My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?


Well-Known Member
Ok. I've been meaning to start blogging to keep track of the adventures I'm sure to embark on in my quest to meet the love of my life and get into a healthy, love filled relationship this year. I guess I'll just use this thread.

I'll try to post my dating history sometime this week to give you guys the backstory. For now, let's just say that I've been in love twice in my 27 years of living, once when I was 18 :grin:, and again at 25. My ex and I had an on and off relationship for 2 years that recently ended on the day of my graduation last month.

Trust me...everyone around me felt that it should have been over sooner than that, but I couldnt' see it. The good thing is that he's disrespected me for the last time, and I'm moving on. It's been about three weeks that I've stopped talking to him, and he just decided to send me a text the other night. Talking about 'come I come over??' Yea, right!:nono:

Enough about that...

This year I'm going to focus on dating for marriage. That means that I'm going to make myself be open minded, and start dating multiple people until I think I've found the one for me. I also intend to force myself to go out more. I'm such a houseflower, and I'm also going to do the online dating thing.

So far, there are five guys that I'm talking to. I've started chatting with four guys from, and one that I met when I was out.

1. Hughes, 32, black, has a grad degree, parents have been married for 30 years, owns a home, gainfully employed, no kids. He's very big on the black family. He has aspirations to become a clinical psychologist. He's thinking about writing about the correlation between those that grow up in single vs two parent household and being successful/contributing members of society. He's also trying to offer relationship workshops for black singles. I've read some of the content, and it sounds very interesting. He's ready to get married and settle down. We've been talking daily, and he seems to have a really good sense of humor. The only negative is that from his pictures, I'm not very attracted to him.

2. Kendall, 28, black, has BS. He's a systems integration consultant at some company. He says that he's starting up his own business next month. He's single with no kids, and is also interested in being in a committed relationship. The last message he sent asked me out to Starbucks, but I've yet to respond. I hate meeting for coffee.

3. Matt, 28, white, grad degree. He's working in oil and gas as a safety coordinator. He also doesn't have any kids. He seems really cool. I thought it was really interesting that he's taking on an Instructional Design role, and that's part of what I do at my job. We spoke for a long time about that. He asked me out last week, but I had other plans. I told him I was going to the movies last night, and he asked who I was going with. I had to make up something because I wasn't in the mood to meet. lol I need to stop.

4. Jay, 28, black, has BA and no kids. He says that he's finally 'ready'. He's going to make time to manage his time better, and make time for people that deserve it. So far it's just been messages back and forth, so I'm not so sure about this one.

5. Dante. Met him at the post office. You check out the back story in this thread. He wanted to go out lastnight, but I didn't feel up to it. I think we'll probably meet sometime this upcoming week/weekend.

6. Stephen (new guy), 27. Worked as an electrical engineer, but started law school last year. He's REALLY cute! He's lebanese and polish. His profile says that he's at a point in his life where he's done with casual dating.

I have a date with Hughes tonight. He wanted to keep it a secret, so he just told me to wear something comfortable. I'm wearing jeans and a sweater.

7. Nate. I met Nate back in May of 2009 on Match.

8. Michael.
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Sounds exciting!!! Subscribing...I enjoy hearing about other ladies and their love lives..

Maybe one day I'll get back out there (not anytime soon)...LOL
What it must feel like to be you..your suitor is lurking.I will def be reading this as Im ready to be wed and all.Thank you for sharing this bc I know alot of pretty ladies like yourself on here have alot to share but dont bc of many reasons.
Ok, so I'm chatting with Matt now. He's so hilarious. He said that he's going to set up a date for us to meet this week. I'll let you guys know how that goes. I've never been on a date with a white guy before.

I was responding to an email on Match, and this new guy IMd me. His name is Stephen. He's 27. Worked as an electrical engineer, but started law school last year. He's REALLY cute! He's lebanese and polish. His profile says that he's at a point in his life where he's done with casual dating.
This is so fun. I'm talking to Matt on yahoo messenger, and Stephen on Match IM. I'm typing like a fiend. lmbo
Should be interesting how things play out.

I hope you have matured past the "I'm going to let this man pay my way to Europe and have no romantic feelings towards him" stage.
I'm impressed that you've managed to find that many brothas with no kids. :look:

I'll be watching this thread to see how things progress.
Sounds like you have a good plan here. Can't wait to read more and hope for an awesome ending/new beginning (like Thickhair)...keep this thing updated girl!
This sounds too good to be true. I absolutely must learn your tricks of the trade. Nge careful out three and have fun! I look forward to hearing how your date goes tonight. Get it girl!
Wait, so you've not actually met some of these guys? They're just guys that you've chatted with through Match? I did online dating many moons ago, and all I'll say is, don't consider someone a prospect until you've spent a decent amount of time with them. Chatting online and actually dating someone are two very different things. Good luck! :)
Wait, so you've not actually met some of these guys? They're just guys that you've chatted with through Match? I did online dating many moons ago, and all I'll say is, don't consider someone a prospect until you've spent a decent amount of time with them. Chatting online and actually dating someone are two very different things. Good luck! :)

(sigh). Dating online is no different than meeting someone in person. I could see the concern if she only listed one guy, but she has listed several. Besides Every relationship has to start some where. The context of all these relationships is that the goal is to be more BFFs. Because of that, IMO, they are all prospects.

(sigh). Dating online is no different than meeting someone in person. I could see the concern if she only listed one guy, but she has listed several. Besides Every relationship has to start some where. The context of all these relationships is that the goal is to be more BFFs. Because of that, IMO, they are all prospects.


Sorry, I disagree. I've done online dating. You don't know if you're really into someone (therefore making them a real prospect) until you meet them and interact with them in person. With online dating, you get hundreds of "prospects" that present themselves well online and suck in person or you find are totally lying or lacking what you find attractive in a mate. I guess everyone can have a different definition of prospect, because in your definition, every dude that one may come in any type (not even in person) of contact with is a prospect. I'd disagree. Different strokes for different folks, whatever. :look:

ETA: I wish the OP the best of luck on the journey, I've been there and I totally understand. I just caution anyone to not consider anyone a real prospect until they've met them and had a legitimate face to face conversation with the person. Otherwise you're playing yourself.
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^^^I think she's just trying to share her journey from start to finish with us. My impression from the OP is that this is a journal of sorts, so she is going to update us on these prospects, duds or buds.
Sorry, I disagree. I've done online dating. You don't know if you're really into someone (therefore making them a real prospect) until you meet them and interact with them in person. With online dating, you get hundreds of "prospects" that present themselves well online and suck in person or you find are totally lying or lacking what you find attractive in a mate. I guess everyone can have a different definition of prospect, because in your definition, every dude that one may come in any type (not even in person) of contact with is a prospect. I'd disagree. Different strokes for different folks, whatever. :look:

ETA: I wish the OP the best of luck on the journey, I've been there and I totally understand. I just caution anyone to not consider anyone a real prospect until they've met them and had a legitimate face to face conversation with the person. Otherwise you're playing yourself.

I see the point you are trying to make and as someone that has been online dating for about 2 years now I agree.
Sorry, I disagree. I've done online dating. You don't know if you're really into someone (therefore making them a real prospect) until you meet them and interact with them in person. With online dating, you get hundreds of "prospects" that present themselves well online and suck in person or you find are totally lying or lacking what you find attractive in a mate. I guess everyone can have a different definition of prospect, because in your definition, every dude that one may come in any type (not even in person) of contact with is a prospect. I'd disagree. Different strokes for different folks, whatever. :look:

ETA: I wish the OP the best of luck on the journey, I've been there and I totally understand. I just caution anyone to not consider anyone a real prospect until they've met them and had a legitimate face to face conversation with the person. Otherwise you're playing yourself.
Words of wisdom here and I totally agree. I do think the OP understands this as well.