My bf goes out with his coworker more than me!!!

I feel sad for OP. There is no need for us to be harsh and ugly. She rellay does believe her man and sitution is different. Love can be blind. Ive been there before and ingorned all the dang smoke till the fire exploded in my face lol.

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The more you nag about it the more you're pushing them together. You become a nag for 'no reason' and she becomes the one who understands and from there it's only a question of time before your relationship is over. Stop talking about it.

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iamtan , sounds like he enjoys the attention she gives him. Also, the fact that he shared details of your fight with her to the point that she apologized, shows the level of connection he feels towards her. He just showed her the crack in your 3 year relationship armour. Tread lightly and keep your eyes open. This isn't over.