My hair got molested this morning in the corner store

OH Bronzeville. Wow that area is DA BOMB now. I remember you could get buildings there from the city for a dollar now they are like crazy money. My friend owns the Negro League Cafe on 47th. Nice Jazz on Fridays. But that is a lovely area but it still has it pockets of Bodega hell and all those stores are owned by men who act like this towards the women that come into the store because you have (SOME) women that put themselves out there like that. They don't discern. They don't. Its sad but sometimes they don't. But these are the low lifes of their communities anyway. They all live in like Bridgeview, Chicago Ridge Burbank. The ones that are about something live in Orland Park, Palos Hills and Palos Heights but these are the lawyers and doctors who are educated and would never even think of owning a Bodega. These guys in the bodega though some of them are nice they are from a different class structure even back home. I can tell even by the way they speak Arabic these were not the upper echelons of their socities even in their home countries.

I live on the south side in Bronzeville and not from 55th:grin:
Yes it very nice around here and the police is cleaning it up even more. I've never been to that cafe. I'll have to go Friday we love jazz.
:look:..if you will go back and read my comment, i prefaced it with "on an aside", meaning other tangential thought...i have noticed enhanced "anti-arab" sentiment AROUND me. ...

.... I choose not to go through the world thinking that the beliefs of a whole culture are defined by the behavior of a few. Additionally i don't think i said i had not experienced racist sexism I was referring to being called a prostitute simply because i am a black woman. I am not a child and I have experienced many negatives things in my life. I just refuse to have my world view besmirched by the actions of a few idiots.

Does the fact that you are native american and your cousin jewish mean you cannot be racist? if so you may need to come and have a strong word with some of the people i know!

Oh, I completely understood. To the bolded, well, me too, that's why I have friends, family and acquaintances OUTSIDE LHCF as you do, and I always have. I also speak several languages. Part of the reality being a Black woman is that some people will treat you as such. To not fall into the trenches and get devoured, you have to have your defenses up and be knowledgeable about certain behaviors. Every wise man will know his enemy.

OP was correct in her assumption. Why? Because more people than me or my cousin have actually been victimized by this kind of nonsense. And to find out this happened in Chicago in the same area as it happened to many other we know...well, that's the proof we know what we're talking about concerning this particular situation.

None of what we said here is racist against Middle Eastern people nor men, it's an alert to Black women on how one might be viewed. The reason I gave our ethnicities? We've felt anti-us sentiment around us for generations...not just lately. :yep: With all that said, Black women beware...

1)Black men might try and hit up on you and be yo baby-daddy and call you beatch and ho
2)Euro men might try and hit it that because you're a video-image American Black kinda gal
3)Middle Eastern men might try and call you abid wah sharmuta and touch you where they won't dare touch a non-relative sister from their homeland the same
4)And the list goes on

I'm not even going to try and deny there are prejudices and racism particularly geared toward Black women. That would be dishonesty coming from my part. But people will see things as they wish to see them. And I don't doubt you are experiencing anti-Arab sentiment. Well, yella go get in line...our Middle Eastern relatives are experiencing the same too. So, we know. We know. You have your opinion, I have 2 more myself. But don't discount OP's sentiments nor anyone else who knows what they are talking about and attributing "racism" to them. It's not.
OHH HEECCCKKKK NAHHHHHHHH...I hate that crap...I had that happen 2 me ... this chick in the club decided she wanted to be cute and put her hand in my fro like I couldn't feel it...I wanted to turn around and back hand her lil butt...but instead when I walked away I politely said "I felt that ma, dont touch my hair again"... I hate when people look at u sideways cause u got a it's fake...