Black products and services - why can't we just pay up?

I tried to refrain from saying this several times but................. I feel that Boundless Tresses is UNDERPRICED for what is has been proven to do. So in all actuality, it could and shouldbe priced in the $35 to $50 range in my opinion so then an $11 charge wouldn't sound too bad to some. When I read all of the rave reviews about the product on here and EVERYWHERE else, I was almost SURE that it was going to be priced much higher than $13 or so especially since a big personal touch goes into it. .....But who I am I to put a price tag on anything - even if I AM saying it should cost more. :blush: That's a whole nother thread...

I sort of agree - I think the maker of BT should list the product for $5 more and the shipping/handling for $6. I think that would sit better w/ some folk. But I am not going to say anything bad about her b/c from what I've heard she is very professional with her services. I've purchased products online from small independent black owned companies in the past and didn't even receive my products or a refund or any explanation. So I give her props for doing what she does well!!
In the case of Miss Jessie's, I think that the prices they charge would be debated regardless of who is doing the charging.

The price/value of Aveda and Ojon is debated back and forth across hair hair boards.

From an economic point of view, it makes perfect sense that the supply and demand price points be a steady topic on high end products/services.

I guarantee that as I type somebody on a shoe board is debating whether Louboutin's are worth a mortgage payment.

OT: I'm so sorry but, YOUR SIGGY!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:I LOVE IT!!!!
I have to step in on that because I think its fairly priced especially when most ppl are simply paying for the convenience of BT. Anyone can go into any CVS and get some sulfur, mix it with some oils and EOs and have their own BT. Many ppl don't want to do that...but they are aware of how much doing it for themselves would I stand on fairly priced
I have to agree with you on this. I make my own and also purchased BT but only because I didn't have time to make my own but for convenience I refer my family and friends to growthspecifics to get their own. I don't take away from the business. I do support because I believe BT to be reasonable and fair.