mischka about town.

Girl, I'ma have to ask you to get a life at this point. You're on my bra strap a little too hard. I don't wanna be friends with you k? :wave: and say hi to my ignore list while you're at it.

I'm just giving members who are taking you seriously a heads up. Bye, bye. :)
I'm not even sure if I want to see him again now. I just really didn't like the idea of having the one date and then nothing - I'm satisfied now. Normally, I 100 percent would have let the situation with S go, but this time, I didn't want to, and I'm glad I chose to do something different. Anyway, I don't think it was a big deal and I'm not interested in justifying myself, though you are welcome to your opinion.

This is real life. Not a hypothetical conversation on the internet. And I don't make my decisions according to what another chick would say, what another chick would feel, or what another chick would do. I'm going to do things that plenty here are not going to agree with, and wouldn't do in their own lives, but that's the difference between me and them. And I'm not interested in living someone else's life, or using someone else's rationale to influence my decisions. Please keep that in mind as you read.

You are my shero :lol:

I want to be your friend :look:

How do your friends react to your dating encounters?

Either way..if this thread hits the fan, I call dibs on a PM about where the saga will continue :grin:
You are my shero :lol:

I want to be your friend :look:

How do your friends react to your dating encounters?

Either way..if this thread hits the fan, I call dibs on a PM about where the saga will continue :grin:

If anything my friends are bad influences. They have hooked up with TONS of guys from okcupid, for example. I definitely haven't gotten anywhere near this sort of reaction irl because in the social circles I'm running in, this is not anything out of the ordinary. Only my best friend really knows the intimate ins and outs of my dating life, and she's not the sexually repressed, taboo type either. (She is a lesbian so she has no incentive to espouse pious, sanctimonious views concerning sex, despite the fact that she herself isn't comfortable with casual relationships. I love that chick, we have no reason to judge each other.) And as far as my family, I wouldn't be surprised if they think I lean lesbian, because they don't know anything about who and when I'm dating. Not that I fear reproach, dudes just don't need to be meeting my family :look: :lol:
It still baffles me that young people are on dating sites..

Not knocking them, but I just always thought they were for the 35 and older crew, divorced, trying to get back in the game crew, with 5 kids :look:

And i'm kind of intrigued that you met someone on there so fast and then IRL. Clearly i'm lost on the dynamics of how these sites work :lol:

You sound like you're in Chicago...not looking for an answer....but the scenic background of your stories is throwing me for a loop.

*waits for next entry*

SN: I hate reading through a whole thread, and then having to wait for the next post *shrugs*
You know, I'm not entirely sure why we're all on okcupid but we ALL are. Like, pretty much everyone I've talked to about it (....except Jeremy) has a profile on okcupid. I actually ran across the profile of the dude I had a crush on (we had a high match percentage, boo). You're right, I'm not entirely sure WHAT the rationale is. But it's like the "in" thing to do, and if the sheer amount of men in my age group that I see on there is any indication, it's really common and "normal," if not preferable even. It makes me think of myspace in a way, except it's for "cool" "young professional" types, which is the appeal. I'm creeped out by the old people on okc, to tell you the truth.

I don't think we met fast - I would lose interest if it got drawn out too long. My approach to online dating is to keep it moving along. Strike while the iron is hot and whatnot.

eta: i actually got an okcupid account BECAUSE of one of my friends. she had the best stories. idk, i cant really explain it :lol: i guess you gotta get in it to get it. it's definitely a "thing," and it may or may not be related to being in grad school.
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It still baffles me that young people are on dating sites..

Not knocking them, but I just always thought they were for the 35 and older crew, divorced, trying to get back in the game crew, with 5 kids :look:

And i'm kind of intrigued that you met someone on there so fast and then IRL. Clearly i'm lost on the dynamics of how these sites work :lol:

You sound like you're in Chicago...not looking for an answer....but the scenic background of your stories is throwing me for a loop.

*waits for next entry*

SN: I hate reading through a whole thread, and then having to wait for the next post *shrugs*

I wonder if part of it is that us young people want to skip all the akward small talk in bars,lounges, on the street and would rather just jump straight into a relationship.
I *MIGHT* make a profile just to see what I reel in...

I just like to know that folks want me :look:

Kinda scared though...not even gon lie.
I'm bored. I don't know of anything going on this weekend but I may have to find something to get into. Unfortunately I've been sort of thinking about Farrell a lot, which is a problem... so... I may need a distraction...
Love this thread! Thanks for sharing! This is soooo my dating style. And all my friends, too. It's not really my preferred style, it just always ends up this way and I'm just like ehh whatever.

Sometimes I'm just like what the H am I doing?? (I already know my end game is the FAIRYTALE!) But whaddah ya gonna do, right? Gotta have fun while waiting for Mr. Wonderful...with his taking-his-sweet-a$$-time self!
So, this week has been pretty dead. Or, this past week, rather. I didn't do anything fun at all. I went ahead and deleted Farrell from my facebook which BURNS MY SOUL, because I'm so angry about it, lol. It's all part of the fun when you are doing this kind of dating but that doesn't mean I can't and don't get put out about things from time to time. I expect to run into him one of these days though. But as far as commanding my attention, if I don't hear from you in a week, I assume we have gone our separate ways. Which is fine, because I will always remember those guys fondly.... as 8ssholes :lol:

So right now, I'm chatting with a guy on okcupid, and he has just invited me to the movies. Halfway through the conversation I realized he didn't even know my name yet... I was tempted to tell him it's mischka :lol: I'm not that fussed because he's only 5'8 and doesn't have the educational accolades I would prefer, but a trip to the movies never hurt anyone. And I can wear flats. But still. Boo. Better suitors must be arranged soon.

There is a concert in a couple weeks that I wasn't really planning to go to, but now I think I will... the guy I mentioned before about having a crush on but he brought a date? We'll name him despite the fact that that's never going to go anywhere, but Tony, we'll call him - he has arranged a get together at his apartment beforehand, where I'm hoping to maybe get a little action... (not from him. Big NOT INTERESTED stamped all over his forehead.)
Well with warm weather comes more opportunities for socializing. You'd think...

That okcupid guy:

He turned out to be a dud. Within a couple conversations he shared some unattractive information about how poorly his dating life was going - lot of rejection - and seemed a little socially inept. For example, every time I would reply to a message (instant message), he would rush to make a response which kept interrupting the flow of the conversation... was unnatural and irritated me even though I know he meant well. Then he kept texting me so eventually I broke the date and told him I felt like he needed more time and attention than I was capable of giving him. That was that...

I'd planned to go to this concert that weekend. Tony was having a pregame at his apartment which mostly was my entire excuse for going - free booze. I was going with my frenemy Emily, which it turned out I was actually looking forward to. I hoped maybe to meet someone there, a sunny outdoor concert...

Unfortunately it was cold and rainy and gross and they decided to move the show indoors which effectively rendered the latter half of sold tickets invalid. So there went that plan, scarpered....

Landry asked me out last minute one day, and I didn't show up. It was 10 oclock when he'd asked and I wasn't even home so whatever. He learned from that mistake and planned in advance the next time - just drinks, nothing fancy. I'd had a long day and honestly didn't really feel like going - it was a Thursday night and I'd just come from the gym. But I dressed anyway, in a LBD with a tan jacket, and we went to a bar/lounge-y type place. We had a couple drinks each and some fried calamari. Around midnight the conversation had taken a turn - he started pissing me off with some bull**** about there being no such thing as freedom, lol - so it was time to reel it in.

"Do you wanna come back to my place?" he asked.

"Oh, no, it's Thursday... I'm going to internship in the morning..."

He appeared to accept this but once he pulled up in front of my place he then had the bright idea of trying to come in there! So clever, lol, so very clever. I laughed and told him the place was a mess, and if he was trying to hang out all night why'd he ask to go on a Thursday? He asked what I was doing the next day and I was honest and told him I had a date...
Hey! I was wondering where this thread went. I clearly missed tens of postings. I enjoy your posts, hope the warm weather keeps bringing new folks into the picture :)
Friday I'd planned to go out with this guy from okcupid - a different guy. We'd actually first "met" like around Christmas and had never managed to get around to meeting. He goes to my school, so he is local. He seemed nice enough, but he was chubby and kind of short, which doesn't pass my aesthetics test. So for the past however many months every now and again, he'd message, mostly asking if I wanted to meet up at the library.... :look:... I guess he spends a lot of time at the library, lol. I never got around to it.

For some reason when he messaged me about a week ago I didn't mind going, so we planned for drinks. I vetoed my first outfit and ended up dressing down in a sweater and jeans - fabulous, my favorite jeans and a cute sweater but dressed down nonetheless. I decided to walk, and I got hit on by like three guys on the way, so black guys were feeling it at least. We were meeting at the bar where I'd met Farrell, so in the back of my mind I wondered if he'd be there, or if not, maybe some of my school friends would be there in case things weren't going well.

As usual I was running behind like 20 minutes after I said I'd be there, and the second I walked in the door, the lights in the place went out :lol: There was a big chubby dude sitting staring directly at the door and he looked at me a couple times, and I meandered around awkwardly, wondering if this was the guy? I texted him about the lights going off... He eventually came over to me and so I thought he was the guy, Chris... we laughed about how I "caused" the lights to go out, but I'm looking like, this guy doesn't look like the pictures at all... I know he was kinda chubby but this is a BIIIIIG dude... and he's blonde... so I eventually checked my phone and he'd texted back saying "you caused the rapture! come outside!" um I think the bigger guy was the bouncer.... :rofl: :rofl:

So we walked to the other watering hole instead, talking affably. Once we arrived, I usually prefer to sit at the bar, but he preferred the side room with tables. We talked, and the conversation was good... I really enjoy smart guys and he is a chemistry major so he's not an idiot. We were getting on swimmingly; better, in fact, than I thought we would since I had been pretty uninterested, and was mostly just going out with him because I had nothing better to do, not because I really wanted to. But talking to him, I was really having a good time and maybe even liking him a little. At one point he started to say something and then trailed off and laughed awkwardly. Then he goes, "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous." I laughed like, "what? We've been here for like an hour." And he says "well I don't usually spend a lot of time with beautiful women like this," and then it was my turn to laugh awkwardly. But we split an order of fries so life was well again lol.

At some point we both ran out of cash and, not wanting to hit the ATM, decided to go to yet another pub... omg so much walking... lol... On the way, he expressed the fact that he wanted to kiss me, but didn't know how. "Well, you ruined it now!" I told him, and wouldn't allow him to kiss me in such a rehearsed manner. By the time we got to the other pub (which took cards), we'd missed last call, so, back to the second pub we went. By now we were holding hands. We ran into some belligerent drunk girl (named Andie, apparently) who was fighting with three frat guys and we dragged her off before they raped her or something :lol: which was random and hilarious.

So, now the night is winding down. I just want one more drink before I go home (and starve to death). He hits the ATM, and I sit at a table by myself. To my utter chagrin, this ****ing cute dude sitting at the bar in front of me shoots me a look. Ok, eye contact happens, whatever. But a couple moments later, he deliberately catches my eye and holds it, then smiles. I smile back, bemused, and hurriedly look away. Now I've been to that bar alone like three times trying to pick up a guy and no one ever looked twice at me. Now I'm getting scoped while I can't act on it... lol... BOO! Chris eventually came back with the drinks, and after that the guy and his friends left... ah well...
I think the other guy prob got brave bc of who you were with !!! Great thread - really entertaining.

Friday I'd planned to go out with this guy from okcupid - a different guy. We'd actually first "met" like around Christmas and had never managed to get around to meeting. He goes to my school, so he is local. He seemed nice enough, but he was chubby and kind of short, which doesn't pass my aesthetics test. So for the past however many months every now and again, he'd message, mostly asking if I wanted to meet up at the library.... :look:... I guess he spends a lot of time at the library, lol. I never got around to it.

For some reason when he messaged me about a week ago I didn't mind going, so we planned for drinks. I vetoed my first outfit and ended up dressing down in a sweater and jeans - fabulous, my favorite jeans and a cute sweater but dressed down nonetheless. I decided to walk, and I got hit on by like three guys on the way, so black guys were feeling it at least. We were meeting at the bar where I'd met Farrell, so in the back of my mind I wondered if he'd be there, or if not, maybe some of my school friends would be there in case things weren't going well.

As usual I was running behind like 20 minutes after I said I'd be there, and the second I walked in the door, the lights in the place went out :lol: There was a big chubby dude sitting staring directly at the door and he looked at me a couple times, and I meandered around awkwardly, wondering if this was the guy? I texted him about the lights going off... He eventually came over to me and so I thought he was the guy, Chris... we laughed about how I "caused" the lights to go out, but I'm looking like, this guy doesn't look like the pictures at all... I know he was kinda chubby but this is a BIIIIIG dude... and he's blonde... so I eventually checked my phone and he'd texted back saying "you caused the rapture! come outside!" um I think the bigger guy was the bouncer.... :rofl: :rofl:

So we walked to the other watering hole instead, talking affably. Once we arrived, I usually prefer to sit at the bar, but he preferred the side room with tables. We talked, and the conversation was good... I really enjoy smart guys and he is a chemistry major so he's not an idiot. We were getting on swimmingly; better, in fact, than I thought we would since I had been pretty uninterested, and was mostly just going out with him because I had nothing better to do, not because I really wanted to. But talking to him, I was really having a good time and maybe even liking him a little. At one point he started to say something and then trailed off and laughed awkwardly. Then he goes, "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous." I laughed like, "what? We've been here for like an hour." And he says "well I don't usually spend a lot of time with beautiful women like this," and then it was my turn to laugh awkwardly. But we split an order of fries so life was well again lol.

At some point we both ran out of cash and, not wanting to hit the ATM, decided to go to yet another pub... omg so much walking... lol... On the way, he expressed the fact that he wanted to kiss me, but didn't know how. "Well, you ruined it now!" I told him, and wouldn't allow him to kiss me in such a rehearsed manner. By the time we got to the other pub (which took cards), we'd missed last call, so, back to the second pub we went. By now we were holding hands. We ran into some belligerent drunk girl (named Andie, apparently) who was fighting with three frat guys and we dragged her off before they raped her or something :lol: which was random and hilarious.

So, now the night is winding down. I just want one more drink before I go home (and starve to death). He hits the ATM, and I sit at a table by myself. To my utter chagrin, this ****ing cute dude sitting at the bar in front of me shoots me a look. Ok, eye contact happens, whatever. But a couple moments later, he deliberately catches my eye and holds it, then smiles. I smile back, bemused, and hurriedly look away. Now I've been to that bar alone like three times trying to pick up a guy and no one ever looked twice at me. Now I'm getting scoped while I can't act on it... lol... BOO! Chris eventually came back with the drinks, and after that the guy and his friends left... ah well...

Thanks very much for this thread. I signed up to OKCupid, and admittedly I wasn't that confident that anything would come out of it. However one of the first guys who contacted me was really nice. We had a low match rating of 55% which confused me slightly as we have a lot in common. Anywho, after a few phone calls we decided to meet up. We had a lovely first date walking down the London Southbank by the river. Stopped at a quaint English pub for drinks then we did more walking and talking. We finished the evening with a nice meal then a final drink.

It's early days but I think I might be on to something rather special here. Thanks again :kiss:
Personally, I love your dating style. Dating should be fun and every woman should get her "Nola Darling" on.

I would like to caution you about going to people's places all willy nilly, though. I used to do that until I was sexually assaulted (with my friends there) and I haven't been the same since.
Personally, I love your dating style. Dating should be fun and every woman should get her "Nola Darling" on.

I would like to caution you about going to people's places all willy nilly, though. I used to do that until I was sexually assaulted (with my friends there) and I haven't been the same since.

:bighug: i am soo sorry!
I went to a huge party last night... when I got there I was the only black person there! I was like :look: this is uncomfortable :lol: but after awhile some people I hang out with showed up so it wasn't so weird.

Me and my friend (frenemy?) planned to go together but since we were coming from different directions we just decided to meet there, and while I was waiting for her to show up it was a little awkward. Jackass Jeremy was there. I never mentioned that he went back and BLOCKED me from his facebook :look: And every time I came near where he was, he got up and walked away. At first I planned to confront him but then when it started coming out what a complete jackass he was being about the whole thing I decided I didn't care anymore but this was too much. So eventually I cornered him and asked what the hell was his problem. He kept laughing awkwardly and pretending he was having a coughing fit. I'm like what did I do to you? And he's like oh we'll talk about it later! and continued avoiding me the whole night.

Landry was there too. When the night started winding down and I couldn't find my friend, who I was going back to our neighborhood with, he's like, "I don't know where she is, you want a ride home?" :lol: I was too drunk to get in a car with Landry even though sadly this meant forgoing the opportunity to get serviced at a drive thru.

When my friend Emily eventually came back over - ok, remember the guy I mentioned who flirted with me but I didn't know whether he was really flirting with me or what to do next? Ok, we'll call him James... and AGAIN he was flirting with me all night. Maybe it's a drunk thing? He faceplanted at one point in the night... so I'm sitting with Emily, and this other guy, and they are talking, and James is standing directly in front of me... hugging some random girl. I'm like dude, are you doing this in my face on purpose or what? And they're talking, and I'm watching, and they're nuzzling... he'd introduced me to her earlier in the night so I guess he already knew her. So I watched them leave together. Curses! Foiled again! :rofl:

That was the night for me. Emily and I headed back, meeting a guy along the way who suggested where we might find some food. Emily looked at me like I was crazy for talking to him :lol: Then we stopped at my neighborhood Dunkin Donuts, where I randomly go in the middle of the night cuz nothing else is open, and the cashier guy who recognizes me gave me an egg when I found out the sandwich I ordered didn't come with one :lol: again, Emily looked at me like I was crazy.

So today I'm thinking about heading to the beach to see if I run into Farrell. OK, I'LL ADMIT IT, I'm definitely uh... I'm definitely having some issues there... I know, it's tragic. And speaking of Dunkin Donuts, Chris and I did a run there the other night... at first I was never going to talk to him again because he didn't contact me again until the following Friday after we went out, but I was bored. He told me that he has a crush on me and when the school year's out he'll have an apartment nearby that I could hang out at. He also told me he's clinical bipolar. Okeydokey....

Thanks very much for this thread. I signed up to OKCupid, and admittedly I wasn't that confident that anything would come out of it. However one of the first guys who contacted me was really nice. We had a low match rating of 55% which confused me slightly as we have a lot in common. Anywho, after a few phone calls we decided to meet up. We had a lovely first date walking down the London Southbank by the river. Stopped at a quaint English pub for drinks then we did more walking and talking. We finished the evening with a nice meal then a final drink.

It's early days but I think I might be on to something rather special here. Thanks again :kiss:

Yay! I love to hear this! :kiss:
Well party people... I have some good news and I have some bad news... which basically I guess means I have no news, but here we go anyway...

So as I mentioned, it turned out that the Farrell issue was not one that I was particularly prepared to leave alone. He had crossed my mind rather a lot the past couple months and when it occurred to me that maybe I could contact him again... I felt... excited... hopeful perhaps. I just really felt like I clicked with this person, and he was a lot of fun, and I felt good around him. So I toyed back and forth forever with contacting him. After all, I'd deleted him from my facebook and pulled a juvenile Jeremy move because I jumped the gun feeling like "well you're not contacting me so I'm gonna delete you" I really don't know what my reasoning was.

Yesterday. I messaged on facebook. I said "hi" and that was it. I left, I went to the gym, and I put it out of my mind thinking I wouldn't come back to it until tomorrow. But probably an hour or two later I got a text. OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG. It's Farrell.

We small talked and the first thing he asked me was why I defriended him on facebook. After congratulations for my impending graduation blah blah whatnot, he asked me to meet him at the bar where we first met. Holyshtholyshtholyshtomgomgomgomg. I was so excited I could have jumped out the window. I couldn't believe how easy this was. I assumed he hated me, lol, when I never heard from him again, it made it easier to deal with, probably, lol... but now... omgomgomgomg.

So I got dressed. I wore the uncomfortable wedges that blister the back of my ankle and a cute dress with a sweater and I set out. I made it there like an hour later. He's sitting right at the entrance, at the bar, talking to an elderly black man which is OMG HE IS THE FCKING MOST RIDICULOUS, ENDEARING PERSON EVER. I walked over and stood still in front of him and waved. He stared at me with a big smile on his face, like, he paused, and stared at me. Omg, this is awkward. Omgomgomgomg.

"Hi," he said,

"Hi," I said,

and I sat and he ordered me a beer and we sat. He told me he couldn't believe I was there, and he didn't think I'd show up, and hey, somewhere around the me getting there and the me sitting down part, I realized actually, he's really drunk. I pretty much dropped all pretenses, I didn't play hard to get, I didn't play it cool, I was kind of nervous and awkward and so excited to see him again and I did not front. He told me I looked nice and asked if I'd dressed up for him. I smiled nervously and said I had. He told me that his roommate had asked about me, he told me that his mom hates me because he told her about me and how I disappeared and he told me it was hurtful for me to delete him from facebook. None of this was said in a heavy way - it was all playful as if, you know, it wasn't a big deal but maybe it was still true.

Over the course of this conversation, he frequently stops to converse with this old guy. There were several stretches of time where I sipped my gross beer and pretended I cared about the baseball game on, and felt a little ignored, but trying not to take it personally that he was drunk. He asked if I liked baseball... I told him I was, and I was planning to go to a game with my friend because the grass is really green and pretty in person. "We should go to a game," he says. "We should," I agree, and he says, THERE'S A GAME TOMORROW, DO YOU WANT TO GO. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG YES I WANT TO GO OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. We talk about kids, getting old. I tell him I only want one kid and he acts offended, says "WE" will need to have two... how cute is he... The whole time I'm there, I'm just thinking how badly I want him to kiss me. Or I wanted him to grab my hand and hold it. LOOK. LOOK! I'm here and he's here too! LOOK! LOOK! This is happening! If only I hadn't wanted him to kiss me so badly maybe I could have left the night right there, while I still was a whole person.

Night time rolls around and for some reason he decides he wants to jump in the lake, literally, which is a stones throw from the bar. His friend/a different roommate is there so the three of us head to the lake. I'm not jumping in, I tell him, I can't swim and also I'm scared of dark churning water at night. But we go. He helps me climb over the huge rocks, he strips down, and his crazy *** jumps in the damn water. I watch. His friend chickens out because the water is too cold.

Why I didn't leave the night there, I'll never know. The details... are too sharp. Let's suffice it to say I reacted very badly to a perceived slight. I instantly, in the snap of a finger, became completely insecure, extremely needy, my self esteem dropped to zero, all cards on the table, and it's a losing hand. I fcked it up. My complete inability to be a normal, decent person around a guy I really like showed up again, and it's no goddamn wonder that I'm single.

That's over... there's no coming back from it this time. Even if there were, my hopes were so incredibly high and crashed completely down that I can't let myself do that again. There wasn't anything he did... I just blew it. I'm so embarrassed really, that I can't even face him again. Add to the fact HOW SO COMPLETELY MUCH I really liked this guy, I just can't....

I checked my facebook this morning and apparently he'd messaged me there before he texted me. He also sent me a friend request. I guess I'll leave it to linger forever because I can't bring myself to deny it but I can't show my stupid fcking face ever again to accept it.

I debated for awhile whether or not to post this. I'm sure the issue of public accountability and vulnerability was a large consideration so I wasn't sure if I wanted to. But I guess I hoped that I would be amongst like company here, and get a sympathetic reaction, and maybe it would help because I gotta say... disappointed is an understatement. This sucks a whole lot and while I do think I wasn't gonna rest until I gave it a shot, part of me thinks I should have just let sleeping dogs lie... too bad that's just not in my nature. My best friend blames him. She thinks he's a jerk who wanted to use me, and that he's not really a virgin, and that pretty much I shouldn't have believed a word that came out of his mouth. Maybe I am stupid for thinking he was genuine, maybe I am dumb to think that because I say what I mean I can trust what other people say too. I don't know how to assume the worst of everyone, and I don't want to be bitter... I don't want to think it's anything more than me having some kind of personal issue where MY HEAD IS FCKED UP AND I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF. Who even knows what happened, but it's a goddamn carnival in my head right now.

So, I'm done. I want to crawl under a damn rock and not resurface until I have learned to keep every emotion and feeling and thought that I have bottled up buried far, far away from where anyone can reach it. I have to figure out what to do next. I am so tired of dropping down to zero and having to build all the way back up again. I wish I hadn't got my hopes up so high. I wish I hadn't allowed myself to think things would work out much much better than this. The irony is I tell myself that I'm keeping my distance, from people, and from having something like this happen, but clearly I get beside myself in situations like this.

It really sucks and I'm not sure what to think...
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