New challenge: Transitioning without BC'ing...

I'm rejoining this challenge to help me focus. I am transitioning again, but I am unsure whether I'm going to texlax or not. I am not BCing so I'm going to be transitioning for a year or two. I finally figured out how to flat twist my hair so I am going to use that as my transition style. I am going to clip my ends little by little.
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I'm in. My last relaxer was at the beginning of December, so I'm about 1 1/2 months post.

I'm using MN as well and plan on keeping my regular wash and co-wash regim w/ braids and wigs as back-up styles. Braids and half wigs are the only way I won't go crazy worrying about styling my hair or adding change.

Wish me luck and good luck to all of you ladies. Lets keep this thread up to support one another.:yep:
I'm in. I haven't permed my hair since Sept. I'm not big into weaves or braids. Plus I'm trying to figure out my natural hair and baby it so that when I'm 100% I'll know what I'm doing! I've been maintaining the two textures pretty well. Any support I could get would be greatly appreciated!
Non bc'ing transitioner checking in. I'm currently 18 weeks post. I plan on going at least 10 months before cutting it all off though. Wait a second, I think that's considered the bc... nevermind. :lachen:
I'm in. I'm not going to BC. I'm 18 weeks post right now. I was rollersetting up until last night when I did a twistout for the first time. From now on I just plan to do twistouts, braidouts, and buy a Maxiglide for straightening once in a while.
I'm still on the fence. I haven't had a relaxer since 11/17/07. I love my natural texture, but a relaxed head is much easier for me to keep up. We'll see. At least a natural head would allow me to straighten at times and then wear curly when I want.
Hi everyone!!!! I've been lurking on LHCF since Dec. 07. This is my 1st post... I'm so excited!!! :drunk: I have not relaxed my hair since Nov. 07 and I am now contemplating whether or not to transition (this is a fierce internal battle! :perplexed). I have never seen my natural hair till now- I've had painful, damaging relaxers put on my hair all my life and never knew better! My new growth is about 2.5-3 inches but some spots, especially my temples are practically non-existant:wallbash:. My relaxed strands are deplorable:nono:- 6 inches of dry, brittle straw is what I call them!
I guess what is fueling my indecision is fear of the unknown (will it suit me?, will my family approve?, etc). I have set aside March 21 relax but if I can overcome my fears, I think I will skip this and make a final decision to transition. I think this challenge is the right one for me bcos I know BC'ing too early might be a bit scary. I would truly appreciate any and all support and I would like to sincerely thank all the wonderful ladies LHCF for their great advice!!!!!

P.S- Sorry for the long post!
Still in!

I will be 10 months post (chasing Mook's hair lol) on the 22nd... which means I am very close to a year of transitioning. I have been thinking about BCing, but at the same time I have been thinking about getting to APL first. I was considering texturizing last night but I refuse to change my mind. Its a fun thought, but I wont do it. Maybe after my transition is over but not now!

Anyway... this is about the 3rd time I have been 2 inches or less away from APL since I have been on the site, so I am not going to be trimming for a while just to see myself get there all the way--- my last trim was Dec 5th, and I do have over an inch of length gained since then. So I won't be trimming this month or next month and hopefully I'll be APL by the end of April/beginning of May...
Umm can I join? I know Im a lil late in the game. Im almost 3 years in with about 3 inches of relaxed neds left. Im already BSL. But Im still transitioning. Ladies you can do it. Dont let anyone tell you your hair will fall off. Yea the relaxed hair may shed and maybe even break but your natural hair will be fine. I stopped shedding after 6 months. And everything was fine up until now... Wash n go SUCK!:yep:
Umm can I join? I know Im a lil late in the game. Im almost 3 years in with about 3 inches of relaxed neds left. Im already BSL. But Im still transitioning. Ladies you can do it. Dont let anyone tell you your hair will fall off. Yea the relaxed hair may shed and maybe even break but your natural hair will be fine. I stopped shedding after 6 months. And everything was fine up until now... Wash n go SUCK!:yep:

3 years! wow - i'm at 1 year and 2 months. i really do not want to lose any length (besides dusting or trimming) but i like straight hair sometimes and the two textures look CRAZY - lol. and i agree - wash n gos SUCK - they look cute but make me shed no matter what products i use.
I'm at 3.5'll be four years in June 2008.

I REFUSED to do the BC! :nono:

I just kept my hair in kinky twists -- the whole time. I would get them done, wear them for a few months, take them out, do the do (wash, condition, etc.) and put them right back in.

I finally took them out(for good) 2/23 and.....WOW!! I love my hair, I love it's lenght, texture, thickness, etc.

I just snipped my ends last night!

I'm so happy!!:grin:
Wow! I can't believe you ladies are still going strong after 3 years!

Well, I'm trying to transition (for the second time), and I definitely don't want to BC, so count me in! I'm 11 weeks post, so I'm just a baby compared to most.

I almost relaxed earlier this week, but I did a CW last night and it made a world of difference. I need a prayer and some conditioner, but I'm going to try to make it work this time.
pls can I join in 28wks since last relaxer, doing good, hoping to keep on for 28-29 months.
I will have to go through this whole thread for more info.
I guess what is fueling my indecision is fear of the unknown (will it suit me?, will my family approve?, etc). I have set aside March 21 relax but if I can overcome my fears, I think I will skip this and make a final decision to transition. I think this challenge is the right one for me bcos I know BC'ing too early might be a bit scary. I would truly appreciate any and all support and I would like to sincerely thank all the wonderful ladies LHCF for their great advice!!!!!quote]

This is exactly what I am feeling!!! I'm a 4b and the idea of not using chemicals anymore is intriguing but scary as hell. Sunday I will be 8 weeks post and I plan to go longer. Just not sure if transitioning is for me yet.
I want to join.

Below is a little background information

I wont say bc'ing 9 months ago was the best decision I made. For one i cut my hair and my boyfriend suggested going to his barber to get the parts that I couldnt reach in the back. I had around 3 inches of new growth when I went into the barber shop and I left out with less than an inch and even shorter in the front. Well a few weeks ago I decided to relax my hair and I can honestly say that was one of the absolute worse decision I have ever made. Now this crap on my head is breaking off like crazy, super sahara desert dry, and wont feel soft and smooth no matter what anyone does to it. So transitioning back to natural hair without cutting only makes sense.

When my hair was natural it felt strong and the strands were much thicker. Also when straightened the shine and silkiness was far greater than any relaxer could ever give. Now I dont plan to wear my hair kinky curly until it get super long and that will be just some of the times. I also dont plan to press and straighten my hair all of the time either. During my spring break which starts march 17, I will be heading over to georgia to vis-a-vis salon to get a Brazilian Keratin Treatment. This will be the first stop on my spring break vacation. For the BKT I want the full strength stuff so bring on the formaldehyde. Anyway the % is so low its not that bad. After that I will put in a few extensions or wear falls.

I really hope that it turns out like I want and the only problem I will have is that my hair is so straight that it wont hold a curl. So wish me luck. I'll update when I get it done.
I self-relaxed sometime in January, but I can't remember when, so I'll be conservative and say I'm four weeks post.

I'm not sure what I'll end up doing in the future, but no more relaxer for me.... Not this year anyway.
I guess what is fueling my indecision is fear of the unknown (will it suit me?, will my family approve?, etc). I have set aside March 21 relax but if I can overcome my fears, I think I will skip this and make a final decision to transition. I think this challenge is the right one for me bcos I know BC'ing too early might be a bit scary. I would truly appreciate any and all support and I would like to sincerely thank all the wonderful ladies LHCF for their great advice!!!!!

This is exactly what I am feeling!!! I'm a 4b and the idea of not using chemicals anymore is intriguing but scary as hell. Sunday I will be 8 weeks post and I plan to go longer. Just not sure if transitioning is for me yet.

I'm with you both on this. Scary indeed...March 4th I will be 3 months post and it will be my date to relax again. But I don't really want to...BUT I don't know what lies ahead either. IF I can pull past March 4th, I may just get my hair braided BUT I don't want to end up losing my edges that I just got back and I don't plan on BCing and I'm so close to my goal of APL but what if all my relaxed hair starts breaking off AND I think I want to be a pressed natural but I'm a 4bb sooo shouldn't I just stay relaxed, BUT I don't want to, I don't even want to texlax cuz I know something isn't going to come out right...decisions, decisions, decisions!

So Confused!
Hi Ladies after battling with a scalp condition for a couple years which is causing me to lose hair, I have decided a minute ago to go natural. I believe it is the relaxers that caused the problem and is keeping my scalp from completely healing.
I hope I can still join because I will definitely need a lot of support through this process.
I feel so proud of myself for doing this.
Hi all,
This might be old information for some of you but I will still put this out there. I decided to go natural and was doing some research when I came across this site which I think will be very helpful for transitioners, especially us who are new. The link is below

Also while you are on the site checkout the natural relaxer for new growth, NATURAL-LAXER. Has anyone tried this before? If Yes please share your experience. If this product is as good as it says it is by softening new growth, all natural with no chemicals and lasts 6-8 weeks, then I think my transition will be easier than I thought and also for other LHCFers.

Check it out and let me know what you all think.
Hey girls,

Just checking in, still haven't BC'd though I am tempted almost every wash day!!

I've learned that keeping my hair maxiglided straight keeps me from wanting to cut it all off. But each week when I wash, i get SOOO Frustrated.

Anyway, hair's still on my head, goin strong, and won't BC till Xmas time.