Oh I don't have a problem with it. Like I said, I was raised African as well, so these ideas are not really new to me.
I just would prefer that the guys be upfront about it with the girls they are dating. Don't waste people's time. I've had close friends get burned, and it hurts me to see my friends get hurt.
I have a good friend, she's Yoruba, beautiful girl, brilliant, great personality... totally wife material.... and she was being heavily pursued by this Igbo boy who is another friend of mine. In her case, she met the parents and everything, but that didn't matter because he brings girls home to his parents all the time. The way he laid it out to me, it seemed like his parents understand that he's going through his playboy years, so girls coming home isn't a big deal. They still fully expect that he will MARRY an Igbo girl.
Anyways.... they "fell in love"... or at least she did... but fast forward a few months... he decides that it would be unfair to pursue the relationship any further... he knows he's going to marry Igbo... yada yada yada. She was crushed. He's very charming and he's still running around messing with different girls American... African... whatever knowing dam well he has no long term interest with them. I think that's terrible.
I have other stories too... that have happened to people who were very close to me... honestly, it really put me off Nigerian guys for awhile. I'm over it now, and I would never tell someone not to date Nigerian. I have dated Nigerian and other African guys and had good experiences.
Still, I would encourage any woman dating into a different culture (Asian, Indian, African, whatever) definitely ask them what their views are as far as MARRYING outside their culture and more importantly, what their PARENTS' views are. If they say their parents have problems with it, then drop it. Even if they're willing to risk going against their parents, you don't want that drama.
I have a lot of close male friends who are Indian and I see this attitude with them too. Date a white/Asian/ black girl for fun, but the entire time they're on the lookout for a pretty Indian girl.
It is what it is.