New Member
Oh, hell naw. I would have called the police and told them to come get me and called the ambulance to come get her! Good you did not pay that clown. This is a jealous twit for you. How long is this nutjobs "hair stylist" hair? This is why I don't go to hair dressers, especialy female because they get so jealous and evil.
I had a similar experience when I was relaxing my hair. I had BSL hair after the re-touch because I stretched it 6 months. After she harrased me to trim I agreed to ONLY a centimeter NOT an inch. This brick head actually cut my hair to SHOULDER LENGTH! I was like WTF???, where is the hair? Then I looked on the floor and my chair was surrounded with hair. MY HAIR! She said, oh your hair was really thin and damaged at the ends. EEE VILLLL! I turned 3 shades of blue. And I certainly did not tip her. I never went back.
I'm sorry you and your friend went through that, people take advantage of those they think they can get away with it.