Miss Jessie's???

If money was not an issue, would you go to Miss Jessie's?

  • Yes, I would go to Miss Jessies.

    Votes: 106 50.0%
  • No, not worth it regardless of the money.

    Votes: 106 50.0%

  • Total voters


I have an appt next month at Miss Jessies (my first appointment there) to get a Silkener. I have read past posts and it seems that most of the comments were regarding the high cost of their services. I don't really mind paying for the services, but I want to ensure that the services are really worth it.

My question is.....If money was NOT an issue, would you go to Miss Jessie's for a silkener/haircut/etc?
For my first appointments, I would go for a haircut and let them style my hair - but not do a silkener. It seems a lot of the ladies on the Miss Jessie's website have the same hair style and if that is Miko and Titi's best work with chemicals and all, I'm not sure its worth it to me regardless of the cost. They are asking a lot for a texturizer...but you only live once. :)

I have read of people who didn't have such a great silkener experience, but of course those aren't the people with pictures on the website. Could be though, that those ladies got a silkener on their first visit, so Miko and Titi...didn't really know their hair.

A couple of our members here, have had good experiences with the cuts.

Please put up some pics after your appt. I'd love to see how it came out :) .

O/T. I love your Siggy!
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If money wasn't an issue, I'd go get a cut and shingle. My issue is that once I wash my hair that about half of that $600 service would be rinsed away.
ThursdayGirl said:
For my first appointments, I would go for a haircut and let them style my hair - but not do a silkener. It seems a lot of the ladies on the Miss Jessie's website have the same hair style and if that is Miko and Titi's best work with chemicals and all, I'm not sure its worth it to me regardless of the cost. They are asking a lot for a texturizer...but you only live once. :)

I have read of people who didn't have such a great silkener experience, but of course those aren't the people with pictures on the website. Could be though, that those ladies got a silkener on their first visit, so Miko and Titi...didn't really know their hair.

A couple of our members here, have had good experiences with the cuts.

Please put up some pics after your appt. I'd love to see how it came out :) .

O/T. I love your Siggy!

I'll say this from my own observations...I've seen people go in there for a silkener who probably expected certain results...but because of their natural curl pattern or lack there of, to me, it ended up looking like an under processed relaxer. The thing people have to remember is that the silkener doesn't create texture, it just loosens up the texture that's already there. Something for ANYONE who is thinking of getting this service to keep in mind so that you go in with realistic expectations.

A cut and style (shingling or finger stlying) runs about $225.
I like the philosophy behind their haircutting method so if I were going to NY anyway, I'd get a haircut but I'm not going to book a flight specifically for that.
Thanks everyone! I would hate to go there (I had to take a day off of work to go and the salon is 2 1/2 hours away), and not get the results that I expected. :(
Poca1229 said:
Thanks everyone! I would hate to go there (I had to take a day off of work to go and the salon is 2 1/2 hours away), and not get the results that I expected. :(

You sure you want to get a chemical service on your first visit? And keep it mind that you'll have to travel that far every time for a touch-up?

If money were no object, I might go there just to see the shingling in action. Not sure about the hair cut.
Yes, I'm okay with getting a chemical service on my first visit (willing to try). I don't mind the every 3-4 month touchup commute either, as long as the results are really good.....
I wouldn't go because they are over priced for their services. They aren't doing anything special for $600.00 .For $600.00 I can see at least 3 stylists that I would be more satisfied with. Ever since my days of having relaxed hair, I have been into stylists that are dope cutters.Those are the only ones I go to. In comparison to some I have known, Miss Jessies salon cuts are decent at best. Judging closely from my friend that got it cut andthen wore it straight, its a cut that any good stylist can do- probaby even better. I was going to go but thankgoodness my friend was up first. She got a silkener which is a texturizer and they burned her scalp! Also, from all the pics on the site, everyone looks like they have a helmut on their head. I have never looked and thought..damn thats hot. It I spend 250 on a haircut, I have to look like it and from what I have seen it doesn't. The only person whose hair I ever liked was SO1913...However, I respect their hustle. They are great business women.
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I love So1913's hair.. It's beautiful, she's beautiful, it works.. And I believe their services was truly worth it for her... However, their methodology is something that I was able to figure out on my own by trial and error and believe me, there was much error.. But shinginling and fingerstyling i've been doing since 2000 and although I didnt have terms for it, it's what I had been doing to my hair.. I had relaxed my hair one day and it was underprocessed. I discovered that i actually had a nice wave pattern that had formed.. I had relaxers since 11 so I had no idea what type of hair I had as a child. And so, I began manipulating those waves and contiuing to do that.. Then I cut my hair off and it was more curly because of the weightlessness... I would texlax my hair and then immediately put condish in it and comb through, fingerstyling it. After awhile this took very well over a two year period. My hair now grows out of the shaft in coils. It perplexes me but it's been proven effective and now I am able to wear natural styles very well and have beautiful curly hair... ;)
for their prices you can go to a top salon in New York city...like Orlando Pita's salon, Bumble and Bumble, Fredrick Fekkai, etc..get a precision cut that will last you beautifully straight or curly for months that will come out waaaaay better than anything they can do at Curve.

As a matter of fact, you'll pay less. If you want to give the $600 fine, but if you can learn to pull a lye relaxer through your head for 5 to 10 minutes without overprocessing...leave Curve alone.
for their prices you can go to a top salon in New York city...like Orlando Pita's salon, Bumble and Bumble, Fredrick Fekkai, etc..get a precision cut that will last you beautifully straight or curly for months that will come out waaaaay better than anything they can do at Curve.

As a matter of fact, you'll pay less. If you want to give the $600 fine, but if you can learn to pull a lye relaxer through your head for 5 to 10 minutes without overprocessing...leave Curve alone.
I would rather A. Dickey at Louis Licari Salon do my hair. There's been great reviews on this forum of his work and he seems to know what he's doing....I think he even uses some of the Curve products for styling. He'd probably do a better job for less IMO....
Orlando Pita's salon, Bumble and Bumble, Fredrick Fekkai, Louis Licari.....Wow! I have never even heard of these salons! I am glad that I am a part of this forum - it definitely helps to have informed gals on my side! ;)

I will research these other salons! Thanks sooooo much everyone!
I have been to curve salon two times. My first experience with the silkener was that it was no different from texturizers that I used to pay $60 for, but I didn't know very many salons in New York at the time, so I gave them a second chance. My first issue with the salon on my second visiti was that the cost of their service had gone up by about $100 between my first and second service. Yes, I understand the concept of inflation .....BUT DAMN. My second issue is they insisted that I get a trim that I didn't want, and being the fool that I am I agreed, only to a) lose a lot of hair that I would rather have had on my head, and b) realize I owed them an additional $200 or so dollars.

My advice would be to save your money. You can get a solid texturizer anywhere, from stylists who respect that you work for money just like they do. My issue with Curve is they basically exploit their customers. It would be different if you were able to lock in the price that you started with, but you can't. I truly believe that your average white client would not tolerate the... oh yesterday our fee was $50 but today it's $150 nonsense. Particularly for service that is not exceptional.

I didn't realise that the service is now $600, put I can think of at least 500 things I would rather do with $600. I understand that you can "afford" it but no one can afford to waste money. I mean you wouldn't pay $600 for payless shoes would you?
Ntrlmystik said:
I wouldn't go because they are over priced for their services. They aren't doing anything special for $600.00 .For $600.00 I can see at least 3 stylists that I would be more satisfied with. Ever since my days of having relaxed hair, I have been into stylists that are dope cutters.Those are the only ones I go to. In comparison to some I have known, Miss Jessies salon cuts are decent at best. Judging closely from my friend that got it cut andthen wore it straight, its a cut that any good stylist can do- probaby even better. I was going to go but thankgoodness my friend was up first. She got a silkener which is a texturizer and they burned her scalp! Also, from all the pics on the site, everyone looks like they have a helmut on their head. I have never looked and thought..damn thats hot. It I spend 250 on a haircut, I have to look like it and from what I have seen it doesn't. The only person whose hair I ever liked was SO1913...However, I respect their hustle. They are great business women.
I so agree with you there, SO1913 is the only head that I have ever seen that looks good and makes me want to consider it.
The question had to do with, disregard the cost, if money were not an object, would you go and patronize for the service b/c the ladies have skills.

Many people spend $200 or above for quality hairstyling. and haircuts.

Ntrlmystik said:
I wouldn't go because they are over priced for their services. They aren't doing anything special for $600.00 .For $600.00 I can see at least 3 stylists that I would be more satisfied with. Ever since my days of having relaxed hair, I have been into stylists that are dope cutters.Those are the only ones I go to. In comparison to some I have known, Miss Jessies salon cuts are decent at best. Judging closely from my friend that got it cut andthen wore it straight, its a cut that any good stylist can do- probaby even better. I was going to go but thankgoodness my friend was up first. She got a silkener which is a texturizer and they burned her scalp! Also, from all the pics on the site, everyone looks like they have a helmut on their head. I have never looked and thought..damn thats hot. It I spend 250 on a haircut, I have to look like it and from what I have seen it doesn't. The only person whose hair I ever liked was SO1913...However, I respect their hustle. They are great business women.
I'm not paying that much money for any hair service that doesn't make 6" of hair grow out of my hair.

And for $600, I really can't say I would unless the texturizer would do incredible things to my hair. It's just a weak relaxer. And what type of hair do you have OP? Like SO1913 said, it's not going to give you anything you don't have.

Have you had a texturizer before? What are your trying to achieve with the silkener?

I see you have 4b hair, so most likely your won't come out looking like SO1913. Me, if I did it, I'd come out a frizzball, b/c I have very frizzy hair.

Even $200+ for a haircut is a lot, regardless of the type of income I have or if I can afford it.

Do a bit more research.
I think it is all relative and where you place your value. Some folks feel $300 for a pair of shoes is worth it while others would not pay more than $75. Same with hair, some feel their hair needs to be tight and they are and can pay good money to better ensure that happens.

Curve seems to do a great job with naturally kinky and curly hair so I would go for a nice cut and style that would grow out with a nice shape.

StrawberryQueen said:
I'm not paying that much money for any hair service that doesn't make 6" of hair grow out of my hair.

And for $600, I really can't say I would unless the texturizer would do incredible things to my hair. It's just a weak relaxer. And what type of hair do you have OP? Like SO1913 said, it's not going to give you anything you don't have.

Have you had a texturizer before? What are your trying to achieve with the silkener?

I see you have 4b hair, so most likely your won't come out looking like SO1913. Me, if I did it, I'd come out a frizzball, b/c I have very frizzy hair.

Even $200+ for a haircut is a lot, regardless of the type of income I have or if I can afford it.

Do a bit more research.
No...for some reason my in naturally hair grows looking very similar to their precision cut...secondly a few styles such as the coil out I was about to duplicate perfectly with some curl activator gel and spare my wallet. They jsut havent "wowed" me enough to want to go and try them out.
Poca1229 said:
I have an appt next month at Miss Jessies (my first appointment there) to get a Silkener. I have read past posts and it seems that most of the comments were regarding the high cost of their services. I don't really mind paying for the services, but I want to ensure that the services are really worth it.

My question is.....If money was NOT an issue, would you go to Miss Jessie's for a silkener/haircut/etc?

I, like yourself wanted to go and did not mind paying for the service. After having experienced a visit to Ms. Jessie's it was a total waste of money. The services that were perfomred, Silkener, Color and Cut are not worth $600.00. I was not blown away with the final results. I realize that they cannot create the texture, only bring it out. Tiki was not impressed with my results herself. I was told that on my next visit,:lol:, that they would keep it on my hair a little longer becuase I take longer to breakdown. Well for $600, you should be able to determine that. If you feel that your services are worth that kind of money,the results should be no less than.. spectacular...stunning... fabulous...extraordinary...each and everytime.
i do respect that they are definitely innovators for capitalizing on this market, as well as savvy businesswomen (creating a certain hype and mystique). i also appreciate that they are generous enough to provide instructions on their website on how to mimic their techniques, but the services and results that i have seen on their website did not and do not warrant $600.00 to me.

also, when i got the buttercream or whatever i got, it was pretty good (for $43 mind you), but i was not clamoring to get it again (too much swell, not enough definition). i was soon on the lookout and found products that gave me better results. now the curling custard from kinky-curly.com i was looking for to get again. that worked very well on my natural hair and gave me wonderful waves, curls and definition...
Thanks everyone. I think God stepped in to help me with my decision.....a couple of days prior to my appt date, Titi called and said that they were cancelling all of the appts for the next 3-4 months while they find another location for the shop and some other 'internal' changes. I was a little upset (actually I was REALLY upset) because it took about 3 months to get the appt. I figured that it was a sign for me to let the "Miss Jessie's thing" go.....I actually went to a salon in Philly (Bubbles) and got the Phytorelaxer and a really good cut. I paid about $200 which is probably a third of what I would have paid if I went to Miss Jessie's.

I am happy with the results (although I really can't wait for my hair to grow longer)!

I think that I was really 'caught up' with the before/afters on the website. But even if they hadnt called, I think I would have cancelled (based on the responses that I have received here).

I just didnt have a good feeling about it.

Thanks again, girls!!!!!:D
Glad things worked out in your favor.

Poca1229 said:
Thanks everyone. I think God stepped in to help me with my decision.....a couple of days prior to my appt date, Titi called and said that they were cancelling all of the appts for the next 3-4 months while they find another location for the shop and some other 'internal' changes. I was a little upset (actually I was REALLY upset) because it took about 3 months to get the appt. I figured that it was a sign for me to let the "Miss Jessie's thing" go.....I actually went to a salon in Philly (Bubbles) and got the Phytorelaxer and a really good cut. I paid about $200 which is probably a third of what I would have paid if I went to Miss Jessie's.

I am happy with the results (although I really can't wait for my hair to grow longer)!

I think that I was really 'caught up' with the before/afters on the website. But even if they hadnt called, I think I would have cancelled (based on the responses that I have received here).

I just didnt have a good feeling about it.

Thanks again, girls!!!!!:D
I agree with CurleeDST that everyone has there own threshold for how much that will pay for anything. So to each his own in that regard as long as that person is able to pay for it with their own money.

However, I also agree with the posters that if you are paying that much money, then you should leave very satisfied and looking great! If Titi wasn't satisfied with the way that your hair turned out, she should be setting up an appointment for you to come back and get your hair corrected for FREE! It should not be a case where you have to come back and pay an additional $600. I don't get that at all.

Also, I would not let anyone put a texturizer/silkener on my head without conducting a strand test first. That is a great way to determine whether the process time is too much or too little for the desired results. I don't know if Miss Jessie's does this at all though.