Natural Ladies: what if your Signaficant other doesn't like your natural swagger?

I would listen and we could talk about it, but Im not running for the relaxer box. Now am i running for the flat iron everyday

I do think that when you're in a relationship, your partner's opinion should hold a little weight, just as yours should to him. Obviously the final decision is yours. For me, I'm not fond of short hair on women so if I was dating a girl and she cut her hair or shaved her head I would feel some type of way.
I would say only date a man who doesn't have any hangups with how you wear your hair. Luckily my hubby thinks my hair is pretty no matter how I wear it. He could never think I look busted. He's been very positive about me going natural too. I couldn't imagine feeling like I had to change my hair to please him. That's not what love is about. My hair is not a big deal in his eyes.
I'm glad I went natural while single. This way, only the dudes who embrace natural hair will approach me.
DH prefers my hair straight, so I flat iron it often. In the summer months he already knows that I wear it curly most of the time, but the rest of the year I wear it straight a lot. It's give and take, plus my curly style requires me to wet my hair daily, and I'm not trying to catch a cold with a wet head in the winter.

I do try to make sure it's straight if I'm going to something that's important to him. His event, his choice. In return, I usually dress him for things that are important to me. Again, it's give and take.
I have came to the conclusion, its NOT about relax, natural, texlax or whatever other term WE have. Its about the LENGTH (and neatness). I have studied this closely. Just my:twocents:
I'd question his maturity because it is just hair. It can be cut, coloured, grown out, straightened, permed etc.

It is just hair to me. And if it would be such a problem for me to wear it out in its natural state, he might as well just leave.
I'm relaxed and toy with the idea of going natural occasionally. Tho my SO is oblivious to hair, I've asked him about going natural and he said he wouldn't like it if got a twa. He wasn't nasty about it, but he's just like I didn't meet you that way, that's a drastic change to go from hair to no hair. He wouldn't leave me over some hair. But he brought up a good point, if he grew dreds or braids, I'd be livid! I like his hair how I like it... in a low cut caesar. While I think it's foolish and questionable for men to leave their SO/wife over hair, I think you should take your SO's opinion into consideration. Just like some men don't want their woman wearing a shyt load of weave or a tranny face of makeup.
I used to be die hard, "kick rocks if you don't like my hair", but I feel differently now. If a guy met you with a certain look and you completely switch it up, it's normal to feel some type of way about it. I'd feel some type of way if my SO made a big change to his appearance that I wasn't used to. I'd be like, "Sir. WTF. o_O"

So, I think if you want to stay natural, do that. But, to make your SO feel like his opinion matters, there is nothing wrong with wearing stretched or straightened "compromising" styles on occasion. I don't feel like you're giving up your independence or anything like that by acknowledging his opinion.

Well my SO has a curl fro himself. So I'd have to turn around and say 'isn't that the pot calling the kettle black' . Luckily we don't have that problem but honestly I am me and my hair is a part of that package. He's have to accept me for what he considers 'flaws' and all or he can go on to a girl who doesn't wear her hair in the natural state! If me being natural is more important that all the other things I do for him well then... He can leave!
If natural hair would make him leave...then I say open the door for him!

But if he's a good man and just misses the straight look on you, I'd flatiron it for him periodically.

If I had a man that I felt I had to wear a certain type of hair for, or he would leave me, I'd question whether he really loved me. Who wants a man like that? That's too much stress. :look:

P.R.E.A.C.H. :clapping:
He said he didn't like it and I acted like I didn't hear him when he said it. On the flipside, he has never said it again and I do straighten it just for him every so often, when he needs to feel special and its what he likes.
When dh met me, my hair was straight. That's what he was used to, so he didn't really care for the fact that I went natural. I transitioned for as long as possible, but I eventually cut it off because that was what I felt was best for me.

He got over it. What else could he do? To answer your question, I did it anyway. My hair, my choice.

Gorgeous hair...... :drool: