My professor's hair... a love story.

man.. i've been following this thread since you started it. i just can't WAIT!!

im imagining the most beautiful hair i've ever laid eyes on.

kind of like that lady who made that youtube video, the one that looked like a man.
LMAO!!! i totally didn't expect that post to end that way!! i remember that video though :ninja:
You're right. Showing her the thread was the fastest way. :yep: But still, it was a risk. :lachen: That's like someone saying they like cats, and you coming back with, "you do? Well can I show you this shrine I made?" :lachen::lachen:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: i was reading that post screaming DON'T DO IT! DON'T SHOW HER!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I liked the ingredients, but had reservations about the beeswax. Does it have a smell at all? You use it on your body too?
Yea, the beeswax gives it grip and thickness! The thing I love most about it is that its got natural ingredients in it, and it has no smell. I'm sensitive to most fragrances, so this is a good thing for me! No, I don't use it on my body, but it serves the same purpose as regular vaseline, to moisturize and protect the skin. I smiled when I saw it at Whole Foods in the baby aisle! If its gentle enough for babies, it's gentle enough for me! I got the idea of using unpetroleum jelly on my hair from Chicoro. Check out her amazing fotki if you haven't already done so!
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:detective: "Good afternoon... Welcome to Channel 6 News. In today's report we bring to you a story about a Professor :brainy: who took out a restraining order on one of her students for allegedly stalking her umm... hair. :scratchch: The case took a bizarre turn when detectives discovered a "cyber shrine" :user: dedicated to the victim's locks. The defendent was taken into custody after acting as a renegade papparazzi :Flahsssss... trying to get "texture shots" of said hair. Our sources :lurking: have revealed that the defendent is part of some cult of sorts :circle:... that is strangely obsessed with hair. This cult which goes by the name of LHCF, is rumored to be HIGHLY addictive, and indulges in GRAPHIC displays of hair porn. :shocked: Be careful, as you can easily be sucked in. :yep: Channel 6 News will keep you updated with breaking news in this strangely bizarre story...."

:giggle: *snort* :giggle:

Me too. I would feel self-conscious to show them a thread I dedicated to them right off the bat. Some of us are even too scared to ask people if they are "Niko's cousin."

Also, you know you gotta watch what you post from now on, right? :look:

Not texture shots! :blush: :lachen: Girl, she would be the coolest professor ever!! I have never known a non-LHCF forum person to be so understanding.

You're right. Showing her the thread was the fastest way. :yep: But still, it was a risk. :lachen: That's like someone saying they like cats, and you coming back with, "you do? Well can I show you this shrine I made?" :lachen::lachen:

:detective: "Good afternoon... Welcome to Channel 6 News. In today's report we bring to you a story about a Professor :brainy: who took out a restraining order on one of her students for allegedly stalking her umm... hair. :scratchch: The case took a bizarre turn when detectives discovered a "cyber shrine" :user: dedicated to the victim's locks. The defendent was taken into custody after acting as a renegade papparazzi :Flahsssss... trying to get "texture shots" of said hair. Our sources :lurking: have revealed that the defendent is part of some cult of sorts :circle:... that is strangely obsessed with hair. This cult which goes by the name of LHCF, is rumored to be HIGHLY addictive, and indulges in GRAPHIC displays of hair porn. :shocked: Be careful, as you can easily be sucked in. :yep: Channel 6 News will keep you updated with breaking news in this strangely bizarre story...."

:lachen::lachen:LMAO now this was funny, sorry if it seems like I am replying to almost everything at once. But you leave some funny comments:goodone:
Trust me, girl, I know.

But I put my camera in my purse last night so I know I won't forget it. I'm 100% confident that her hair is in it's natural state today and I've decided to just go ahead and really get into it - length shots, texture, her puff, everything. :yep:

Ya'll would riot if I came in here with some dinky camera phone shot in bad lighting. :lachen: I'm not trying to get e-jumped.
Update! :grin:

So, I came to class early, to find the place empty! I wondered if maybe class was in another room today. What if she was absent?! Oh, no she di'int. :bat: But other students began to trickle in and she made her appearance not long after. Phew! :yawn:

The end of class came quickly and I stayed after to help clean up after the brunch to be polite because, hey, I'm a nice person. But you all know what was up. :sekret:

I reminded her, "I have my camera today. (:eyebrows2)" And she started laughing and asked if I was serious. I told her yes! And that I was threatened with various e-beatdowns if I didn't deliver. :lol:


So I tried to get as many pictures as I could, but I didn't want to be greedy. :lol: The ones I did get, though, are just alright. HP cameras really bite. Badly. :ohwell: And I didn't want to take up too much of her time, as she was getting ready to leave. I didn't want to hold her up.

But it gets better. "You know what you need?" she asked me. "A canon. Here, use mine. :yep:"

And sidebar here, but Canon's are pretty much amazing. Everything came out so clear and beautiful! Her hair was really blingin' in those shots. :afro: She told me that she would email me the pictures. :yep:

I got texture shots, her edges, waves, and maybe one or two length shots. She asked to see as I took them, laughing the entire time. When I showed her the length shots, she exclaimed, "My hair looks so LONG!"

To which I replied, "It is. :yep:"

Again, she took everything in GREAT humor, laughing and smiling the whole time and she seemed to enjoy the weirdness of the situation. :lol: She said at one point, "I have to go home and tell someone I have a student taking pictures of my hair!" :lachen:

The impromptu photo-shoot went extremely well! :pics: She laughed the entire time(she may think I'm :nuts: now, but whatever, I obtained my objective) and she even struck a few funny poses. When we first began, she stood straight and looked at me, but I told her that I just wanted her hair because I didn't want to put her face online, in case she had some reservations. :yep:

I can't wait to upload them all for you! Despite the suckocity of my camera, I did get some really good shots and I'll upload the ones she sends me as well (her camera really blows mine out of the water!).

How exciting and I love your descriptive storyline too! All we have to do now is just wait patiently for the shots (however that's done) :look:.
How exciting and I love your descriptive storyline too! All we have to do now is just wait patiently for the shots (however that's done) :look:.

It was fun writing it! I used to write creatively and I've gotten out of the habit due to lack of free time, so I wanted to jazz this up a bit. Besides, I love LHCF stories! :grin: These little smilies just round things out for me. :lol:
Alright even though the HP ones are not the best you can post those until the really good ones show up from the Canon camera.

Come on, show us the PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiya, I'm always amazed at how you're the first to get to the updates. :lol:


I'm :infatuated: with new posts & User CP. Keeps me on the up with all that I care about. ;)

But yeah - post the HP pics!

The card slot is usually concealed under a 'flap' on the left side of a Mac, if I remember rightly - assuming it has one, of course.