Never Been In Love

Has anyone here never been in love? I'm just curious.

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If you would've asked me in my twenties I would've said yes. But now looking back I know none of that nonsense was the real deal :lol: To be honest I'm not sure that I want to experience the passionate, soul mate kind of love I've seen with others. If it ends with happily ever after than yes, but if just ends it seems you're left with a void that messes with all future relationships. I know they say its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all but I'm not fully convinced of that.
From what people tell me, being in love is more about the mushy feelings and butterflies in your stomach.

Loving somebody is just caring for them on a level beyond just care, if that makes sense.

Should I rephase my question then. Because Ive had three relationships and Ive never loved any of them. Cared for them sure but in love or love them... no
How do you recognize them?
Well I was always told a soul mate was someone who comes into your life and causes a noticeable change there's a pic quote that I really loved that explained it but I can't remember where I saw it.
But a soul mate to me is someone who you feel is just supposed to be in your life and they cause a you to grow to another level. Soul mates font have to be romantic.
I thought I was in love at a point. And the man I thought I loved felt the same way but we never acted on it. Thank goodness for that!
When I was young, I actually thought being in love was fake. I actually did have the motto, "I don't love them hoes", until I fell in love with someone I felt for many years was my romantic soul mate. Many of my relationships that followed were messed up, because I could never commit to another man because of our love for each other. Took me 10 years to love someone else, but that is because he ended up getting married to someone else, which allowed me to open up for someone else to come into my life.
If you would've asked me in my twenties I would've said yes. But now looking back I know none of that nonsense was the real deal :lol: To be honest I'm not sure that I want to experience the passionate, soul mate kind of love I've seen with others. If it ends with happily ever after than yes, but if just ends it seems you're left with a void that messes with all future relationships. I know they say its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all but I'm not fully convinced of that.
I agree ...especially with the bolded.
Yes, with my current SO. I will never forget the first time we met in person (met online after a couple weeks of talking over the phone). We hugged and it was electrifying. We didn't let go for what seemed like ages and our lips met in that moment unintentionally, but it was wonderful. My heart races when he's around and missing him kind of hurts, but in a good way because I know he'll be back. It's like a drug.
No offense to anyone on here but whenever someone asks a question like this and a person answers with 'yes the one I'm with now' I side eye it...not because I feel the person is being dishonest but because usually that current relationship feels like it's the best thing that ever happened and everyone in the past is forgotten about...they left no significant imprint on your soul.

Imo/observation and personal experience...there was always someone who was the the be it end all WHILE you guys were in the relationship.

I think when someone can say "yeah, it was someone from my past" they are showing that they are still impacted by that relationship perhaps on a soul level. If that person can still be relevant to you after you've moved on to the next seems more believable that they might have been "that One"...
My first love was another level. Didn't know I was in that deep until it ended abruptly and I didn't eat for weeks. Took over a year to get over. I would cry at the mention of his name. Never will I ever be in that position again. I have loved afterwards but not where I totally gave all of myself like that.
I've loved, but I don't think I ever was in love. I think I gravitate to men who can protect/care for me - getting over one of them now, but I don't think I was ever in love with him although I do love him.

Soulmates don't have to be romantic, I agree. There was one guy whom I loved who just got me and consider a soulmate. It's hard to describe. I never felt like I had to explain myself and he knew exactly what I needed. Didn't work out for other reasons, but still put him on a level above all the rest.
No offense to anyone on here but whenever someone asks a question like this and a person answers with 'yes the one I'm with now' I side eye it...not because I feel the person is being dishonest but because usually that current relationship feels like it's the best thing that ever happened and everyone in the past is forgotten about...they left no significant imprint on your soul.

Imo/observation and personal experience...there was always someone who was the the be it end all WHILE you guys were in the relationship.

I think when someone can say "yeah, it was someone from my past" they are showing that they are still impacted by that relationship perhaps on a soul level. If that person can still be relevant to you after you've moved on to the next seems more believable that they might have been "that One"...

This is the fluff/mushy stuff I'm talking about. It's all about the moment, it seems. Definitely more believable if a person can look back and say "yeah, I was in love". But who knows, I've never been in love so maybe it's a legit thing.

However, I do love somebody and the feeling is...unique. He is a friend, and while I most likely would not date him, I get a sentimental feeling when I think of him. A special place in my heart, I guess? But I am not dying on the inside, or anything like that. It's just...special.