My professor's hair... a love story.

^^I think a lot of folks mama's think that. It's their era. I grew up in the south and having lighter skin and straighter hair made you a lil more elite.:rolleyes: so since i am not straightening my hair on purpose, my folks don't understand it. they really do think it's not as attractive and makes me not as attractive. my older sis has locks that are MBL and they have grown to think they are ok over the years bc she colors them auburn and they are so long:rolleyes: i find myself rolling my eyes all the time now when i talk to them (or ignore them) about my hair:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.
Yep, that sounds like my mom! When I had my locs she kept saying "maybe when they get longer I'll like them better!" She had a fit when I cut my relaxed hair into a Fantasia-esque cut...but then turned around and did hers the same! She swore up and down it was because her ends were damaged. :rolleyes:

Just like ROBOTxcore said, when my curls are flowin and she's gettin seasick from my waves she'll be hatin big time! :gorgeous: *flips imaginary hair* Lol.
I'm just patiently waiting for Saturday.

This is making me think back to all my professors that had BANGING natural hair...only, at the time, I knew zilch about reggi's and probably just assumed they had it like that...

maybe they did, but it never crossed my mind then to ASK what they were doing.

So much has changed. I'll ask someone with a QUICKNESS what they do/use!
I know what you mean about "approachable". As of lately I've had no hesitations on giving other naturals compliments or asking them about their staple products. A few weeks ago I met this guy at the bus stop with curls similar to mine and I had to ask how he did it. He shared and I've been using his technique ever since. lol no shame in my game.

However some people are not approachable. For example just yesterday I was coming from work and I saw a young lady with really pretty long natural hair and I was going to give her a compliment but just as I was about to open my mouth she gave me the dirtiest look in the world. Which was weird I could do nothing, but look confused. But then again I work in Detroit their aren't many friendly females out here. There are some, but not many.

I tried to compliment a girl once, but she just said "thanks" in the most stank, unappreciative way. But I told myself, "you know what? it's hot out, maybe she's tired" and KIM. :yep:

I know what you mean. I saw a lady with pretty natural hair the other week, so I told her I loved her hair. She gave me this stank face and said, "don't we have the same hair?" I said, "so that means I can't give you a compliment?" :confused: Then she mentioned that she was trying to get to my length. And she never did thank me for the compliment.

Maybe she thought I was being duplicitous or false with my compliment. Personally I learned to be gracious about compliments a long time ago.

If someone gives me a compliment I always give a sincere thanks. Even if they say I look great and I feel blah I don't contradict them. I figure that not only does that insult the person giving the compliment, but if I downplay myself to others then eventually they will do the same.
Alright, you guys, I see her tomorrow. I won't bring the camera until Friday though. Tomorrow, I'll pump her for information and ask her if she's Niko's cousin. :sekret:

What if she says no and then asks me who Niko is? :blush: What should I tell her!
Updaaaate! :grin: Typing quick so I can get to the gym...

So I wasn't able to get to class early today to talk to her and I left class early, so I didn't talk to her afterward either. Another opportunity missed, right? Wrong! :grin:

On my way to my next class, I ran into her on her way to her office and we walked together. I told her I wanted to ask about her hair some more and she told me to come on in.

With my LHCF sisters in mind, I asked her what products she used and she said she keeps it simple. Pantene Pro-V conditioner, CON Moisturizing Poo, and Queen Helene's Olive Oil cream and she washes once a week. :yep:

We talked a little about oils and how they worked on our hair and then, you'll never guess what she invited me to do.

Yes, ladies. That.

The one thing that is vehemently forbidden to strangers. The single act that has spawned many a "how dare you?! :brucelee:" thread... she leaned over to let me touch her hair! :drool:

And then, she pulled out her laptop to show me the EVOO cream she uses. Hmm... a laptop, eh? :scratchch

We got onto the topic of gels, to which she said, "Not all gels are created equally." I agreed, naturally. She seems awfully knowledgeable, right? So I asked if she was Niko's cousin and she said no. I explained to her what it meant; that it was a kind of code. I then asked if I could show her something, prefacing it with "I'm not obsessed! :lol:


And I pulled up this thread to show her. :grin: She caught on quickly that it was about her and said thank you. She asked me to send her a link to this website; which, of course, I'd be more than happy to. I think she found the whole thing amusing, but does have an interest in it. :yep:

I then said you ladies are lovingly badgering me for photographs of her hair (after I explained Operation Brunch) and asked if she would mind. She said "sure" with a laugh.

So we're in! :cool2:
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Lol, this entire post and the responses are so funny. But, yeah I am also waiting to see the pictures, you got me all excited over here.
Ok... I'm going to be a voice of dissent here...

I HOPE you are planning to get your professor's permission to post her picture to any website (even with her face obscured) before you post it?!

As a professor, I never, ever post my pictures online (which is why I don't post pictures here) and I certainly would not want them posted to something as frivolous as a hair board. If I found out one of my students posted my picture anywhere without my permission I would literally try to destroy them including filing a complaint with campus student judicial affairs!

Just sayin'... :rolleyes: :nono: :ohwell:
Ok... I'm going to be a voice of dissent here...

I HOPE you are planning to get your professor's permission to post her picture to any website (even with her face obscured) before you post it?!

As a professor, I never, ever post my pictures online (which is why I don't post pictures here) and I certainly would not want them posted to something as frivolous as a hair board. If I found out one of my students posted my picture anywhere without my permission I would literally try to destroy them including filing a complaint with campus student judicial affairs!

Just sayin'... :rolleyes: :nono: :ohwell:

;) You'll be happy once you read the whole thread. :lachen:
I love this thread!! I think that your professor will find that this thread is rather cute! Hopefully she will join and share her successful tips :yep:.
man.. i've been following this thread since you started it. i just can't WAIT!!

im imagining the most beautiful hair i've ever laid eyes on.

kind of like that lady who made that youtube video, the one that looked like a man.