MTG Oil or Original MTG Challenge Begins

Funny story. My sister was upstairs looking for my flatiron last night and happened upon my MTG. I noticed she came downstairs and was looking at me funny. I mentioned I was going to go oil my scalp and she said ""What with your HORSE oil"?. She says "I saw it and thought Oh, my Lord my sister is crazy. I read something about fungus and rot and a veterinarian. I thought you had lost your mind." She was going to mind her business though... :look: LOL!!!

Anywho, I used it last night and I have had major itches since. I don't know if it's because I used it so late. I usually use it right after work then it has a chance to dry. I used it almost an hour before bed and when I put my head down the itches started. Did others experience major itches? Does it mean growth, allergies or both? LOL!
The bad itchies happened to me day before, and I think it is because my scalp is so clean from the MN. I itched a lot but I am ok today. I hadn't been using it for several days.
I am going to join this challenge, but I thought they were working on making the smell go away? what happen to that? what happen to them marketing for humans? I put mine away gave some away because I wanted to new stuff. There hasn't been nothing said about it. Anyway, Since I got a horrible ear infection from cowash every single day and night. I will only use it once a week or so. I gained a lot of growth in four months since my big chop. I am hoping to have a big fro by Christmas.
Well, here is my 1 week update.

I started it on the 10th. And so far I have 1/8". This is good cause at this rate I'll have 1/2" a month. Which is 1.5" every 3 months. I usually only get 1" every 3 months. It adds up to 6" a year instead of my usual 4" a year. I'll take it.
But NOTE***I have not worked out this week othewise I think I would get another 1/8"/week..making it 1/4"/week in total.***
I'll get back to my workouts (4-5x a week) and hopefully it'll bump me to 1" a month. 12"/year would be even

Only drawback is my scalp is itchy as he!! I have taken to only doing the hairline and very back daily and everywhere else every other day. I wa fine the first few days then BAM...itchies.