraid to try something new with your hair and see where it leads you!!!!
I'm in! I've been going back and forth about transitioning. But not relaxing for a year will help me decide. My last relaxer was Feb. 2007. I can last for a year, especially with the scarf method.:D
Miz Jackson said:
I'm in! I've been going back and forth about transitioning. But not relaxing for a year will help me decide. My last relaxer was Feb. 2007. I can last for a year, especially with the scarf method.:D

Hey chica,

We can encourage each other on with this. We relaxed on the same day, and were planning to relax on the same day in May.

bonne chance!!!
Count me in too :D For the past couple of days I've been really considering the Transition...but was afraid Id have to do a BC...I was so upset with myself that I permed my hair because I have manageable texture...I only put a perm in my hair so that I could leave it out even when its hot outside....Im ready to go back.

So? Should I be changing my regimine now?:confused:
bklynLadee said:
Count me in too :D For the past couple of days I've been really considering the Transition...but was afraid Id have to do a BC...I was so upset with myself that I permed my hair because I have manageable texture...I only put a perm in my hair so that I could leave it out even when its hot outside....Im ready to go back.

So? Should I be changing my regimine now?:confused:

I think it might depend on how much new growth you have and your hairtype. So far my regimine has been the same. But it could change up as the months go by. I decided to stop using the shea butter and coconut oil and to start using avocado butter(softer) and almond oil(light and absorbs easily). I wanted to see how they would work on my new growth and so far I like it.
bklynLadee said:
Count me in too :D For the past couple of days I've been really considering the Transition...but was afraid Id have to do a BC...I was so upset with myself that I permed my hair because I have manageable texture...I only put a perm in my hair so that I could leave it out even when its hot outside....Im ready to go back.

So? Should I be changing my regimine now?:confused:

I would have to agree with Blue_flower, its really depends. During transition its good to try a bunch of new things but you have to really pay attention to your hair. some of the old things that you were doing might still work, for me I can still grease my scalp if need be, it doesnt bother my hair growth and my scalp eats it up. However, there are some new things that I have incorporated like co-washing, baggying, etc. Learning to care for 2 textures is what is going to be hard, but try keeping the old regimine, see how that works and your hair will let you know if it needs change.
One thing that I have read a lot about those is that your hair is going to need a lot of moisture and protein treatments. So that is one thing that i have incorporated also that I didn't use before. I deep condition weekly and do protein reconstructor every 2 weeks and might slip in an aphogee treatment as well every 2 months
Hey Ladies....

Im in too! I'm not sure about transitioning once the year is over, but I definitely think this will help me decide. One things for sure, I have no intentions to BC. :) Been there, done that, and it was WAY too dramatic for me. :eek:
Please count me in too! I am six months post relaxer and have been wearing my hair in cornrolls under a fall for the HYH challenge. For the Spring/Summer I plan to bun, and wear braidouts and bantu knot sets. I look forward to growing with, and learning from you all!

I'm really excited now!

I have my MN and amla oil.. I love amla oil, hate the smell, but love how it is on my hair..

I can do the natural styles, did them for 2 years and wasn't side tracked!!
Count me in! I've been transitioning from pressed hair since October. Talk about damage! About 40% of my hair stays STRAIGHT!!! Warning: If you choose to flat iron/press hair it won't revert back properly. Anyway, I'm not going for the BC either. The nappturality site and the transitioners forum is a good one to help transition/support.
I really would like to. I tried and then when back to texturizing, then colored my hair (rinse). Now my hair is so damaged. I dunno...maybe I will.
I'm in too, my last relaxer was in October. Hey can any1 tell me what my hair type is?
seraphinelle said:
Hey chica,

We can encourage each other on with this. We relaxed on the same day, and were planning to relax on the same day in May.

bonne chance!!!

Hey! Let's do this. We can check on each other. I'll be needing major support around the 6 month mark.:)
Count me in. My last relaxer was 12/24/06. My hair length is a mess:( Thanks to a corrective relaxer. I have 3 inches around the front edges, 7 inches around the outer perimeters, and 2 inches in the crown area. I've tried flexi rods and twist outs- They all look horrible because of the inconsistent lengths. I'm bunning for year. I use the Cathy Howse method and no bushes. I hope this works....:cool:
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dlove said:
Count me in. My last relaxer was 12/24/07. My hair length is a mess:( Thanks to a corrective relaxer. I have 3 inches around the front edges, 7 inches around the outer perimeters, and 2 inches in the crown area. I've tried flexi rods and twist outs- They all look horrible because of the inconsistent lengths. I'm bunning for year. I use the Cathy Howse method and no bushes. I hope this works....:cool:

what is the cathy howse method???
DDtexlaxd said:
My challenge is learning how to do natural styles. If anyone can help me on that?;)

Girl I have been natural for a year and a half and I don't know how to do natural styles either. I am trying to learn how to twist my hair and not have it look a hot mess.
I'm in! My last relaxer was July 2005 and I've been roller setting in winter and wearing twist-outs and wash 'n' go's in the summer. So this challenge should be a piece of cake - I hope :ohwell:.
I need help...I wash and condition my hair every 3-4 days and I have been noticing that my chemically damaged hair is getting thinner, and thinner, and thinner with every wash. My ng is nice and thick. Should I worried:confused: ?

I had a corrective relaxer in August of last year. I had an affirm and my new beautician wanted me to try a mizani - long story short I switched chemicals and allowed her to put the mizani all over my previously relaxed hair. It took some time, but now it really shows that it is damaged.

Has anybody been in my shoes? What are my next steps?
Hmm, from what you posted the first thing I thought was maybe you're not detangling correctly and you're actually ripping your hair out. This happened to me when I was younger, a relative of mine whose family has 2 to 3a type hair was helping me wash my hair after swimming and she ended up ripping literally handfulls of my hair out cause she didn't know what she was doing (she was only a few years older than me). I was visiting my older brother at the time and his wife almost had a heart attack when she saw how much hair I lost.

The only advice I have is to do protein treatments to curb anymore breaking and that's about it cause in all truthfulness I don't know that much else about them (I just use keraphix occasionally and that's it). Maybe someone else will have more input/info. Hope you figure things out!
:) I'm in. Right now I'm only 2 weeks post relaxer. I went 6 months before and ran and got a relaxer on impulse out of frustration. Hopefully, having the support of everyone here will help this time.
I'm 7 weeks post. So close to 8 weeks. Once I make it to 8, I'll be on to the hard stuff.

My hair is super thick, Super thick. It's almost impossible to pull it back into a pony tail like I did not even 3 weeks ago.

I wanted to braid it again, but I'll do it next weekend, I have too many exams this coming week.

I did a protein treatment on wednesday. I'm not entirely sure if I needed one. But I followed up with DC afterwards.

I just want minimal breakage.
I'm going to join this challenge. As of today I decided to give transitioning another try. My hair is thinner than I like. It's actually not thin, but compared to my natural hair it is. My last touch-up was only 4 days ago so I am just starting.
This time I am determined to make it!!