article: Natural hair doesn't make you 'Blacker'

Being from a big city makes you blacker, though. For real. There are some black BLACK folks from Dallas and Houston. Put my Abilene Blackness to shame!
Hmmmm so she perms her hair because she lives in Seattle or a RAIN FOREST? Ok I guess we all have our reasons for doing what we do...

I'd a been alright if she just said: I perm my hair cause I want to...WHAT, WHAT??"
I agree. Her providing quotes, isn't necessary because it's comments like "I found the real me" and "I'm looking more like God created me" and the like that infer that those who do not wear their natural texture are the opposite (not acknowleding their real selves, etc.) I've even seen YouTubers who have said that their motivation for going natural had something to do with honoring their African ancestors. So, what she is saying is not far fetched, imo.

She doesn't sound mad to me (annoyed, yes), she just sounds like those naturals who are the type she's talking about (not everyone) should stop being self righteous and projecting their "newfound blackness" on others as them having self-image deficiencies.
Uh, yeah...

Imma need this chick to sat down, cuz Chris Rock didn't start Anyone who thinks so needs to punch themselves.

We've been saying "creamy crack" for a thousand years on these hair boards and contrary to what some fools may believe, people were going natural long before that sorry excuse for a movie was regrettably released upon the masses.
I had to log into my computer just to comment. She is correct being natural does not make you blacker. That said our ancestors had no interest in staighten their until they came in contact with the Europeans. It was not until we began to believe that our hair was inferior did we began to alter it. To deny our history is ignorant. So the fact that a majority of us straigten our hair is a hold over from our history. We have semi-adopted our opressors(past tense) standard of beauty. The natural hair movement is needed. Naturals are not more enlighten or anything like that but the movement is helping to affirm that Africans and their descents are beautiful. So individually I do not think that people who straighten hate themselves. That said I think that becuase a majority of us straighten our we as a whole do not value our natural beauty.
She sounds like she has a real problem with naturals :lol:

**walks out of thread while swinging natural waist length hair**
this article is retarded and doesn't even deserve all the thoughtfulness that went into these comments.

...sure quotes may not be necessary for something like this but some real stats might be.

so... am i to infer from this article that being relaxed is now the sign of individuality and that natural heads are following a fad propelled by a movie? hunh?

i'll never understand the butt-hurt coming from relaxed heads about militant naturals. for real. Naturals are still a small minority and since most naturals aren't militant then these militant naturals people like to scream about are in the VAST MINORITY. this backlash against a minority just makes no sense.

there's strength in numbers people. why are certain relaxed heads threatened? if you love what you do, do it. the number of vocally judgemental natural heads is a very very small part of the number of natural haired women that exist in this part of the world and this repetitive long talk about it is dumb.

and as a result i feel dumb for reading this. of all the idiotic diatribes i could've started my friday with :perplexed people will do anything for attention.

she gets the Brando side-eye

tHENATuRALhAiRpRoJEcT none of my irritation is aimed at you. thanks for bringing this to the attention of the board.
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So to those that agree with her,do people who relax want to be closer to white? Because if you agree with this nonsense,then surely you see the validation in that.:insert eyeroll:
This is stupid.
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I had to log into my computer just to comment. She is correct being natural does not make you blacker. That said our ancestors had no interest in staighten their until they came in contact with the Europeans. It was not until we began to believe that our hair was inferior did we began to alter it. To deny our history is ignorant. So the fact that a majority of us straigten our hair is a hold over from our history. We have semi-adopted our opressors(past tense) standard of beauty. The natural hair movement is needed. Naturals are not more enlighten or anything like that but the movement is helping to affirm that Africans and their descents are beautiful. So individually I do not think that people who straighten hate themselves. That said I think that becuase a majority of us straighten our we as a whole do not value our natural beauty.

I couldn't have said it better than this.:clap:
Oh,and her being pissed that naturals got into a club for cheaper than everyone else made me :lol:
She is too butthurt,and I hope that whomever she is close to irl that has her salty about natural hair (because her comments sound too much like the hateration people are always complaining about on here), keeps pissing her off royally. Why is she running around seething at afros? :lol:

Natural hair doesn't make you 'Blacker'

Posted Wed, 2011-10-26 12:13

Twitter: Check out my #S2SMag blog on how "natural hair" doesn't make you 'Blacker'. I'm just saying what a lot of ppl think!!

I didn’t think a word could be more overused and annoying than “swagger,” until I heard “natural.”
In case you somehow don’t already know, going “natural” is the latest trend among African-American women who are saying goodbye to relaxers (also known as perms), which chemically straighten their naturally curly or kinky hair.

Going natural was on the rise many years ago, but it virtually exploded into a movement following the 2009 Chris Rock movie, Good Hair. In the movie, Rock highlights the extremes Black women take to achieve so-called “good hair” – be it in the form of weaves or relaxers, which he famously coined “creamy crack.”
For many African-American women, the film was an inspiration to overcome their addiction to relaxers, not just because of the sometimes damaging effects it has on their hair, but also for a sense of African-American pride.

To the latter, I say bullcrap. I never believed in the silly notion that Black women who straighten their hair are trying to resemble their White female counterparts with long, silky smooth tresses. My hair is super thick and gets extra frizzy in the rain. I don’t like that, so I have a perm. Period.
Yet, for some reason it seems there’s this new sense of shame or judgment against women who rock a relaxer or weave. Recently, an Atlanta club promoter even offered discounts to women with natural hair and who don’t wear weaves.
Enough already.

If a relaxer is making your hair fall out, then by all means, get rid of it! But please don’t think you’re making a statement in the process. I’ve been getting relaxers for over 20 years now, and my hair is still healthy and I am still very much Black (gasp!).
It’s called individuality. Do you! Going natural doesn’t make a woman any better or “Blacker” than one rocking a weave down to her behind. If that’s the case, how do you explain when White women wear “extensions” and straighten their naturally curly hair? Who are they trying to be like?

Besides, if we’re talking about going natural, I say go all the way! Get rid of your makeup, nail polish, deodorant… heck, even get rid of your Spanx! (ok*biiiiish-but-y-u-mad?) But please don’t try to pressure me to do the same.
I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum, and that won’t change, no matter how many movies Chris Rock makes. If I’m a fiend to the creamy crack, then fine. Call me Pookie.

Myranda Stephens is a TV reporter, blogger and hair model who currently resides in Baltimore, Maryland. people using this comparison when they want to put belittle someone's going natural. Comparing going natural to foregoing daily grooming, etc is offensive. people using this comparison when they want to put belittle someone's going natural. Comparing going natural to foregoing daily grooming, etc is offensive.

Agreed. That is reaching. Embracing natural hair is not about denying personal hygiene.
I had to log into my computer just to comment. She is correct being natural does not make you blacker. That said our ancestors had no interest in staighten their until they came in contact with the Europeans. It was not until we began to believe that our hair was inferior did we began to alter it. To deny our history is ignorant. So the fact that a majority of us straigten our hair is a hold over from our history. We have semi-adopted our opressors(past tense) standard of beauty. The natural hair movement is needed. Naturals are not more enlighten or anything like that but the movement is helping to affirm that Africans and their descents are beautiful. So individually I do not think that people who straighten hate themselves. That said I think that becuase a majority of us straighten our we as a whole do not value our natural beauty.

I know...where exactly does she think the idea came from if it didn't come from white people?
Why do people always assume that when people go natural they want to be "blacker"??? Why can't I just like the way natural hair looks on me? Just like a women with relaxed hair likes the straight look on her??? If I wanted to be "blacker" I would just go get an MF'n tan.
I guess the nazi's must have gotten to her.

But aside from that, she's ignorant as hell. Why would one stop grooming themselves because they're natural?
Can someone let this lady know that the term "creamy crack" has been around LONG before Chris Rock had even uttered it?

That's all I have to say.
I don't agree or disagree with anything she's saying. I've read this same article/blog from so many women. I (and most of my natural friends) went natural long before Chris Rock's documentary came out. Everyone goes natural/doesn't go natural for their own reasons. I've been proud of my Blackness way before I stopped relaxing! :yep:
I don't care what she is ( relaxed, multilaxed whatever). The one thing I want to know is why her ends look rough on the right side.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

She sounds like white people who claim that all blacks do is talk about slavery and they should "let it go"(white guilt). I mean, I would like to know the naturals who are running around telling people and pouring judgements on them to go natural. I have seen a few, but not all do it. It sounds like 'relaxed self-guilt' to me. This is not about naturals or people going natural, its about what she feels she is doing to herself. It is her own subconsious telling on her. If she loved what she did, there would be no article criticizing women who wear natural hair, afterall what they do isn't any of her business. She has some soul searching to do:look:.
These type of topics need to end, way too repetitive. I thought we got all this out of our system and were ready to move on? By move on I mean, you know, take care of our own hair and ignore silliness that seems to emerge suddenly like this? These topics just continue to spur up more irrelevant topics and sometimes negativity, ultimately for what purpose really? Who cares if some naturals think they're blacker anyway? The thought of being blacker and the response to it are both absurd. She's right about one thing though, do you.
I've been natural, then relaxed, then natural, then relaxed and now natural again. And, I ain't never- I mean never had a natural chick come up to me whilst relaxed and proclaim to me the error of my creamy crack ways. Not once.

So, Im just curious to know where are these militant naturals at? I've never met one. I'm also natural (again) and I'm not militant either, so...

And, where is she getting the idea that naturals deem themselves blacker?? :lol:

She sounds insecure to me.
oh it doesnt ???

dammit I was hoping I could just pull it off with my BAA but now I need to get a dashiki and afro pick with the fist !!!