My hair got molested this morning in the corner store


New Member
So I'm standing in line with to pay for my stuff and this arab man walks and just sticks his hands all up in my head. Saying OMG your hair so beautiful and soft, I envy your husband.:censored::censored::shocked: I'm like get your hands out of my hair, what's wrong you you!!!!!:censored::censored::swearing::swearing:You don't walk to a stranger and without permission just stick your hands in their hair. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:swearing:I was so mad, he looked scared and I wanted to slap the crap out of him. He took me by surprise. I know there are black women who date these men , but I'm not one of them. I left my sock full of quarters at home.:wallbash::clubu::clubu:
eww eww eww grubby man fingers

but when you say this
I know there are black women who date these men , but I'm not one of them
you mean men who stick their finger in stranger's scalps? lol
i dont see the correlation between whether you are attracted to him or not makes a difference. if denzel was all up in your hair would it not matter?

cuz personally denzel could get a sock full a rocks from me too
I know I can't stand someone touching me period without my permission. However, he gave you a very nice complement, so I would have let it slide that one time.
eww eww eww grubby man fingers

but when you say this
you mean men who stick their finger in stranger's scalps? lol
i dont see the correlation between whether you are attracted to him or not makes a difference. if denzel was all up in your hair would it not matter?

cuz personally denzel could get a sock full a rocks from me too

I meant date those arab men and if Denzel had done that I would felt the same way.:wallbash:
People don't understand personal space. When I lived in Germany, there wasn't a day when I didn't feel some lady's boobs on my back while standing in line.

I know you wanna get your turn in line, but can you not touch me????
OMG!!! That was awful but also :giggle:.
I once had my co-workers wife who I have known for a little while but it's not like we were buddy buddy.....she came up behind me while we were at a get together and ran her hand down the length of my hair! I was like what??? WTH? I guess it looked soft or something. It was a bantu knot out that did not quite dry completely so it was a little frizzed on the ends but still looked "cottony" I guess:perplexed. But she did this and didn't say a word. I was :shocked:. But I didn't trip about it. Had she caught me on another day though.......:whip:.
OMG!!! That was awful but also :giggle:.
I once had my co-workers wife who I have known for a little while but it's not like we were buddy buddy.....she came up behind me while we were at a get together and ran her hand down the length of my hair! I was like what??? WTH? I guess it looked soft or something. It was a bantu knot out that did not quite dry completely so it was a little frizzed on the ends but still looked "cottony" I guess:perplexed. But she did this and didn't say a word. I was :shocked:. But I didn't trip about it. Had she caught me on another day though.......:whip:.

That's just freaking rude!!!!:wallbash: And then people think YOU"RE wrong because you say something to them.
Did you have to say molested? LOL!!!

That wasn't cool though. Get your hands out of my hair! Only my man has that privilege. Yes it is a privilege.
I meant date those arab men

I am still not understanding the correlation between race, dating, and your hair.

Regardless of the race of the guy, you don't stick your fingers in someone's hair- that's tactless and rude. And yes, the guy was rude, but was he asking you out by touching your hair? Was he propositioning you?
I am still not understanding the correlation between race, dating, and your hair.

Regardless of the race of the guy, you don't stick your fingers in someone's hair- that's tactless and rude. And yes, the guy was rude, but was he asking you out by touching your hair? Was he propositioning you?

Okay maybe I went overboard with that one, But I was hot and the comment about envying my hubby made it worse to me. I felt like he was waiting for me to say I'm not married.:nono:
Did you have to say molested? LOL!!!

That wasn't cool though. Get your hands out of my hair! Only my man has that privilege. Yes it is a privilege.

DITTO EWW I am really funny about people touching me that i do not know:nono:
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So I'm standing in line with to pay for my stuff and this arab man walks and just sticks his hands all up in my head. Saying OMG your hair so beautiful and soft, I envy your husband.:censored::censored::shocked: I'm like get your hands out of my hair, what's wrong you you!!!!!:censored::censored::swearing::swearing:You don't walk to a stranger and without permission just stick your hands in their hair. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:swearing:I was so mad, he looked scared and I wanted to slap the crap out of him. He took me by surprise. I know there are black women who date these men , but I'm not one of them. I left my sock full of quarters at home.:wallbash::clubu::clubu:

Yeah, you could call the police. They probably would not even bother to show up.... UNLESS you can sound super duper white on the phone. And once they do show up they will be like :yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn: Sooo??
that is creepy. no strange man should touch any part of you like that.

also, not sure about him personally, but isn't that extra disrespectful coming from an arab person in general? He is at least aware of cultures where males cannot even view a woman's hair unless they're married. He touched yours! :nono:
And you picked on me for not havin the sock of quarters!

I'm sorry hon. Sucks, don't it? Unwanted attention is bad enough, but with touching??? No Way.
that is creepy. no strange man should touch any part of you like that.

also, not sure about him personally, but isn't that extra disrespectful coming from an arab person in general? He is at least aware of cultures where males cannot even view a woman's hair unless they're married. He touched yours! :nono:

See that's my point. They don't allow their woman to work in the store but they will touch a black woman and think nothing of it. Because there are woman that get with them.:wallbash:
I do remember one night I was out with my SO and some friends at a bar just having a few beers and hanging out. I'd flat ironed my hair (this was right before my BC) and that last time one of his friends had seen me it was in a bun. I just noticed periodically throughout the night that men would find an excuse to touch my hair - especially him. It was so absent minded - like they didn't even realize they were doing it. :spinning:

I was standing next to him while he was talking to someone else and he had rested his arm across my shoulders and then randomly started petting my head :lachen: I turned to SO and said "uh...was this man just petting me?" and he and I both cracked up about it.

I wasn't offended by him, or the other guys b/c I know them and I know they didn't mean anything by it. It was just funny that they felt such a strong desire to touch it.