My Boyfriend Thinks I Don’t Trust Him. I Think He’s Overreacting.

Side note: I was on a conference call today. We’ve been on stay at home orders for 5 weeks. Right when the order was confirmed, a few people got sick and better the same week. Here it is, 5 weeks later, and people are still being tested positive though they’ve been asymptomatic for 4 weeks. And I believe one person got it from another after he was well.

You made the right decision. He played himself.
Hello ladies,

Please don’t quote.

I just wanted to come back and update everyone. We didn’t officially end things but we did continue to shelter in place separately and we agreed to take some space.

I’ve missed him and he does subtle things on social media that leads me to believe that he misses me too. For example, one day he posted the verse of the day on social media in my favorite color, which he has NEVER done. And I know he ABHORS that color because it’s the main color of a fraternity he can’t stand. I’m not greek so I can’t relate to the disgust.

This pandemic has made us realize that at our core we are both good people with good intentions who care a great deal about each other but our relationship is laden with unexpressed frustrations. We are going to have a very serious and hard conversation about all of our issues soon. We agreed that if we can’t get on the same page we have to go our separate ways.

I’ve gotten to a place in my life where with or without a man my life is full and complete. So no matter the outcome I’ll be okay.

Thank you all for your kind words and support!
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