Has your Natural Hair journey Inspired anyone else to go Natural?


I feel like I must be doing something right and take it as a very high compliment when others say to me that they look at me and what I'm doing with my hair. Because of my example, they have decided to go natural too. I can count a couple of young ladies I work with that have gone natural because they have seen my natural journey. (I work with primarily men and very few AA women) I also know of at least two other people who I associate with who have decided to go natural due to partly my influence. I think it's totally awesome and is why it's really important to make sure your natural looks good :lick: especially when going out. I have bad hair days too but I try to keep it presentable/cute. Have any of you influenced some people in your lives go natural??
Most of my friends are now natural. Many of them did finalize their decision because of the info I found through this forum and other sources. We had many conversations where I was bombarded with questions about how to care for my hair followed by their reasons for not going natural. I told them all, you have to do it for you because it's what you want. I was honest about the learning curve and bad hair days, but I had those with relaxed hair also! Now, the ones that have bc'd LOVE their hair!
Yes. Two of my friends stopped getting relaxers probably a month or so after I did. They have already BC'd while as I'm still transitioning. :lol: Sometimes I get jealous because I feel like it was my idea first and they already have the prize of natural hair, but I want length as well... Also my SO has fell in love with natural hair while he's been with me. (I show him everybody fotkis! :lol:) He said I'm inspiring him to grow out his hair and get locs.
Yes I've had 2 cousins, 2 friends, and my mom go natural. I just love seeing how so many women are embracing their natural hair or at least giving it a try.
Yes, a few of my friends and my mom. My mom was a nice surprise because she wasn't really into it when I did the BC. But she did the BC a year ago herself and now it's cool that we can talk products and hair (she knows the lingo :)).
:yep: DD#1 will do a BC in May, DDs #2 and 3 are texlaxed and stretching respectively. My happiest moment came this weekend when my mom called to say she was going to go natural in May for Mother's Day:woot:. She has used harsh chemicals for years now:nono:. We have spent months nursing her hair back to decent health and dispelling the common myths about healthy hair. After seeing my hair transition she is ready. I have several co-workers and extended family who are uber curious so I know some of them will come on board before the year is out:up::grin:.
I had one friend BC and go natural.

Also, a few years ago, this young lady saw me in Walmart and wanted to know what I did to my hair (I had fingercurls). She expressed her feelings of wanting to be natural (she had just had her hair done in two strand extensions, so she was already styling in natural styles). She took a pic of my hair with her phone :lol:

A couple of months later I ran into her, she gave me her address and phone number and told me she was ready to cut off her relaxed hair, and that she wanted me to do it. I was a little apprehensive, but she begged me. I went to her house on day, cut off her relaxed ends and she looked beautifully--she was so happy. We kept in touch for a while, then I moved so I don't know how she's doing or if she's still natural.
My mother and sister have gone natural. I have not tried to influence them in any way. Both have told me that they had thoughts of giving up the relaxer but didn't think they could do it until they saw me.
I'm not sure if I inspired anyone to go natural, one friend was natural but got sucked back in the creamy crack (she does protective style her hair most of the time so her hair is flourshing). Another friend who went natural before me (2nd time) also got sucked back in to the creamy crack but did not take care of her hair and had to start all over again. I don't even think she cares about length at all. My sister decided to go back natural a couple months ago after her setback but the alluring enticing creamy crack came to her and she relaxed again, making her setback worse! She did see a pic of my hair before I weaved up and even though she didn't say anything, she decided to look up videos on becoming a heat training natural. So now she is transitioning again.
yes! so many of my co-workers and facebook friends and my bff...especially my friends with type 3 hair, they were like "well if you love it then I should try it..I only get perms twice a year anyway"
I've helped to inspire tons of people. Everyday. When they see my hair whether it's in it's natural state or straighten, they can't believe that I'm natural and instantly want to know what to do to go natural. Just recently I went straighten my hair and applied a red rinse for a shower and when I walked into the room and my friends saw my flowing, free moving, thick and almost MBL hair they were all screaming to go natural. I love it.
My mom got me to do her BC and I was happy and shocked. I didn't try to persuade her at all. She kept remarking on how soft and pretty my hair was. She asked me to trim her ends and as I got everything ready she looked at me and said,"Cut it off. I want all of the straight mess gone." :shocked:

My sister's transitioning but she's still VERY hung up on the good vs. bad hair thing. She's like :look: ,"I shouldn't have any problems because I don't have bad hair", then she'll turn around and say something derogatory towards kinky hair..... *sigh* I just woosah and let it go. :lol:

I've gotten approached for advice and such. It's pretty cool because I love people (normally lol), I'm a nice lady, and I love to talk hair. :yep: It feels good to know that there are people that appreciate/want/value natural hair. It IS just hair, but to know that OUR hair can be appreciated in ALL of it's forms is a beautiful thing.
My mom, my sister and my SIL decided to start from scrath (she had HORRIBLE heat damage) and BC.

Amongst my friends I'm the "go to" for hair questions. Products, recipes, techniques, etc. White and black friends. It's funny lol
My sister decided to transition about 5 months after me and my daughter is transitioning now. My mom is highly intrigued but is still afraid to do it for some reason.
I've been natural since 1997, there are many people that I've known that back then said they could never go natural, but now are natural or transitioning. I like to think I had something to do with that.

There are some people that I know for sure that I inspired to go natural.
My sister is transitioning. It feels good because I know my relaxing is what caused her to relax in the first place
My best childhood friend and three of my college buddies went natural because of me. They all said that they knew if I could do it, then they definitely could...let's just say you could set your calendar to my touch-up schedule. I also have one coworker who decided to go natural based on my encouragement. A couple have decided that natural hair may not be for them, but all are happy that they at least tried it.
Two people for sure. But they'll never admit to it :rolleyes:.

A few years ago, when I told one of them I was going to BC they were so against it. Guess what she did 2 years later :look:. Now she's always trying to ask me what I do with my hair. I just tell her I wash it and condition it.
My beautiful SD bc'd last year after a 10 month transition. She wanted us to do it together...but I just wasn't ready then. I wanted more length.
Yep! My friend and one of my old college roommates...

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