Stylist cut my friend's WL perfect bone straight hair to BSL!

Let's see here... I'll be needing:

(1) One name.

(2) One salon address.

(3) One baseball bat.

(4) One sheet to wrap the body in.

(5) A few towels to clean up the mess.

(6) An accomplice in case she's too heavy for me to move.

Can any of you think of anything else?
Let's see here... I'll be needing:

(1) One name.

(2) One salon address.

(3) One baseball bat.

(4) One sheet to wrap the body in.

(5) A few towels to clean up the mess.

(6) An accomplice in case she's too heavy for me to move.

Can any of you think of anything else?

(7) Gloves to insure no prints.

(8) A getaway car.

(9) Some place or method used to dispose of the aforementioned body.
The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for???

Every time someone comes in here with a story of a stylist saying this I am like :eek2:. What place is it of theirs to decide that? I can't believe we don't have any legal recourse when someone does something to our hair that we specifically requested them not to do. I am mad for your friend. You guys know now that you can't just trust any old stylist, even if you tell them what to do or not do. They do what they want!
My deaf friend and I went to salon to get our hair done in PA, we never went there before so my friend wanted to get her hair done first because her hair was too long and it took a while to finish it. I didnt mind and let her, I was waiting on the seat for the turn. My friend nicely asked the stylist to trim a little bit about an inch. But the stylist didnt say anything so she assumed that stylist understood her and guess what!? She cut all the WL hair to BSL!!! My deaf friend didnt hear the scissor clipping or didnt feel alot of hair was falling on the floor! I was completely shocked!!!!!! :shocked: I signed to her if that what she wanted...she looked shocked and gasped. she quickly looked at her hair she was PISSSSSSSSSSSSEDDDDDDDD off!!!!! She went :hot::swearing::swearing::swearing:at the stylist why did she do THAT??!!! The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for??? It too much work for long hair and it cost you alot of money because you have a long hair that s why i cut it off. And she said that her hair will grow back anyway....I was like :swearing:You are so wrong!!!!!!! You cant cut her hair like that and it even NOT your HAIR!!!!! forget it we are not paying you anything!!! Of course we couldnt speak so well we sounded like alien we tried to speak english clearly oh well she better understand our girbblish language!! :catfight::catfight::catfight: We left without pay her! The stylist was sooo PISSSSSSSEDDDD off!!! I didnt give a f*** about her!!! Thank god I didnt went first, man i feel soooo bad for my friend! :nono: I cant believe this!

Man, that is so crazy! I'm sorry for what happened to your friend, but it was so funny how y'all rolled out! :lachen:
That sounds like pure jealousy to me. Her reasoning was that your friend didn't need the long hair and she'd save money with it shorter? Since when is a stylist trying to lose out on money? Nah, she did that on purpose and I'm sorry that happened to your friend.:wallbash:
Let's see here... I'll be needing:

(1) One name.

(2) One salon address.

(3) One baseball bat.

(4) One sheet to wrap the body in.

(5) A few towels to clean up the mess.

(6) An accomplice in case she's too heavy for me to move.

Can any of you think of anything else?

(7) Gloves to insure no prints.

(8) A getaway car.

(9) Some place or method used to dispose of the aforementioned body.

(10) An alibi:look: Just saying though.:lachen:
I'm sorry that had to happen to your friend. Good thing you all got out of there fast! She was jealous cause her hair wasn't long and beautiful. I don't know what's wrong with some of stylis. They need to go back to school and learn how to cut and not to cut to much. That happened to me once and I will never go back to that salon ever (Clinton, MD). This was in May and I needed to find someone new to do my hair. This was my first time going and the girl made my hair look so beautiful :grin: so I set an appointment for two weeks. When two weeks came she was not there anymore and another lady had to do my hair. Well, I wasn't feelin it at all :nono: but because she was the only other person there that could do my hair I let her do it. My hair was BSL and she cut layers into to give it some style and I said I really didn't want to at the time cause I wanted the other girl to do it but the owner was like she is not coming back. I hated it:wallbash: and it was the worse cut ever, my hair didn't have that body or flow like it had before. Never again will I let anyone cut my hair. I learned my lesson. I just need to find one thats not scissor happy!
The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for??? It too much work for long hair and it cost you alot of money because you have a long hair that s why i cut it off. And she said that her hair will grow back anyway
As if it's going to grow back overnight. It's none of the stylist's business why your friend wants long hair. If your friend wants to put in the work and spend money to care for her hair that's her business. That stylist is lazy and jealous.

Definitely call a lawyer and report this to the BBB. Tell all your friends, family, and co-workers.

I'm glad you didn't pay her.
Man... :swearing:

I'm telling you I'm thinking about carrying my own mirror into the salons and demanding that I get to watch the entire time they cut my hair....

It she didn't understand anything she understood "You're not getting paid". You don't just cut someone's hair because you think it's too long. That's not right.
I can't even say what I want to say.

How do you......

Why would you....

How is it any....

I am boiling and wasn't even there. :wallbash:

This is just incredible! There are just too many scary and absolutely insane stories about going to a salon now days. It's as if you should read a warning label or paragraph before you even walk into one.

WL to BSL that is YEARS of haircare work and maintenance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sitting on this woman's floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Every time someone comes in here with a story of a stylist saying this I am like :eek2:. What place is it of theirs to decide that? I can't believe we don't have any legal recourse when someone does something to our hair that we specifically requested them not to do. I am mad for your friend. You guys know now that you can't just trust any old stylist, even if you tell them what to do or not do. They do what they want!

Exactly!!! And if she didn't want to be bothered because of the length, she could have: 1) told her it would cost more because of her length, or 2) told her she couldn't do it and let her go somewhere else.

Her license should be revoked ASAP!
:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: My friend text'd me recently that she said that her mother was sooooooooo PISSED off after what've happened at the salon. So she called the salon and tld her how dare the stylist cut her hair without her permission and guess what stylist said to her...She said her ends were damaged and very angry that my friend left the salon without paying her first. WE couldnt BELIEVE that she was LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is sooo :pinocchioMy mother knows that she was lying because she have seen her long healthy WL hair before. She tld me that her mother is going to meet her TOMORROW!!! MORE DRAMA! Cant wait to find out what happen tomorrow!

THIS IS A HEARTBREAKING!!!! :nono::nono::nono::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::swearing::swearing::swearing:I am going to post the salon information in salon review section soon!!!!!! She was soooooo upset because she grew her hair to WL for 3 and half years!!!!!!:wallbash:


I need to :clubu::hardslap::whipped::gunner7::couchfire::redxgun2::catfight::gotroasted: at that stylist!!!!!!!!! Urg I feel soooo :angry2::angry2::angry2:
:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: My friend text'd me recently that she said that her mother was sooooooooo PISSED off after what've happened at the salon. So she called the salon and tld her how dare the stylist cut her hair without her permission and guess what stylist said to her...She said her ends were damaged and very angry that my friend left the salon without paying her first. WE couldnt BELIEVE that she was LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is sooo :pinocchioMy mother knows that she was lying because she have seen her long healthy WL hair before. She tld me that her mother is going to meet her TOMORROW!!! MORE DRAMA! Cant wait to find out what happen tomorrow!

THIS IS A HEARTBREAKING!!!! :nono::nono::nono::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::swearing::swearing::swearing:I am going to post the salon information in salon review section soon!!!!!! She was soooooo upset because she grew her hair to WL for 3 and half years!!!!!!:wallbash:


I need to :clubu::hardslap::whipped::gunner7::couchfire::redxgun2::catfight::gotroasted: at that stylist!!!!!!!!! Urg I feel soooo :angry2::angry2::angry2:

tell her to have a camera present for any evidence.
whats MSL?
I dunno....I think I would've taken those scissors and cut the stylist's hair. That's why I'm so afraid to get my hair trimmed a salon.:nono:
My deaf friend and I went to salon to get our hair done in PA, we never went there before so my friend wanted to get her hair done first because her hair was too long and it took a while to finish it. I didnt mind and let her, I was waiting on the seat for the turn. My friend nicely asked the stylist to trim a little bit about an inch. But the stylist didnt say anything so she assumed that stylist understood her and guess what!? She cut all the WL hair to BSL!!! My deaf friend didnt hear the scissor clipping or didnt feel alot of hair was falling on the floor! I was completely shocked!!!!!! :shocked: I signed to her if that what she wanted...she looked shocked and gasped. she quickly looked at her hair she was PISSSSSSSSSSSSEDDDDDDDD off!!!!! She went :hot::swearing::swearing::swearing:at the stylist why did she do THAT??!!! The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for??? It too much work for long hair and it cost you alot of money because you have a long hair that s why i cut it off. And she said that her hair will grow back anyway....I was like :swearing:You are so wrong!!!!!!! You cant cut her hair like that and it even NOT your HAIR!!!!! forget it we are not paying you anything!!! Of course we couldnt speak so well we sounded like alien we tried to speak english clearly oh well she better understand our girbblish language!! :catfight::catfight::catfight: We left without pay her! The stylist was sooo PISSSSSSSEDDDD off!!! I didnt give a f*** about her!!! Thank god I didnt went first, man i feel soooo bad for my friend! :nono: I cant believe this!

Oh, hell naw. I would have called the police and told them to come get me and called the ambulance to come get her! Good you did not pay that clown. This is a jealous twit for you. How long is this nutjobs "hair stylist" hair? This is why I don't go to hair dressers, especialy female because they get so jealous and evil.

I had a similar experience when I was relaxing my hair. I had BSL hair after the re-touch because I stretched it 6 months. After she harrased me to trim I agreed to ONLY a centimeter NOT an inch. This brick head actually cut my hair to SHOULDER LENGTH! I was like WTF???, where is the hair? Then I looked on the floor and my chair was surrounded with hair. MY HAIR! She said, oh your hair was really thin and damaged at the ends. EEE VILLLL! I turned 3 shades of blue. And I certainly did not tip her. I never went back.

I'm sorry you and your friend went through that, people take advantage of those they think they can get away with it.
I keep telling ya'll if you want your hair cut go to Supercuts or some place like that and get your hair cut. Those white girl's are seriously affraid you will kick their ass if they cut too much of your hair off! I had to tell this one poor child to take more off three times once:grin:.