Married and still in love??

Are you married and still in love?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 76.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 23.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My husband and I have been together for 11 years and married for 7. I'm still in love and I know he is too, but it's different , not different bad Just different like oh today we are having merlot not champagne, well okay its still wine :lachen::lachen: Girl some days are box wine or Zima's but lucky for me very few days are Zima's:lachen:
I have been married for 4 years next month,and yes I am still in love with my sweetie. I love that man and couldn't imgaine being with anyone else.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G THREAD! I don't know how many times I said AWWWWW reading this thread. Ladies, please keep them coming!
As someone who is going thru a divorce....I"m glad to see that there are still successful marriages out there. It makes me look forward to finding the man who will stand strong til the end with me. Beautiful stories ladies....I am definitely subscribing to this thread!
* Tears *

Wow, such powerful testimonies to love! I'm not married yet, but this thread has once again inspired me to open my heart to this real love, and to let go of a man in my life who I do not have a future with. I so look forward to experiencing this kind of love.
My husband is that deal - I am so in love with that man and he shows me how much he treasures me everyday. We've been together 10 years and next month will mark five years of marriage and he is, by far, my best blessing. Like the ladies have said, everyday won't necessarily be sweet but once you come through a storm, you can be stronger together.
Thank you for this thread OP.
I can't wait until I seal the deal with SO, I believe we will be fortunate to have what you ladies are experiencing.
My husband and I met when we were 18, freshmen in college. He said the *knew* that I would be his wife and asked me to marry him near the end of our first year of school.

Me: :nono: ‘Boy, we *just* met, I ain’t marrying you!'
Him: :yep: ‘Just you wait, you will be my wife, I’m coming back for you…give me 3 years…”

4 kids, 3 businesses and 20 years later we are still together, and will celebrate 15 years of marriage in July.

We have really grown together. Like everybody else we’ve had our ups and downs…we are *still* learning to love eachother.

He still knows just what to say to make me laugh even when I don't want to.

A quote I read somewhere said ‘Marry someone that you want to sit next to for the rest of your life…’ :heart:

l love that and I’ll be sitting next to this guy til the end!
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This thread is so beautiful. I am such a sap for this kind of stuff. I am over here just cheesing and holding back tears lol. Keep em coming ladies :love:
Yes, been with my husband for 15 years and we're still in love. Sometimes it has it's minor ups and down's, as all relationships do, but neither of us would ever consider leaving the other for anything or anyone. We're as perfectly matched as can be.

I always think of that Grace Jones song. "I'm not perfect, but I'm perfect for you."..well, that's us! lol!
Married 20 years this September..and yes, I am still in love with him..What I've learned over the years, is we all have ups and downs where we don't always see eye eye, but we respect each others differences, and we are on the same page as far as not allowing our children think they can use the other to get what they want. If one of us said's no.
And ladies...remember the only person that can truly make U U..