Any Mtg Updates? (how Bout A Challenge)

Im going to order it today than I am definately in!! I never used sulfer8 or glovers so im scared of how this might smell. Is it worst than WGO?
Mahalialee4 said:
"Are yall using any essential oils to cover up the smell?"

Yes. Me. Just started today. It sure mad a difference in the look and texture of my hair immediately. It just silked it out like all get out and I actually took my paddle brush and brushed through. It really has something to it. Also, It is not greasy. And it doesn't cause shrinkage. Now let's see what happens overtime. I am braveing the smell ya'll, lol. I added a couple of drops of lime and ylang ylang essential oil...coul dnot take this smell straight up and no chaser!!!!/Bonjour.

Did it help b/c I can't take after one day I have to do something! I could tell the difference immediately as well! I like but the smell is horrific!!!!!!! But it is some good stuff!

How often is everyone using it??
I was thinking about only using it at night for the smell!!!!!
Yeah, the smell.... :smirk:

I guess I've gotten used to it during the cause It doesn't bother me except for if I use it at anight, seems I'm smelling it ALL FRIGGIN night long instead of sleeping :ill:

My regimen:
CO Washing on alternating days, Applying the MTG Daily, usually in the A.M. For application I use a Hair Color Applicator bottle.

I only apply it to the scalp and massage in for about a minute. I found this does a good job of distributing the oil to the rest of the hair so I do not have to apply it directly to the hair also.
Count me in! :grin: I want to gain at least 6 inches of hair by January 2006! You know if this stuff works for the majority of us who are on the challenge, those taking supplements strictly for hair growth could throw their pills away! Just a thought. ;)
lovelymissyoli said:
You know if this stuff works for the majority of us who are on the challenge, those taking supplements strictly for hair growth could throw their bottles away!

I was thinking the same thing at first, the MTG may actually stimulate a faster growth rate but but it still needs the nutrients to produce the hair growth in the first place. I just may not take AS MANY! But I need the PROTEIN!!! :lol:
It is a product for horses by Shapely! It is wonderful I have only been using it for a day I bought it yesterday 04/18/2005 and I love it already my hair is so shiny!!!!!! I use the original formula! The only drawback from this product is the smell it reminds me of bacon!

I am in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ordered my mine today should be here end of week

So ladies how about we decide on a REGIME for our new product.
I got my MTG today! :clap: :clap: :clap: I drove out to the local equine shop a few cities from me and picked it up! I just couldn’t wait 2-3 days for it to come in the mail! Why pay for shipping when you can put that money in your gas tank!!??!! ;)

Anyways, as I was leaving the store I was getting so excited reading the label and the flyer attached to the bottle that I’m going to place myself on a personal challenge with this product and see how much growth I can get by June 17th the next time I press my hair. Hopefully I will have at least 3 inches of growth by then. I hoping that one-inch of that is mine and the other two come from this product. Wish me luck! :grin:

Also, ladies if you can take the smell of Frenchee’s or Pine Tar, you can handle this smell! It doesn’t bother me at all because I’m used to having Frenchee’s in my hair anyway! Hey, I would walk around smelling like anything if I can increase my growth some more! :lol:
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I plan on getting an essential oil to get rid of the smell which one would you suggest???! And how much would you put in that 32 oz bottle?
sweetpeadst said:
I plan on getting an essential oil to get rid of the smell which one would you suggest???! And how much would you put in that 32 oz bottle?

I pour some from the 32 ounce bottle into a smaller bottle with a tip and add a little bit of EO to it. I also have a separate bottle with the MTG in it, that I put on my scalp and massage. Then I spray with Surge/Infusium 23 and some EO. I usually do this as soon as I finish washing my hair. The next 2 or 3 days is when I add it with the EO.

But regardless, I would recommend pouring some into a separate applicator bottle. 32 ounces is too big to try and pour over and use very sparingly... I used my old WGO bottle and the other one I just bought from Target I think.
Justicewifey said:
I pour some from the 32 ounce bottle into a smaller bottle with a tip and add a little bit of EO to it. I also have a separate bottle with the MTG in it, that I put on my scalp and massage. Then I spray with Surge/Infusium 23 and some EO. I usually do this as soon as I finish washing my hair. The next 2 or 3 days is when I add it with the EO.

But regardless, I would recommend pouring some into a separate applicator bottle. 32 ounces is too big to try and pour over and use very sparingly... I used my old WGO bottle and the other one I just bought from Target I think.

That wasn't what I was asking!!!!!!!!!!!! I use a small container with an applicator tip! My question was what is the best EO (fragrance) to cover up that scent!
sweetpeadst said:
That wasn't what I was asking!!!!!!!!!!!! I use a small container with an applicator tip! My question was what is the best EO (fragrance) to cover up that scent!

Calm down, breathe and exhale. It will be ok :shocked:
To answer your question Rosemary Peppermint is pretty good at masking the smell, any EO should be ok though.
Justicewifey said:
Calm down, breathe and exhale. It will be ok :shocked:
To answer your question Rosemary Peppermint is pretty good at masking the smell, any EO should be ok though.

LMAO:lachen: I am calm you missed the whole question though! So I thought I needed to clarify! I found some lavender do you think that one will be ok!!
Justicewifey said:
Calm down, breathe and exhale. It will be ok :shocked:
To answer your question Rosemary Peppermint is pretty good at masking the smell, any EO should be ok though.

And how much do you use, say, in a small applicator bottle? I know some EO's are very strong/potent, but I don't know much about them. A few drops?
sweetpeadst said:
LMAO:lachen: I am calm you missed the whole question though! So I thought I needed to clarify! I found some lavender do you think that one will be ok!!

Yeah I did miss it didn't I :lol: I guess I'm excited about the product and glad more of you all are joining us. I was actually thinking about getting some lavender myself but I had some peppermint and rosemary left over so I'm using that, so you should be straight. Only a few drops (6-8) is good enough.
I finally got my MTG today, it looks real funky looking in the bottle. I plan to use it two to three times per week nightly by putting it in a spray bottle and spraying my hair and scalp with it. HOT DAMN :censored:. . . *just opened the bottle and took a wiff* IT DOES SMELL FUNKY AS HELL good lordy, I don't know if I want my hair smelling like a pigs a**, this stuff better work :look:.
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OnPoint said:
Any updates ladies- oh the product junkie in me is calling-CALLING!!!

I have an update after using it for 2 weeks. Pics are in my album. I am not sure if you can see any difference but I don't normally have so much new growth at 2 months and my new growth is coming in really wavy and thick.
I have an update after using it for 2 weeks. Pics are in my album. I am not sure if you can see any difference but I don't normally have so much new growth at 2 months and my new growth is coming in really wavy and thick.

How often are you using it?
aquarian1252004 said:
How often are you using it?

I use it everyday but I don't use it by itself. I mix it up with my Sulfer8, Glovers, WGO, Dr. Miracle temple and nape gro balm, carrier oils and essential oils. So I Surge in the mornings and use my concoction at night on my scalp only.
Well, you are making great progress so far. Girl I just looked at the products in your album :eek: damn and here I am thinking that I am a product junkie, you just take it to a whole nother level :lol:.
aquarian1252004 said:
Well, you are making great progress so far. Girl I just looked at the products in your album :eek: damn and here I am thinking that I am a product junkie, you just take it to a whole nother level :lol:.

Thanks!!!:Blush2: :bud::bud::lachen:I know:sekret: I need some serious therapy and being a member of this board is not helping me one bit:look::whyme:. But I think I am going to be sticking with hair products that contains mostly natural ingredients so I am almost recovered. :lol:
Hi everyone,
I just received my MTG and Natural Elegance in the mail today. I just ordered them on the 18th of Arpil. Boy they are fast. Is it safe to use them while I have micros in? I want to join the challenge if it is safe for me to try it. The NE doesn't smell bad. I can't put my finger on what it smells like. EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!! :nono: The MTG smells like :censored: It really does have a very strong smokey smell.
I used it on Sunday. It's kinda greasy, but it makes my hair very shiny and bouncy. My exboyfriend came over and said it smelled like Glover's Mane. He said his mother used the Glover's on his sister's hair to grow it back after their hair got burned off by a too hot, hot comb. He claims it really works and the smell is worth it. So, that was all the encouragement, I needed. I'm sucking up the smell, and sticking to it. Hopefully, I'll see good results within a month.
aquarian1252004 said:
Well, you are making great progress so far. Girl I just looked at the products in your album :eek: damn and here I am thinking that I am a product junkie, you just take it to a whole nother level :lol:.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I mean! :eek: :eek: :eek: That is some collection of products! :eek: :eek: :eek: Classy, you've got a BBS in yo' House! :eek: :eek: :eek: I must admit I had to slow my roll on the PJ's too-I thought I had it licked until I brought surge. I resisted for a while in buying that product-but I broke down and I am done with the PJ buying. MTG is all I need! :yep: I have used surge only once so far, not sure if I will continue... :scratchch