Your hair doesn't look natural!

You look type 3C to me. I don't see type 4, but maybe I'm wrong?

And you don't look 38 to me either.

Girl I'm 3C too..... our hair is just fly.... all these other ladies be mad at us :grin:
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You look type 3C to me. I don't see type 4, but maybe I'm wrong?

And you don't look 38 to me either.

Girl I'm 3C too..... our hair is just fly.... all these other ladies be mad at us :grin:

Thanks you for the age compliment :grin:! I'll be 39 in November! My momma always told me black don't crack :grin:! I don't think I'm a 3C because I don't have definite spirals. My hair kind just do its on thing! lol!
Thanks you for the age compliment :grin:! I'll be 39 in November! My momma always told me black don't crack :grin:! I don't think I'm a 3C because I don't have definite spirals. My hair kind just do its on thing! lol!

Listen I gave you the 3C badge of honour girl.

Take it and run with it. :lol:

Its cool hun, just telling the truth. I'm black too (obvs lol) so hopefully I won't crack too :grin:

ETA: Girl stop playing. You know you a type 3.... you're still natural, don't listen to those who say you have to fight with your comb to be natural :lachen:
I dont defend my Natural hair choice/I just ignore those fools & keep it moving...


Happy Hair Growing!
tashboog- If your hair is 4a, its very fine and you may not have a lot of hair on your head, density. I have very fine 4a hair that appears to be very thick and even coarse when I wear an afro. It APPEARS to be thick when Im wearing dry stretched styles. Twistouts, braidouts etc...When you touch it its soft like cotton with roots that feel almost straight. I used to wet set my hair and it looked relaxed. I hate to admit that I hated the fact that my hair had a relaxed look especially since its so fine. This was my personal feeling. So, I found some info on fine 4a hair and began to lay off the conditioner. Check blogger Natural Selection if you are interested. She has a lot of info on fine hair. I have found that a leave in conditioner is all my fine strands can stand. Since I researched fine natural hair, I have noticed that some naturals are over moisturizing and conditioning. Type 4 hair can be just as fine as type two or three with low density .Since I stopped those cowashes and deep conditioning my has thickened a lot, looks, feels and is more healthy and has grown a lot. This may be why people think your hair looks relaxed. My mother would see me with what appeared to be a thick coarse afro one day and if I did a braid out on wet hair she would say, did you get a relaxer? Lol! My personal decision is thickness, big hair and dry styling using a leave in, oils and butters. People have asked me why I like the thick fluffy look instead of the fine wet set. Dismissed! I love my hair this way instead of the other way. Just sharing my discovery! :) Your hair may just be very versatile. Do what suits you!

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tashboog- If your hair is 4a, its very fine and you may not have a lot of hair on your head, density. I have very fine 4a hair that appears to be very thick and even coarse when I wear an afro. It APPEARS to be thick when Im wearing dry stretched styles. Twistouts, braidouts etc...When you touch it its soft like cotton with roots that feel almost straight. I used to wet set my hair and it looked relaxed. I hate to admit that I hated the fact that my hair had a relaxed look especially since its so fine. This was my personal feeling. So, I found some info on fine 4a hair and began to lay off the conditioner. Check blogger Natural Selection if you are interested. She has a lot of info on fine hair. I have found that a leave in conditioner is all my fine strands can stand. Since I researched fine natural hair, I have noticed that some naturals are over moisturizing and conditioning. Type 4 hair can be just as fine as type two or three with low density .Since I stopped those cowashes and deep conditioning my has thickened a lot, looks, feels and is more healthy and has grown a lot. This may be why people think your hair looks relaxed. My mother would see me with what appeared to be a thick coarse afro one day and if I did a braid out on wet hair she would say, did you get a relaxer? Lol! My personal decision is thickness, big hair and dry styling using a leave in, oils and butters. People have asked me why I like the thick fluffy look instead of the fine wet set. Dismissed! I love my hair this way instead of the other way. Just sharing my discovery! :) Your hair may just be very versatile. Do what suits you!

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You are correct. I have fine/thin hair that appears thick. So when you wear your out styles do you only apply a leave in conditioner? Now does your hair look more natural when you where a braid out or twist out? How do you currently wear your fine strands? So you don't deep condtiion or cowash?
You are correct. I have fine/thin hair that appears thick. So when you wear your out styles do you only apply a leave in conditioner? Now does your hair look more natural when you where a braid out or twist out? How do you currently wear your fine strands? So you don't deep condtiion or cowash?

I do a warm natural olive and/or coconut oil treatment, shampoo then apply a leave in conditioner. My fine hair moisturizes very easily, so I do not deep condition or co wash anymore. I use to notice that even cheapie conditioners would make my hair appear limp and relaxed when dry. Yes. When I wear out styles which is every day , I only apply a leave in and seal with an oil. Before I braid or twist at night. I also do more chunky twist and braid outs. They give me high definition and tons of fullness. (check out nikkimae and african export on youtube for a chunky twist out, their tutorials are awesome fir this) Look up Jc's deep conditioning article at the Natural Haven blog. That article helped me to realize how over rated and generally useless deep conditioning can be, especially for fine hair naturals. I currently wear dry (well moisturized but NOT wet) chunky twist and braid outs. I wear my hair out 99% of the time. It has gotten really I am in love with big hair. To style at night, I apply a little leave in. Cantu loves my hair for some strange reason. I have spent so much money looking for the best leave in and it ended up being the cheap stuff... Go figure. But that jar is like gold to me. I call it my miracle cream. Its a shame this product didnt work for many people, but I am convinced they were using too much. Its consistency is watery, so a little goes a long way when styling I apply it to each section and the ends. It softens my hair just enough to braid. I seal with olive or almond oil and a small dab of shea butter. Sometimes I spray a light mist to moisturize. My regimen is extremely simple. My hair looks 100% more natural. Heck, looks like a big thick bush now and it will as long as I dont over use the moisturizers and conditioners. You can not tell my hair is fine unless you touch it and feel those fine roots.
Hope that helps. I am long winded sorry

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Maybe you have a mixture of hair types? I know for certain all the hair on my head isn't the same. Also, who said there were no in between stages from 3c to 4a? These are just distinctions made up by people, so they're not set in stone.

I do want to say that your hair looks awesome! As a general rule of thumb I never assume anyone's hair is relaxed. I have a friend who is a BW and she straightens her natural hair. She has perfected the art of getting it bone straight and she's as natural as they come. People think she's relaxed, but I know she isn't. MY hair doesn't work that way and I'm natural, but we're two different people with two different genetics. Why would it be the same?

In the moment get annoyed, say your annoyed, and then let the moment pass. Staying upset or angry only punishes one person: you. If you get it off your chest then and there you can move your cute little natural behind along and they'll be impressed not only by your hair, but by your view of life as well! ;)
It's because your hair is gorgeous! It could be that they wished they could do what you do to your hair.:yep: Let that motivate you, not make you feel bad.
Any type of hair can be natural, from type 1 to 4.

I wonder if they think natural hair has to be a brushed out type 4a or b?
I know what you mean. I have a friend who recently texlaxed since she was not seeing the same results as me and another natural friend. She did not feel that her natural hair could hang like my natural hair - which was in a braid out that day. We both sent her lots of tips and video links, which she admittedly did not try out.

She was 4b but is now, I think, 4a/3c (based on photos she sent) after the mild relaxing.

The comments are not a reflection on your hair, but rather the fact that their techniques (or lack their of) are not producing the same results. Some people would just rather comment on your hair not "looking" natural instead of working on improving their own results.

Well the people I'm referring to are in my inner circle. Some of them are natural as well but my hair doesn't look like theirs so I'm guessing that's why they say it looks like a roller set on relaxed hair. I'm proud of being natural but it just annoys me when people have their own definition of what natural hair should look like. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but I live in Ohio and having natural hair isn't the norm especially in my hometown! If I let my hair air dry without being manipulated then I have an afro just like them but I just choose not to wear my hair like that because I'm having enough issues as it is on my hair journey.
I know what you mean. I have a friend who recently texlaxed since she was not seeing the same results as me and another natural friend. She did not feel that her natural hair could hang like my natural hair - which was in a braid out that day. We both sent her lots of tips and video links, which she admittedly did not try out.

She was 4b but is now, I think, 4a/3c (based on photos she sent) after the mild relaxing.

The comments are not a reflection on your hair, but rather the fact that their techniques (or lack their of) are not producing the same results. Some people would just rather comment on your hair not "looking" natural instead of working on improving their own results.

This is so true because I don't think they are as serious as I am about having healthy hair and growing it long :yep:!
As a general rule of thumb I never assume anyone's hair is relaxed. I have a friend who is a BW and she straightens her natural hair. She has perfected the art of getting it bone straight and she's as natural as they come. People think she's relaxed, but I know she isn't. MY hair doesn't work that way and I'm natural, but we're two different people with two different genetics. Why would it be the same?
I use to wear my hair straight for almost 5 years before I've decided that I wasn't going to keep damaging my hair at the salon anymore. Everyone I know thought my hair was relaxed because my stylist was the bomb, but I had no idea he was damaging my natural hair :sad:. So as of May of last year, I stopped going to him and started cutting off all the damage hair. So now my hair is all damage free hair and I've only used heat twice since I've started my HHJ. I am happy to say that the nape of my hair is almost APL but my sides are shorter because that had the most damage. I'm still a newbie and I'm still learning and I still don't have a solid and simple regimen but I am working on it :grin:!
tashboog- If your hair is 4a, its very fine and you may not have a lot of hair on your head, density. I have very fine 4a hair that appears to be very thick and even coarse when I wear an afro. It APPEARS to be thick when Im wearing dry stretched styles. Twistouts, braidouts etc...When you touch it its soft like cotton with roots that feel almost straight. I used to wet set my hair and it looked relaxed. I hate to admit that I hated the fact that my hair had a relaxed look especially since its so fine. This was my personal feeling. So, I found some info on fine 4a hair and began to lay off the conditioner. Check blogger Natural Selection if you are interested. She has a lot of info on fine hair. I have found that a leave in conditioner is all my fine strands can stand. Since I researched fine natural hair, I have noticed that some naturals are over moisturizing and conditioning. Type 4 hair can be just as fine as type two or three with low density .Since I stopped those cowashes and deep conditioning my has thickened a lot, looks, feels and is more healthy and has grown a lot. This may be why people think your hair looks relaxed. My mother would see me with what appeared to be a thick coarse afro one day and if I did a braid out on wet hair she would say, did you get a relaxer? Lol! My personal decision is thickness, big hair and dry styling using a leave in, oils and butters. People have asked me why I like the thick fluffy look instead of the fine wet set. Dismissed! I love my hair this way instead of the other way. Just sharing my discovery! :) Your hair may just be very versatile. Do what suits you!

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This is interesting my hair is fine as well Im a 3C 4A and my roots do feel straight ( especially at the back ). When I wear stretched styles like a twistout or braidout it looks like I did them on straightened hair if I let the set dry completely. Maybe this is what others are noting with OP's hair. Hmm It may be easier to pull the curl out of fine hair by stretching. Ive found if I take the twist down while a little damp they puff up and look bigger which I like. I do DC after every wash I am scared to forgo Conditioning all together though maybe I will start just using a quick rinse out conditioner though.
^^^ COSign
@Boujoichic most definately true. My roots feel straight in the back and wavy in the front. Braid outs do come off "un natural" and don't let my hair dry in a pony tail, my ppl swear I got a perm. I'm not gonna give up DCing for that, so far so good as far as hair health so I say don't fix what aint broken!!
^^^ COSign
@Boujoichic most definately true. My roots feel straight in the back and wavy in the front. Braid outs do come off "un natural" and don't let my hair dry in a pony tail, my ppl swear I got a perm. I'm not gonna give up DCing for that, so far so good as far as hair health so I say don't fix what aint broken!!

my hair is the same way. just a pony tail is enough to make the roots completely straight

there was an article on curlynikki about this

It makes a lot of sense to me. I haven't had any damage or loss of my curl pattern from protective styles- they always come back when I wet my hair. But I don't think I need to hardcore protective style all day every day like I have been
I live in Ohio and having natural hair isn't the norm especially in my hometown!

Hey, I'm from Oh, northeast ohio, there's LOTS of naturals up here, and I live in a small town that's predominately white! No funky tudes from other naturals really. I have been wearing my natural hair (no extensions ) out for years (even when it wasn't popular ) and still only got funky comments every now and then. Where are you from? You can always keep setting the example, and KIM! :D :yep:
@ tashboog- i really wish I did. I know I dont have any on this phone. I would like you to see a before and after. I believe there are some on my hubby's phone. How do you blur out the face? Can you upload from a phone to here?

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It might just be that your hair type is different than theirs. Pay them no mind, and dont engage in these kinds of conversation with them. By engaging and responding, you validate their statements. Just smile, shrug your shoulders and KIM.

As far as hair typing, I am ready to give up. I dont think everyone's hair matches the system perfectly. Personally I'm between 4a and 3c, and my hair doesn't even make proper curls, its wavy, like ramen noodles , its just a bunch of Zs and Ss but the waves happen too often to call it wavy instead of curly.

All I know is my hair is in its natural state, you can call it whatever you want, afro, curly, or anything else, and if you want to insist its anything other than natural that's your own business bc I don't do my hair for you or anybody but myself. So just pay those people no mind and do your hair FOR YOU.
Any type of hair can be natural, from type 1 to 4.

I wonder if they think natural hair has to be a brushed out type 4a or b?

Apparently there are people who do think like this *eyerolls*, in one of my videos people were actually arguing about my hair texture not "appearing" natural smmfh...
Hello Ladies,
I'm natural and I believe I'm a 4a/b. Whenever I talk to people about my natural hair journey, they tell me your hair doesn't look natural. They comment your hair looks relaxed! I have kinky 4 type hair but I wear it in stretched styles such like my avatar. I do twist n curls, braidouts, and curly fro using flexi rods. I get so annoyed because I feel like I always have to defend myself to other people about having natural hair! I can see if I had type 3 hair but I don't! Does any one else get comments like this from the black community?

People are ignorant and probably have one idea about what "natural" looks like. You challenge their thinking. Tis all. You don't have to defend yourself or your hair.