Well-Known Member
Well, I actually met my BF on blackplanet. I was just on there for entertainment but if I did meet anyone I had already made up in my mind what I wanted, what I would not tolerate, and I did stuck to it. I had an age requirement of no older than 33 and if you were 34 well that was too bad. I did not entertain the bull like I had done in the past. The guy I met on there I found out actually worked in the same building as me for the same company. Our first meet up I met him at his church and we've been inseperable since then.
Its important to just be around some friends who care about you. Don't go out looking for anything. Everytime I went to a club and met a man I have found out that they only wasted my time. Just be patient though its not going to be easy but just be about you right now. I know it may feel like you aren't going to get over your ex but you will. Hang out with your friends and family. Let them know how you feel so they can support you. How long has it been since your relationship ended?
Thank you, your advice really helps. It's been 3 months since the break. With my work schedule I hardly see or speak to my friends except on facebook and occasional emails. I see my family all the time though. I tried to hang out with one of my girlfriends but an unforseen event took place so it didn't happen. I'm going to try harder because I have been missing them.
Sorry OP for the highjack. I feel your pain!
ETA: I went for a long walk a few days ago and ran into a guy whom I've worked with and actually like as a friend. He gave me his number and asked me to call him. I didn't call but I do want to hang out at a cafe with him just to talk and bask in the glow of male admiration. In fact there is another guy who keeps calling me, I might call him too. Just to boost my ego.
ETA (2): I'm really focused on spending less time on the internet as well, because my personal relationships are suffering. Much of my time on the internet was spent with my ex too.
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