article: Natural hair doesn't make you 'Blacker'

is she shoulder length? :look:


you iz a fool! :lol:

oh it doesnt ???

dammit I was hoping I could just pull it off with my BAA but now I need to get a dashiki and afro pick with the fist !!!

It doesn't get any blacker than this:

All that's missing is some "natural" hair? right? lol!:lachen:
I've been natural, then relaxed, then natural, then relaxed and now natural again. And, I ain't never- I mean never had a natural chick come up to me whilst relaxed and proclaim to me the error of my creamy crack ways. Not once.

So, Im just curious to know where are these militant naturals at? I've never met one. I'm also natural (again) and I'm not militant either, so...

Yup... that's why I say some folks need to stop getting caught up in innanet shenanigans, they don't mean much.

The only person who gave me a lot of grief about going back relaxed was one of my BFFs..but she's always been relaxed and since going natural is a big psychological hurdle for her she didn't like to see me switching up so casually.
I understand what shes saying. Some naturals (very few) do have this holier than thou complex thinking everyone who relaxes have some sort of complex........but that's usually only online. I've never meet a militant natural in real life and real life is all that matters because you never know who your having conversations with online. BTW I've never seen this good hair movie but I might have to since its mentioned so often (and I feel a little out of the loop)
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Thank goodness, I have no interest in how people view what I do with my hair, unless they want to give me a compliment or constructive advice. Otherwise, I just tune out.

I think people need to lighten up and stop being so serious. There's advantages and disadvantages to being either natural or relaxed. I say go down whatever path that works for you and definitely don't worry about how "black" that will make you seem.

I've been called a white girl many times by other blacks and could really care less. I define what blackness means to me.
I guess I am one of the few that has encountered militant naturals one on the job and a few in passing. But that also might be because these people are also on blogs.

I have no problem with her expressing how she feels just as I don't have a problem with naturals/transitioners expressing how they feel about being put down about their hair choice. She could have left out Chris Rock but she is certainly entitled. I am sure the article must have come from something she has experienced personally and/or someone else's experience. I see no need to get all twisted over this.
Here's what comments like these remind me of: "others" feeling threatened and wanting to keep us in our "places".:look:
The whole thing, mainly the condescending remarks, and the "you think you're better than me,but here's why you're not" tone reminds me of petty arguments thrown around when people want to start ish for no reason,other than that they are battling inferiority complexes of their own.
Nothing about that article said " I am secure in the choices I make for me."
Good luck to anyone that can relate to her.:yep:
transitioning? said:
I had to log into my computer just to comment. She is correct being natural does not make you blacker. That said our ancestors had no interest in straightening their hair until they came in contact with the Europeans. It was not until we began to believe that our hair was inferior did we began to alter it. To deny our history is ignorant. So the fact that a majority of us straigten our hair is a hold over from our history. We have semi-adopted our opressors(past tense) standard of beauty. The natural hair movement is needed. Naturals are not more enlightened or anything like that but the movement is helping to affirm that Africans and their descents are beautiful. So individually I do not think that people who straighten hate themselves. That said I think that becuase a majority of us straighten our we as a whole do not value our natural beauty.



This was so well said it needed repeating
I guess I am one of the few that has encountered militant naturals one on the job and a few in passing. But that also might be because these people are also on blogs.

I have no problem with her expressing how she feels just as I don't have a problem with naturals/transitioners expressing how they feel about being put down about their hair choice. She could have left out Chris Rock but she is certainly entitled. I am sure the article must have come from something she has experienced personally and/or someone else's experience. I see no need to get all twisted over this.

I normally don't post in this type of post because I reached a point in my life where the little things don't bother me. However, I feel compelled to say that, if everyone is okay with how they CHOOSE to wear their hair, then nothing anyone says or writes about should matter. I took it to be more tongue in cheek about the spanx etc and not to be taken literally. So, since we all seem to be okay about the way we wear our hair, there shouldn't be any responses about her article :lachen:.

The above opinion is Coffee's and not representative of LHCF :lachen:.

Let's lighten up and have a wonderfully blessed drama free hair weekend.
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She sounds like she has a real problem with naturals :lol:

No, what she has a problem with is the naturals who look down on another who chooses to relax, wear weave, etc. :rolleyes: I agree with her on that. There is too many things that separate us already. She is just echoing some of the threads that can be found here. To many people, hair is just not that serious. They view it as they view clothing; something they can change at the drop of the hat. Some of us here and You Tube ladies have gone off on this subject. Some are natural and some are relaxed. I believe this woman is venting about a minority of people who have the natural superiority complex. In fact, this reminds me of the Natural Bullies Thread some where on the board.
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I think the author's argument required further consideration of the many reasons why women are going natural nowadays. To some it may mean going against a "white" standard of beauty, but that is not everyone. I can tell her one thing...Chris Rock is not at the core of what is going on.
I totally get what she is saying and din't find her angry she is prolly annoyed that people make such a big fuss over a 'permed' head and often times it's our own who make remarks like you think you white cause your hair permed, it's stupid comments like that...I wear my hair the way I like it's not a big deal and I'm still black SOME natural people trip right out like they aint never had a perm, smh
Going natural doesn’t make a woman any better or “Blacker” than one rocking a weave down to her behind. If that’s the case, how do you explain when White women wear “extensions” and straighten their naturally curly hair? Who are they trying to be like?

Umm, each other?

I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum, and that won’t change.

I don't know that wearing a relaxer, just like nearly everyone else, really constitutes marching to the beat of your own drum.

With that said, I agree that natural hair doesn't make you blacker and relaxers don't mean you're self-loathing. I just object to the comparison to White women and extensions because they are very clearly altering their appearances within the confines of their own beauty traditions. They seldom if ever alter their appearance to venture outside of those bounds.