Has your Natural Hair journey Inspired anyone else to go Natural?

Yes my mother, sister, 2 Bff, 3 classmates, 2 cousins, 4 childhood friends, and a new friend I met a couple months ago

They love my hair. Everyone has wonderful ways to rock their naps
Yes, my neighbor (and good friend) decided to stop relaxing too. She has simply beautiful natural 3b/3c hair--but she is afraid to wear it out right now, b/c she is only APL (she wants it longer, so she still wears wigs). She also adopted my regimen of wig-wearing with cornrows underneath as a PS and to help her transition.

Due to a bad sew-in she had to chop off her hair late last yr, so she is completely natural now, and I BC'd in Jan. My sister (who always said she couldn't go w/o a relaxer--as if her life depended on it) is now all of a sudden saying her "stylist told her she has a good grade of hair, doesn't need a relaxer, and can just get it blow-dried and curled for a straight look."

I don't doubt the stylist said that, but I think if she sticks with this relaxer stretching, she may go natural after seeing my hair nxt month! Imma rock my curls with pride, cuz there are some other folks I need to transition since them having any hair left in 10 yrs depends on it (ahem, my mother)...but I know she won't ever go natural--she will probably still be relaxing at 70 yrs old. #BRAINWASHED.

Don't you know she had the nerve to say that in her opinion, "natural hair doesn't go well with a nice outfit--it makes the outfit look unkempt." <<I guess she meant curly, kinky, coily, textured, wavy hair in it's natural state, not heat-trained. I guess the only way black women can wear their hair and have her approve is straightened (pressed, relaxed, etc) or braided.

[SIGH] Some people are so stuck in their ways they will NEVER change, and it's sad. :look: However, I'm thankful to the Almighty that I saw the light and stopped listening to her YEARS AGO. There is no earthly reason why I should have EVER had a relaxer...my hair is soft and not hard to manage, as she said the opposite about it. :nono: But, leaving it up to her I had a relaxer for a good 17 yrs, and b/c of her asinine views on natural hair, I actually thought I NEEDED one. :ohwell:
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one friend has gone natural because of my hair. It got me excited that I am finally doing good with my natural hair, it has been a long journey of struggles. I am happy that now I am inspiring someone.
I gotta read this thread..but I recently realized that since i started going natural in 08'-09' that basically 4 other people have done it with me..Yaaayyyy! My family member,and three other ladies. I do these ladies hair often.
My 12yo and 15yo DDs both transitioned with me. and my 12 yo and I BCed within days of each other. My 15yo hasn't cut her ends yet and is APL and "heat trained". Her hair is growing like weeds and healthy. My little sister and I decided to go natural around the same time, but she decided on sisterlocs. Her locs are growing very nicely, and are ten months old now:


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Yes, I have had plenty of my LSs and friends go natural because of me. The funny thing is that most of them were the ones who were adamant that they could not handle their natural hair and needed a relaxer. Guess I'm pretty good at convincing them otherwise.
A new work colleague has decided to go natural since meeting me. A friend from college decided to go natural after briefly texlaxing after I started transitioning. Her confidence is flagging but I may just have to pamper that hair into blossoming under her eyes! lol!
I was inspired by my roomate to go natural. Not because hers looked oh so good (I actually thought she lost her mind the day I came home and saw all types of hair in the trash), but it seemed like her hair just started thriving. She always wears it straight, so she couldn't teach me any natural styles after I bc'd, but on the day I said I was sick of dealing with my hair and called and made an appointment with my stylist to get a relaxer, she talked me out of it and called and cancelled it. I'm grateful, In july I will be a year natural! I inspired my grandmother to go natural. When she saw my hair when I first showed it to my family she got super excited and cut hers like 2 weeks later.

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i'm involved in this program at school where we visit a juvenile delinquent center, and mentor the girls there every Sunday for about six weeks. Well on our last visit we had to write anonymous post-its on each others backs. This was the first post it i read :)

i'm involved in this program at school where we visit a juvenile delinquent center, and mentor the girls there every Sunday for about six weeks. Well on our last visit we had to write anonymous post-its on each others backs. This was the first post it i read :)


Victoria44 That had to be a great feeling. I smiled when I saw this pic^.
Not yet because I have just started my transition. But I am hoping that I can inspire others to become natural during my transition and after. My mom is already starting to think about it which is BIG!