Miss Jessie's Silkener: BEFORE & AFTER PICS!

So is a silkener like a perm? Or like a really mild relaxer that loosens the curl? Your hair resembles relaxed hair that has been washed and airdried.
^^As far as I've read, its Affirm Fiberguard Mild which is lye... maybe mixed with a protein conditioner applied and not smoothed or combed through...... Sounds like it could easily be duplicated to me lol. I wouldn't dare try it all over my head to be honest, but I am SOO tempted to try it in my trouble spots in my crown. I would never let ANY relaxer near my front and sides because the hair is just too porous and it doesn't get curly enough to begin with. I suffered horrendous breakage down to maybe an inch or so of hair years ago after a relaxer at the salon. Never ever again.
How is the poof factor with the silkener? It looks nice and manageable in the pics but is it like that before styling/wetting etc? I think i could deal with my crown and back of my head if it would just poof less but without any loosening. If this technique loosens my curl but keeps the poofy frizz then it's all a waste lol.
I didn't realize that the silkerner had chemicals in it. I thought the silkerner was a conditioner that made the hair super detangled. Is there one without the chemical?
CurlyMoo. The answer is no. To loosen your the natural curl or coil in your hair, you have to weaken the disulfide bonds that are responsible for the hair's quatenary structure (since Hair is a protein). No ways around that. Even though heat can damage your hair and make it limp, it doesn't do it by the same mechanism as the sodium or calcium hydroxide. So that's why heat damaged hair doesn't quite look like relaxed hair. You've damaged the bond but it's a bit different. And if you "heat" your hair at the proper temperature, it reverts to its natural shape over time.

The nature of ANY chemical bond in your body (e.g. ionic, covalent, polar, non-polar) dictates the manner in which it can be altered and what needs to happen for that alternation to be permanent.

The way that a jheri curl works (and other thio-based products) is by REFORMING new disulfide bonds with the chemicals that are in those products. A relaxer loosens the bonds and leaves it loosened. A thio "perm" loosens and then reforms new ones in the new shape.

This is not something that can be achieved mechanically (which is basically what brushing and combing are...they just separate your individual strands and can't affect the bonds).

So if you want lasting curls in hair that isn't naturally curly, you'll need to use a chemical or settle for roller setting or other styling methods that put temporary curl in your hair.

It's unfortunate that people originally thought this process was non-chemical. Anything that alters your hair on this level has to be a chemical process. (I have no issue with relaxers, that is just the science behind them).

Yeah, I had a hairdresser who relaxed my hair and had the same results that people had with "silkeners" and that was with a mild relaxer applied for just a few moments. He didn't add anything to it (it was Affirm mild), just did it very quickly. My result was curlier than the OP, but very much like what you see in the Miss Jessie's website. It all depends on how long its on and what your natural hair texture is.

OP, your hair looks nice and I know that you've shaved a lot of time off of maintenance. Really thick and long hair is a LOT of work. And since so many hairdressers have issues with hair not being totally straight, I wound up losing all of my hair when I went to a new person(old one vanished) who thought that the old hairdresser's light relaxing method was flawed. So my advice would be to either keep paying the money to people who have made a business out of lightly relaxing hair or do it yourself. You might go to someone who disapproves of the fact that your hair isn't bone straight and decides to "help" you out. (The hairdresser that ruined my hair used stronger relaxer and pulled it through even when told not too).

But you shouldn't necessarily have to do more than be fast, get an even application all over, or add something to "weaken" the relaxer a bit to get a good result if you want to do it yourself. But getting the timing right on any chemical process is the key.
The poof factor all depends on your hair and the degree to which it is "silkened" relaxed. So no one here can tell you what your hair would look like b/c that would depend on the application time and your hair.

So I've seen people who still had a lot(and while their hair was straighter than when they started, it still looked as natural as many others), and some won't have much(longer application time or looser curl pattern to start with), but if I'm not mistaken, they consult about how much you want your hair straightened too, but I'll let the OP answer that part since she actually went to the salon. I'm only answering based on the science or friends who got it done.
OP, your hair looks great!!!

Thank You :)

Is their silkener thio-based or sodium/calcium hydroxide based? What's in it?

So is a silkener like a perm? Or like a really mild relaxer that loosens the curl? Your hair resembles relaxed hair that has been washed and airdried.

Yes, a silkener is a weak Lye relaxer.

How is the poof factor with the silkener? It looks nice and manageable in the pics but is it like that before styling/wetting etc? I think i could deal with my crown and back of my head if it would just poof less but without any loosening. If this technique loosens my curl but keeps the poofy frizz then it's all a waste lol.

My hair gets poofy if I let it dry w/o any product in it (see the photo of me on the red couch. I actually LOVE my poofy look!! Unfortunately, I don't rock it often b/c I fear SSKs. My goal with the silkener was never to have straight or flat hair, so poofyness (did I just make up a word? lol) isn't a factor for me. Because it has been 11 weeks since my silkener and I have about 1.5 inches of new growth, I have an even greater poofyness factor (lol). I love it b/c I get to retain some of the thickness that I had while I was natural, yet my hair is more manageable and holds styles better.

I didn't realize that the silkerner had chemicals in it. I thought the silkener was a conditioner that made the hair super detangled. Is there one without the chemical?

Yes, a Silkener is a weak relaxer. This is no secret. It's just a fancy name for a texlax. Asking if there Silkener without chemicals is like asking if there is a perm without them. However, if I ever discover a way to Silken w/o chemicals... I'll be the first to let everyone on this board know... $$$$$ lol!
I knew I wasn't crazy. Yes that's the one. Can you please post the one with chemicals.

The one with the chemicals is a salon service that cannot be purchased anywhere you can only get it done at their Brooklyn NY salon. From their website:
Miss Jessie’s salon (Brooklyn, New York) is the only authorized salon to perform the Silkener™.

The retail locations carry the Miss Jessie’s product line only (CURLY PUDDING, CURLY MERINGUE, CURLY BUTTERCREME, BABY BUTTERCREME RAPID RECOVERY, STRETCH SILKENING CRÈME, QUICK CURLS, CRÈME DE LA CRÈME, CRÈME DE LA CURL and SUPER SLIP SUDSY SHAMPOO). They are not currently trained or licensed to offer the Silkener™ as a service.
I guess they don't want anyone having a bad experience and blaming it on them when they lose their curl pattern entirely.
^^As far as I've read, its Affirm Fiberguard Mild which is lye... maybe mixed with a protein conditioner applied and not smoothed or combed through...... Sounds like it could easily be duplicated to me lol. I wouldn't dare try it all over my head to be honest, but I am SOO tempted to try it in my trouble spots in my crown. I would never let ANY relaxer near my front and sides because the hair is just too porous and it doesn't get curly enough to begin with. I suffered horrendous breakage down to maybe an inch or so of hair years ago after a relaxer at the salon. Never ever again.

Excuse me? Aha! I thought they had their own product...at this point, it's just a technique. Interesting.
Excuse me? Aha! I thought they had their own product...at this point, it's just a technique. Interesting.

It's really not much different than a texlax. Many people who do their own texlaxes also cut their relaxer with oil and/or conditioner :yep:
Had to revisit this thread. How is the job holding up? Any reversion? Have you gotten a touch up?

I did do the texlax in the back of my hair TWICE months ago and it did not take either time lol. I think I based my hair too heavily (for fear of damage) and did not leave it in long enough plus used mild. It loosened my hair for a couple of weeks then it all reverted lol so I doubt I would ever try it again. I still fantasize about getting it done by Miss Jessies though :lol:. Maybe one day.
Are the new pics you added wash-and-gos or braidouts?

I didn't do a braid out, but for the professional pictures, my hair was dried with heat. After my wash/condition & some leave-in was put in my hair... I sat under a dryer. After my hair was dry, it was fluffed up for volume. It's called "finger styling". It makes my waves look more defined & cuts way down on the frizz, but I don't like it b/c my hair feels too hard after.

The other pics are wash & gos that were air dried. I prefer that look.

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Had to revisit this thread. How is the job holding up? Any reversion? Have you gotten a touch up?

I did do the texlax in the back of my hair TWICE months ago and it did not take either time lol. I think I based my hair too heavily (for fear of damage) and did not leave it in long enough plus used mild. It loosened my hair for a couple of weeks then it all reverted lol so I doubt I would ever try it again. I still fantasize about getting it done by Miss Jessies though :lol:. Maybe one day.

So far I've gotten 1 touch up at Miss Jessie's. I'm planning to do my own touch up next time... in August or September.

My hair doesn't revert, but it gets bigger as my new growth comes in. I like it big :lol:... But it's a lil hot in the summertime, though. I might get a weave for the month of August. That may seem like it would be hotter... But it's not. Back when I was natural, my head was cooler when I had a weave b/c I could actually feel the breeze on my scalp since my hair was cornrowed underneath lol.

I need to post some update pics. I might do a length check this weekend. I'll post pics before & after if I do :yep:

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miss jessies is just an overpriced line that i will never ever try but i am glad your texlax came out the way you wanted. i get good results with texlaxing with a regular relaxer...

your pics look very nice and professionally done though... :).....
miss jessies is just an overpriced line that i will never ever try but i am glad your texlax came out the way you wanted. i get good results with texlaxing with a regular relaxer...

your pics look very nice and professionally done though... :).....

Thank you :) As I've stated in the thread, it's not my goal to "sell" anyone on Miss Jessie's products. This thread is for people who've considered getting a "Silkener" or are curious about it. There are very few "real life" reviews on the net, so I thought it would be helpful to document mine :yep: I'm glad it turned out well too. I couldn't be happier with the results & it was worth every penny.

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Are the straight strands in the front a result of those hairs processing faster than the others or are you like me, multi-textured? I contemplated the Silkener for a long time some years ago (back when the sisters were on the outs) & even made an appointment but changed my mind.

It was explained to me that because of my many textures, my wavy hair would go straight, my curly hair would go wavy & my kinky hair would go curly.
Are the straight strands in the front a result of those hairs processing faster than the others or are you like me, multi-textured? I contemplated the Silkener for a long time some years ago (back when the sisters were on the outs) & even made an appointment but changed my mind.

It was explained to me that because of my many textures, my wavy hair would go straight, my curly hair would go wavy & my kinky hair would go curly.

The shorter & straighter strands in the front were my own doing. Before I got my first Silkener, I wore weaves pretty much back to back for 6 months. It was great for protecting my natural hair underneath, but bad for the small portion that I left out on the top. I dyed it & constantly flat ironed it to get it to blend with the weave. That small portion of my hair was heat damaged.

Since then it has grown out about 3 inches & I've almost completely cut off the heat damage.

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where are the pic updates? I'd love to see. I plan on staying natural but I always like to know as much as I can in case it helps someone else (or I change my mind lol)