Stylist cut my friend's WL perfect bone straight hair to BSL!

Oh, hell naw. I would have called the police and told them to come get me and called the ambulance to come get her! Good you did not pay that clown. This is a jealous twit for you. How long is this nutjobs "hair stylist" hair? This is why I don't go to hair dressers, especialy female because they get so jealous and evil.

I had a similar experience when I was relaxing my hair. I had BSL hair after the re-touch because I stretched it 6 months. After she harrased me to trim I agreed to ONLY a centimeter NOT an inch. This brick head actually cut my hair to SHOULDER LENGTH! I was like WTF???, where is the hair? Then I looked on the floor and my chair was surrounded with hair. MY HAIR! She said, oh your hair was really thin and damaged at the ends. EEE VILLLL! I turned 3 shades of blue. And I certainly did not tip her. I never went back.

I'm sorry you and your friend went through that, people take advantage of those they think they can get away with it.

Wtffffff?!!!! :angry2: This is soo.......:wallbash::wallbash: I am going to avoid stylists for life!!! :nono::nono::nono: Now more jealous hairdressers are growing out now!!!
It is time for .....

Someone needs to create a new court "LHCF's Court"!
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I'm looking forward to seeing this on People's Court! I would definitely sue in small claims court.
I can't believe she did that! I'm never ever going to a stylist after all the horror stories posted on this board. :nono:


The stylist needs her license revoked!:yep:
that is just terrible :mad: Exactly why I am taking over my own haircare...can't stand some of them biches and I am not trying to catch a case behind one of them...she deserved a serious beatdown for that dare her decide what is too long for your friend...she was way OUT OF LINE....
She cut her hair on purpose?!!!! Can't you sue for that? I would. And I'm so sorry for what happened to your friend, that stylist is lucky she didn't get her behind whopped. One day she'll do it to the wrong one.

I disagree, one day she'll do it to the right one because the right one will do the right thing and whoop her ass.
WTF? From WL to BSL? How many months of growth is that? I wouldn't know what to do. That's truly messed up and I would try my best to get that stylist put out of business. She can't go around butchering people's hair because she wants to and get away with it.
WTF? From WL to BSL? How many months of growth is that? I wouldn't know what to do. That's truly messed up and I would try my best to get that stylist put out of business. She can't go around butchering people's hair because she wants to and get away with it.
anywhere from 6 months to 1 year depending on your growth rate, trims, and how long your torso is...thats IF there are no setbacks along the way.

this whole thread made me angry:perplexed
How horrible. I really want to call that stylist out of her name. :mad: I'm glad you all didn't pay, and I hope you all take it further. :mad:
My deaf friend and I went to salon to get our hair done in PA, we never went there before so my friend wanted to get her hair done first because her hair was too long and it took a while to finish it. I didnt mind and let her, I was waiting on the seat for the turn. My friend nicely asked the stylist to trim a little bit about an inch. But the stylist didnt say anything so she assumed that stylist understood her and guess what!? She cut all the WL hair to BSL!!! My deaf friend didnt hear the scissor clipping or didnt feel alot of hair was falling on the floor! I was completely shocked!!!!!! :shocked: I signed to her if that what she wanted...she looked shocked and gasped. she quickly looked at her hair she was PISSSSSSSSSSSSEDDDDDDDD off!!!!! She went :hot::swearing::swearing::swearing:at the stylist why did she do THAT??!!! The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for??? It too much work for long hair and it cost you alot of money because you have a long hair that s why i cut it off. And she said that her hair will grow back anyway....I was like :swearing:You are so wrong!!!!!!! You cant cut her hair like that and it even NOT your HAIR!!!!! forget it we are not paying you anything!!! Of course we couldnt speak so well we sounded like alien we tried to speak english clearly oh well she better understand our girbblish language!! :catfight::catfight::catfight: We left without pay her! The stylist was sooo PISSSSSSSEDDDD off!!! I didnt give a f*** about her!!! Thank god I didnt went first, man i feel soooo bad for my friend! :nono: I cant believe this!

All of that right there is why I am scared as I don't know what to go to any stylist out here in Oklahoma. I always think about this. I am getting antsy to have a professional apply my relaxers as my hair is getting longer, but I'm afraid of this scene. I'm sorry that happened to your friend :nono:
Ok I live in PA and I am ready to do a drive by....I operate a cyber-franchise called "Hummer's to Hell" where I gas up the e-hummer and drop folks off at the sulfur gates. Seeing as this is a special I am willing to do this for free. I will need

1. Some volunteers for the *** whooping (ShiShiPoo Poo, Kellye and Smarty you are up)
2. Tube socks and ivory soap (leaves no marks)
3. Oil for my chainsaw (I have a chainsaw and a shovel, doubt anyone would miss her)

Oh and I have the place...don't even worry bout that...

Oh and y'all gotta come up with your own alibi's...

But no she gotsta go down!!!! Too bad she couldn't have gathered up some of her hair for court purposes. See this is why I am debating on going back to my stylist because she got a little cut happy the last time I went in Feb.

Please report her and her shop to the BBB and file a claim in SCC. I am sorry this happened to your friend. I really am.

we are here for you
When you make your claim or argument or speak to her boss or whatever you decide to do, make sure you point out that she purposely took advantage of someone with a disability. I think that point will go far towards making your claim.
This is exactly why I don't go to sylists for some reason they feel the need to do what is convienent for themselves oppose to what the client actually wants. I can't believe the odasity(sp) of this stylist to hack off your friends hair like that the only reason I can think of is just straight jealousy and hatin on your friend. Iam natural I refuse to go to a hairdresser because if that were me honestly I think I would have beat that a** on top of not paying her.
I too would have been truely pissed.
She is a fing liar for that lame a$$ excuse she gave. If
I were a damn cosemetologist and I had some lady with
extra long hair that did not mind paying extra, I would be happy to do her hair and make that money. She should be reported. I know you havent had time to go back but that ***** needs to be put in check. She needs to pay retribution(sp) for that.
I keep telling ya'll if you want your hair cut go to Supercuts or some place like that and get your hair cut. Those white girl's are seriously affraid you will kick their ass if they cut too much of your hair off! I had to tell this one poor child to take more off three times once:grin:.

This is so true. I went to get my hair trimmed on the 4th of July (I know) and supercuts was closed. So I went to Ulta. I told Becky a trim and only 1 inch. She then showed me with her fingers what one inch was. She was so scared to cut too much of my hair. Every time she cut, she showed me. She said, " I don't want you to leave here pissed off, so I'm cutting only what you say." Either go to some place like that where to get your hair trimmed or get a man to cut your hair. Sad but true.
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I've said many times before, there are some straight up haters out there! Some of them totally disrespect us and our buying power. I can't think of any other service we pay for where we get treated so poorly. My last pro relaxer in 2005 I kept saying "no cut". At the end the ***** was combing my head so hard she was raking my shoulders:wallbash: Could you imagine what kind of "trim" I would have had if she got her way?

Please, press charges. On the Long Hair Community ppl have gotten convictions for assault.
i am so sorry you and your friend went thru this. please dont forget to put this salon in the salon review forum because they need to be put on blast. the stylist needs to be sued and her hair snatched out since she doesnt really care about anyone else's hair. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: just trifling.
This is messed up! :brucelee: I think some stylists are jealous when they see clients with beautiful, long, healthy hair. This woman seemed to be plain foolish because her reasons for cutting the hair make absolutely no sense! I wonder what can be done to compensate your friend.
Oh, hell naw. I would have called the police and told them to come get me and called the ambulance to come get her! Good you did not pay that clown. This is a jealous twit for you. How long is this nutjobs "hair stylist" hair? This is why I don't go to hair dressers, especialy female because they get so jealous and evil.

I had a similar experience when I was relaxing my hair. I had BSL hair after the re-touch because I stretched it 6 months. After she harrased me to trim I agreed to ONLY a centimeter NOT an inch. This brick head actually cut my hair to SHOULDER LENGTH! I was like WTF???, where is the hair? Then I looked on the floor and my chair was surrounded with hair. MY HAIR! She said, oh your hair was really thin and damaged at the ends. EEE VILLLL! I turned 3 shades of blue. And I certainly did not tip her. I never went back.

I'm sorry you and your friend went through that, people take advantage of those they think they can get away with it.

OMG!!! :angry2::angry2::angry2: I swear now that my hair is getting longer, I dred going to my stylist. Her hair use to be BSL when mine was breaking off (a lil past SL), now mine is reaching BSL while hers is breaking (a lil past SL) :( I pray that she doesn't get jealous of my progress :pray:

I really just need to try doing it myself before it gets "too long" :rolleyes:

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this!! I hope your friend is ok.

Please don't let this woman get away with this. They should make a "Beware of Stylist armed and dangerous" poster for this chick.

That's why this forum is so important, more and more people are going to start doing their hair at home because it's not worth going to jail over somebody cutting your hair.

But shoot I could just plead "Temporay Insanity" because I would lose my mind for a moment.:grin:
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WHAT THE F!!!! I woulda called the police on the b--- for stealing!!! That has to be some sort of crime!!!

She took advantage of yall! I would press charges - ignorant!!! I'm so pissed just reading that!
And I would sue the **** outta her and bad mouth her salon, and go to the news and report her bad business. I aint playing. OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am pisssssed!!!!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
I've said many times before, there are some straight up haters out there! Some of them totally disrespect us and our buying power. I can't think of any other service we pay for where we get treated so poorly. My last pro relaxer in 2005 I kept saying "no cut". At the end the ***** was combing my head so hard she was raking my shoulders:wallbash: Could you imagine what kind of "trim" I would have had if she got her way?

Please, press charges. On the Long Hair Community ppl have gotten convictions for assault.
Seriously though, if I were a cop, I would look the other way on stuff like this.
Wtffffff?!!!! :angry2: This is soo.......:wallbash::wallbash: I am going to avoid stylists for life!!! :nono::nono::nono: Now more jealous hairdressers are growing out now!!!

If you want to get your hair trimmed or cut in the future....go to a supercuts. They cut hair all day long and they will listen to what you want and do what you requested. I have had no complaints so far. PLUS they are a chain and you could always complain to corporate if they *** UP! BUT don't go to stylist for cuts NEVER.