My husband feels that now that our youngest is starting Kindergarten that it is "time" and that I've been "sitting here" long enough. I feel all kinds of upset about his view of my being home with our four kids over the years, but for the sake of brevity I won't get into it.
I realize that my husband is stressed and resentful at carrying the financial load and would like for me to "get a job". The only thing I've asked of him is that he try and switch to the midnight shift to accomodate my going to work full time and so that someone will be here to deal with the kids. He is adamant about NOT going on nights.
We have 4 children in three different schools:
1 in grade nine - walks to school
2 at French immersion (grades 3 and 4 bussed)
1 in JK at local elementary (bussed)
I (we) need to get the kids off in their various directions in the mornings. Who could I get to do this when I find a full time job? I don't have neighbours to depend on. Any job that I manage to find (office admin work) usually requires an 8:30 or 9 a.m. start. Husband works days 7-3 downtown Toronto (we are in suburbs). Hire a nanny? We don't make "nanny" kind of money, lol. The most I can hope of making is $20/hr. Husband makes about $26/hr.
If he was on nights he would be there to deal with the kids and would be able to get them off to school in the morning, go to sleep and then get them off the bus in the afternoon. You'd think considering how badly he wants me to get a job he'd be willing to do this. This is how my parents worked around us as kids.
I'll admit I'm not happy about the prospect of going back to work all I've ever wanted to be was a wife, mother and homemaker, but I feel as though he's not comprimising and he just wants everything his way. He wants me to work and "fend for myself" and stop "depending" on him - quotes are his actual words. At this point while I love being here for my kids and in my home, the pressure from husband, and lack of respect and appreciation for what I do is making it seem not worth the sacrifice. He is resentful and always getting upset with me, so I know that I need to work. Fine! But am I wrong in requiring him to at least change his schedule to suit the kids and our family? He'd work 4 nights 10 hour each and get 3 days off...if I could find a midnight job trust me I would do it in a heartbeat.
Any advice? Help me see what I'm missing??? Please be gentle my self esteem and confidence are in the pits right now...