MTG Oil or Original MTG Challenge Begins

Ladies, does the odor of this product subside after a few days? My plan is to wash my hair and apply MTG before I go to bed (my husband should love that :lachen: ). Seeing as I wash my hair once a week I am hoping the smell dies after a day or so. Do ya'll apply it everyday?
The first time you apply it it will be strange because you aren't use to the smell but if you apply it everyday of course it will be stronger than applying it weekly. I apply every other day at night thought then I wrap my hair by then the smell has evaporated although you can still kinda smell it. It's not unbearable but you also don't have to pour alot on your scalp just enough your scalp will absorb the oil and the smell.
cyninmon123 said:
The first time you apply it it will be strange because you aren't use to the smell but if you apply it everyday of course it will be stronger than applying it weekly. I apply every other day at night thought then I wrap my hair by then the smell has evaporated although you can still kinda smell it. It's not unbearable but you also don't have to pour alot on your scalp just enough your scalp will absorb the oil and the smell.
Cyninmon, how long have you been using MTG? What have your personal results been with it?
i'm in placed my order yesterday and was told it was mailed out today i also bought myself a digital camera so i can chart my progress so as soon as i get the shapely's i'm in jan
Since I have been using Qhemet I have been slacking on my conditioner washes. All I have to do is rewet it or spay leave in and I'm ready to go. So I figure 2x aweek, on the night before my day off, I can apply MTG and use a heating cap overnight and then maybe on the days I work mixing it with another oil to cut the smell. I may just use it the 2x and then wash the next day. It would have 2 full days in my hair 24 hours+ a week. I dunno. I will wait and see how bad the smell really is but I've never known you guys to be wrong about this kind of stuff. Even the horse folx who reviewed it said it smelled I guess I will change my name to 'Ol Smokey...
felicia said:
i'm in, if it ever comes. i ordered a week ago. why is everyone but me getting theirs?
Not sure why you have not gotten yours? :confused: When I ordered mine I got it within that week!!?
Well, well, well!!! You ladies did it to me again! I just got off of the phone, I haaaadddd to order me some!!! I should get mine next Friday. I just couldn't sit by and watch you guys grow without me!!
I use mine everyday, smell doesn't bother me cause I mix it with just about anything at this point...I'm being tempted to get another bottle and I have a 32 ounce I greedy or what???
When I first started using it my scalp really itched. I assume it was b/c of buildup (cuz its so oily) or reaction w/other products I was using. So I stopped using just about all other oil products. It still itched a lil. Now I apply a lil vinegar to my scalp btw washes when it gets really itchy and it clears up almost instantly. I got the vinegar idea from when I was breastfeeding and my breast used to get irritated and itchy from being so moist all the time (i know TMI :)) . I told Dr that I didnt want to use any "drugs" b/c I didnt want it to get into the baby's system. She suggested putting some vinegar on "them" to help kill some of the extra bacteria that was probably building up and causing the itch and it worked like a charm then too.
Is that apple cider vinegar?

carmend said:
When I first started using it my scalp really itched. I assume it was b/c of buildup (cuz its so oily) or reaction w/other products I was using. So I stopped using just about all other oil products. It still itched a lil. Now I apply a lil vinegar to my scalp btw washes when it gets really itchy and it clears up almost instantly. I got the vinegar idea from when I was breastfeeding and my breast used to get irritated and itchy from being so moist all the time (i know TMI :)) . I told Dr that I didnt want to use any "drugs" b/c I didnt want it to get into the baby's system. She suggested putting some vinegar on "them" to help kill some of the extra bacteria that was probably building up and causing the itch and it worked like a charm then too.
sweetpeadst said:
I just got a vial of Lavender do you think this one will ork to cover the smell?

Whatever works, that's what I say...I'll use anything to get this hair down my back, and the faster the better....if I gotta stink, then so be it...
Im sure Apple Cider will work too. It might even be better. I just use the regular ol' white distilled that I had in the cabinet. The same stuff I use to season my collard greens :)

natalied said:
Is that apple cider vinegar?
Thanks! I'll have to try that.
carmend said:
Im sure Apple Cider will work too. It might even be better. I just use the regular ol' white distilled that I had in the cabinet. The same stuff I use to season my collard greens :)
Hey guys. I had a moment and broke down and got both the M-T-G and the oil. Shipping was 9.30 so I paid a total of $24.69. Soooooooooo I'll be a funky ***** for a while. :grin:
yayyyy, i just got mine. i will start tomorrow since i'm going to wash my hair tonight to try out my new goodies. the sample size is a nice size, so it should last awhile. i recommend getting the trial size :)
I just got my MTG an ohh my goodness it thing stinks.....I started lasted night and I hardly slept because it smells so bad....but I am in...happy growing.
After waiting 30 mins at UPS for them to find my package.....(So much for what BROWN can do for you)....I have my MTG :-). I'm debating starting tonight or waiting until I have washed my hair. Most likely will start tomorrow after I take some before pics.
Finally got mine today. It smells like...bacon. Raw bacon. But it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was from what you all were saying, lol. Ya'll had me thinking my hair would be smelling like freshly slaughtered pig or something. :lachen: So I'll be smelling like a Denny's breakfast for a few months, but hey... The price you pay to have the hair swang swangin'. :grin:
I agree with who ever said it smells liqued smoke. Not so bad, I couldnt' wait, I put it in tonight :)
I just got mines. It smells like bacon or the black DAX hair grease. I would like to leave mines on all day what are you ladies using to cover the smell. If you are using the essential oils does one bottle of peppermint oil masks the smell to the mtg?
Allright, I missed UPS by 20 minutes! I'm mad, but I had to go to class. So hopefully, I'll catch them on Monday.

I picked up bothe Frenchee's and Glovers Mane today. The Frenchee's smells okay; it has a smoky smell that I don't think is too offensive. The Glovers cream stinks! But it also has 5% sulfur like the MTG.
I added my Lavender to the mix and it is not that bad now! Even though it is not the bes thing in the world it is much better maybe I should add a little more!!!!!!!!!
sweetpeadst said:
I added my Lavender to the mix and it is not that bad now! Even though it is not the bes thing in the world it is much better maybe I should add a little more!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad it worked out for you, I'm trying a new mixture today, I'll let you know how it goes
I just washed and deep condition my hair and put MTG from an applicator bottle onto my scalp and I also put 2-6 drop along the length of my hair. The scent is bearable it is not to bad.