Miss Jessie's???

If money was not an issue, would you go to Miss Jessie's?

  • Yes, I would go to Miss Jessies.

    Votes: 106 50.0%
  • No, not worth it regardless of the money.

    Votes: 106 50.0%

  • Total voters
What plays a factor in their pricing? Is it the products used, the difficulty of the style or is it just because they can? $600.00 is an awful lot of money. Not mention how long can you go with out a retouch. I can see if it came with a least a years worth of free maintence in the price.
I thought about going to get a treatment or cut at Miss Jessies (that's if they're still doing hair at the moment)...but you know what? If I could get ONLY a cut and styling/shingling for $200 or less I would try it out. But $600?! No!! And a silkener? Which, from what I have read, is nothing more than a mild texturizer? (Without a strand-test? :eek: ) No way!

These 22 months of transitioning to natural has been waaaay too hard to get it messed up in one visit. I am happy that my natural hair has been growing in similar to the angle/balance cut. Now it's just a matter of finding the right products.
I agree with Soleado that a strand test should have been done to test the curl pattern b4 applying the chemical treatment.

I voted yes but I would only go for a cut. I love their hair products. I swear by the curly meringue for poppin my curls and moisture. I like the curly buttercreme for daily moisture when I don't wash.
This thread has really opened my eyes. I was excited about going to get my cut, but I may reconsider. I think I will let someone from Fantastic Sams give me a decent cut. We'll see.

Oh, BTW, do they straighten your hair first before they cut?
The shoulder length and longer, curly transition photos are so beautiful! Should I ever consider transition I definitely want that coily look. I think for now simply applying Hawaiian silky and then corn rowing overnight will have to do for my relaxed hair. $600 bucks seriously is a lot of money and then there is the maintenance cost. Previous posters stated it right, depends on your budget for hair and how you feel about the cost. I just cannot justify it, I deserve the benefits of $600.00 of anything but I don't think stylists charging that much is right.
PS....The customer and the stylist who were both dissatisfied with the results; stylist at Jessies should have cut a bargain with the customer for the follow up correction.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
This thread has really opened my eyes. I was excited about going to get my cut, but I may reconsider. I think I will let someone from Fantastic Sams give me a decent cut. We'll see.

Oh, BTW, do they straighten your hair first before they cut?

Yes, they blow it out for accuracy of the cut and to make sure they are cutting it even (more important if you do decide to wear your hair straight). I haven't had any problems from getting my hair blown out as preperation for the cut.
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CurleeDST said:
The question had to do with, disregard the cost, if money were not an object, would you go and patronize for the service b/c the ladies have skills.

Many people spend $200 or above for quality hairstyling. and haircuts.
No I would not...I specified that it doesn't look great to me...and that the quality of work seems okay to me. If they were cutting for $20.00 a pop, I wouldn't go to them then either.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
This thread has really opened my eyes. I was excited about going to get my cut, but I may reconsider. I think I will let someone from Fantastic Sams give me a decent cut. We'll see.

Oh, BTW, do they straighten your hair first before they cut?

Who is Fantastic Sam?
Hey each person has to decide how to spend their disposable income and what they find attractive and appealing and consider quality. It is different for everyone.

I for one can't go to a Hair Cuttery b/c they can't cut my hair the way I like it shaped and cut. I currently go to a 2-chair boutique salon in downtown Baltimore and she cuts curly hair VERY VERY good and she doesn't have to straighten it to do that. I love that about her. Her cuts come out even and shaped curly, and even when or if I decide to straighten. She is very good.

I pay for it but she is worth it b/c she has skills, PLUS I can go in on Saturday and be in and out in 45 minutes. My time is valuable, I can't be in there all day while they juggle customers. So any extra money I pay is worth it to me definitely.
If money weren't an option at all, meaning, I was super duper rich and could afford to wipe my bottom with hundred dollar bills and not cry about it, then MAYBE.

I'm going to D.C. this summer, and I was soooo looking forward to going to this salon for a cut and style, but now realizing how much they charge...NO WAY!!!! $200-$600 is too much for me, sorry. I'm a college student, and that $200-$600 could easily be put towards paying off credit card bills, or better yet, saving for my future.

Someone mentioned in an earlier post that the salon charged about $225 for 2 different styles. I don't see how they can charge the same price for a "wash+cut+fingerstyle" and a "wash+cut+shingle" because clearly, it takes much much longer to shingle.

Anyhoo, I'm happy that I read this thread, because I would have been mad if I would have gone to the salon and find out I had to pay $200+.
if money were no object i would fly over there and give them a slap for selling those products and services WAY too expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nonsense
Integrity said:
if money were no object i would fly over there and give them a slap for selling those products and services WAY too expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nonsense

You're funny! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

But, I'd still get a cut from them. There's a salon here in Toronto called Curl Ambassadors - I think I'm going to try them out for a wash and wear. They seem 'curl conscious'!
CurleeDST said:
Hey each person has to decide how to spend their disposable income and what they find attractive and appealing and consider quality. It is different for everyone.

I for one can't go to a Hair Cuttery b/c they can't cut my hair the way I like it shaped and cut. I currently go to a 2-chair boutique salon in downtown Baltimore and she cuts curly hair VERY VERY good and she doesn't have to straighten it to do that. I love that about her. Her cuts come out even and shaped curly, and even when or if I decide to straighten. She is very good.

I pay for it but she is worth it b/c she has skills, PLUS I can go in on Saturday and be in and out in 45 minutes. My time is valuable, I can't be in there all day while they juggle customers. So any extra money I pay is worth it to me definitely.

BUT...I think that the point that the previous poster made was that she didn't think the work she had seen done was of good quality...one poster even mentioned that the stylist wasn't impressed with the work...thus she wouldn't (nor would I) go there. If MONEY is not any issue, then the only thing I care about is the quality of work being done...and from what I've seen they've had mixed results and are below par...

...they have been weighed, they have been measured, and they have been found wanting.:lachen:
Gotcha again to each her own.

cmw45 said:
BUT...I think that the point that the previous poster made was that she didn't think the work she had seen done was of good quality...one poster even mentioned that the stylist wasn't impressed with the work...thus she wouldn't (nor would I) go there. If MONEY is not any issue, then the only thing I care about is the quality of work being done...and from what I've seen they've had mixed results and are below par...

...they have been weighed, they have been measured, and they have been found wanting.:lachen:
I would go. I might buy some of their products but learn to shingle and coil on my own. Getting some waves is not worth $200.

I would spend that $200 on a purse or new outfit. Something that will last more than a week
most likely not. I find that the addage, "Too many chefs spoil the broth" applies quite nicely here. I dont think i'd let anyone touch my hair because as long as YOU AREN'T DOING IT then you know it won't ever come out the way you really want it to. And besides, if I have to assault somebody for messing up my hair, I'd rather it be myself than someone that might sue...lol
oh yeah, and I definitely agree with CurleeDST- What gives with them having to straighten the hair to be able to manage it? I don't know ladies....
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Has anyone heard of Miss Jessie's new hair treatment with avocado in it? They are offerring it on naturallycurly.com in the CurlMart store.
CurleeDST said:
Has anyone heard of Miss Jessie's new hair treatment with avocado in it? They are offerring it on naturallycurly.com in the CurlMart store.

i will find out
and get back to you on it:cool:
I ordered some yesterday and it has been shipped. I can't wait to try the treatment b/c it sounds very RICH plus there is a special if you order Miss Jessie's this month you get an additional free product.
i really don't want to order it, i am going to go to ricky's in NY and see if they have it, so i dont have to wait to try it:lol:
I don't think I could spend that much money - after all, despite my obsession, it is only "hair". I do enjoy reviewing the pics and how-to's on the site; they're very informative.