"men Dont Love Women Like You"


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all I am reading an excellent book. Before I name the title, please, please, please do not be put off by it. It's an excellent read (if you can tolerate the language. The message is PRICELESS. It's called "Men Dont Love Women Like You" by G.L. Lambert. He's guy from the BGAE site. I am married and reading it just because.... This book is excellent for any women who is going through it in regards to dating and not finding the right guy. He speaks to you to empower yourself and recognize GAME. Please look it up.
I have the audio version...but it's in kindle and paperback too. Those who are familiar with this guy and his blog site know exactly what to expect. But again I implore others to take a look.

eta: I made this a new thread in case some didnt see it in the other one.

What does it talk about
He basically breaks down how men use women's own egos and insecurities against them. He breaks down their game to a science as well as things women do that bring them to failure in finding the man they want. This guy's approach has ALWAYS been like no other. I dont offend easily so I can stomach just about everything he says and give it full thought. I'll see if I can find an excerpt.

Most men don't want you, they want to f**k you, know the difference. Most men don't love you, they love what you do for them, know the difference. Men Don't Love Women Like You! is a Step-By-Step manual on how to stop manipulation, command attention, and be seen as a must have by any man! **************** You are the type of woman that men grow bored with and replace. Your beauty, your brains, your perceived uniqueness is hype. In your bias world, a man would be lucky to have a woman like you because you aren't like every other female. The brutal truth that we men refuse to tell you, is that you are painfully typical. You flirt like every other woman. You hold the same conversations as every other woman. You read the same typical relationship advice and try the same tricks as every other woman. All because you are obsessed with being loved like every other woman. Men play along but they don't play for long. You are the woman we date and then dump. Sleep with then forget. Get into a relationship with, then eventually grow bored of. You will never work out because you don't stand out! The men you want the most, want you the least because you are just as ordinary as the women you claim to be better than. No man is hard to figure out. No man is emotionally unavailable. No man is unready to settle down. When a man tells you he's not looking for anything serious, he means "with you!" There are two types of women The Placeholder & The Game Changer. You are The Placeholder, that girl who fills a man's needs until The Game Changer arrives. A man will date you, sleep with you, even enter into a relationship, but you are not what he really wants. You are a practice woman, preparing him for his future wife. Aren't you tired of being just another seat filler? Will you become yet another mediocre woman that ends up settling for average because great men don't see her as anything special? Or are you ready to Spartan Up and learn how to become his Game Changer... Men Don t Love Women Like You, is a brutally honest manual that will transform you from typical to priceless. The secrets in this book will guide you step by step as you learn what men think, how to counter their Bullsh*t, and the exact ways to turn the table in your favor. No matter who the man is, how young, old, rich, or popular he may be, this book will show you how to attain power over him. From the first meeting to the first date. From a new relationship hitting its first bump to an old relationship on its last legs. You will learn to dominate men in ways you never dreamed of. You will become what you were always meant to be A Goddess in the flesh. Typical *****es get Typical results! Empowered women get powerful results! Open this book and learn how to get away with Pu$$y Power at a level never before seen and change your life.
I'm so tempted to read it but I got a long list now! I feel like I've heard all the darn rules already. I need cliff notes lol
Idk why but I feel like Emotional intelligence is at the center of it all. But darn it I wanna read this! And the boundaries book and START and 48 days to the job you want. I'm just overwhelmed with all this empowerment lol
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Maaaaan I'm still reading and forcing myself to put it down. It touches on so much more than dating. It goes to the root cause, the you and even talks about family. In thinking about taking a drive to visit my father, have a heart to heart, cry and move on. He needs to know how walking away as I cried for him stayed for me forever. How when I knew he had another family made me feel unloved and discarded, how his white wife who didn't want me around and if hear them arguing about it made me scared that night and I wanted to go home. How I'm envious of his relationship with his son. The son I felt he chose to bond with more than me. How he lives an hour away and I haven't seen him in years....I'm going to say all of that.....and I'm going to try and let it go....wow, I love this book. Thanks OP. He removes the shame and makes you wanna laugh at yourself....
While I do enjoy BGAE and will probably check this book out, I would like for the creators and other bloggers to make more advice books for men. It's almost always so rigged towards what women do wrong in dating, but a lot of men need to be called out on their BS, and very few people feel the need to do so.
While I do enjoy BGAE and will probably check this book out, I would like for the creators and other bloggers to make more advice books for men. It's almost always so rigged towards what women do wrong in dating, but a lot of men need to be called out on their BS, and very few people feel the need to do so.
I agree- but this will never happen because men think they know it all and won't seek others for advice. They truly don't understand that they are 1/2 the problem.
I'm starting to thing that the reason for why there aren't books calling out men is because their behavior is human nature? Meaning it's selfish, it's ruthless and its all the things we all are as human beings but we women temper that, we hide that. Men don't have to hide it because its serves them in all aspects of their lives. For us, it may help at work (although you would need to develop thick skin for being labeled a B) but at home, we DO things that make us think that's how we can get and keep a husband. This book shows that there is no P, no cooking, no pedigree and basically no formula for getting and keeping a man. Idk....just a thought. Nice doesn't get you anywhere and that's what women haven't quite gotten yet. My mom used to drill in my head to be considerate of others feelings. Man, I've been a doormat for friends, lovers and others thinking about other people before myself.
Remember @frogkisses just told us, be ruthless and merciless....she's correct.
I think the reason there aren't books for men is because the status quo is working for them. Whether they have advanced degrees or are freshly out of prison, they have their pick of attractive, educated women. Women are the ones complaining.

Not sure if that's human nature on the man's part but I know that no one changes when things are working and it's working for them.

This has piqued my curiosity so I'm going to at least download a sample. I'm really not interested in another set of rules though.
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My mom used to drill in my head to be considerate of others feelings.

I think your mom was correct but the most important person's feelings are your own. Being in touch with your own heart, desires, and feelings, recognizing when someone doesn't truly care about you or your feelings. We intuitively know when someone is playing us but our mind and society and the other person go into overdrive to convince us we are wrong. Selfish people who are at war are running from feelings, hurting others because they are hurting or afraid of losing a battle. I think the problem is that women are taught to care more about others than themselves, to love and help at their own expense.

My mother always taught me to run if my instincts told me something was wrong. Like say you are at a party and have a bad feeling, she would say you should trust that. But, whenever I had a problem with a person, a friend, a boyfriend, whatever, she would say, Are you sure? Or, They probably didn't mean that. Bottomline, she doubted my instincts about those closest to me. Her doubting and questioning encouraged me to doubt and question myself. As I get older I realize that she was onto something re trusting my instincts, she just didn't take the advice far enough.
While I do enjoy BGAE and will probably check this book out, I would like for the creators and other bloggers to make more advice books for men. It's almost always so rigged towards what women do wrong in dating, but a lot of men need to be called out on their BS, and very few people feel the need to do so.
The thing is, men can get married anytime they decide they want to. So why would they feel the need to change a thing? Its women clamoring and complaining about dating for the most part.
Although counterintuitive, I find that it's the women who are busy living their lives not giving a fludge who tend to get wifed up.
It's just as the book says. That woman who tries so hard to impress becomes desperate and then the vultures come swooping down smelling that blood and go to town on your ego. I'm really seeing this as a human nature thing and not a gender thing.
I love how he addresses how we compare ourselves to other women too. That I need to hear loud and clear.
Let me go take my reading lunch break teehee....
This book has been in my ear ALL DAY. I love this dude. To me, he is a Spartan amongst men because will tell you EVERYTHING that men wont. I can only imagine how many dudes stay mad at him.

And he is telling the absolute truth when he says we as women always think we are better than one another (for all the wrong reasons). But these men hear it all the time from women.

You are not the only educated woman he has dealt with. God didnt stop making cute faces after he made yours. You are not the only one who can put it down in the bedroom and the kitchen. You are not the only one who is successful. We love trying to prove to men why we are so different from one another but in their eyes...it's like "here we go again...just play along for the pus"
I guess I'm the game changer....because I never could shake men off. They hold on for dear life and I'm always the one that got away. I don't know what it is. I just had an ex that tracked me down on Facebook. I had to block him to make him go away because being mean and nasty and calling him nasty names wasn't working. :look:
I think as women we just need to stop ignoring our insticts and red flags. Men aren't complicated, we don't have to study for relationships. Most relationship advice is just common sense, we for whatever reason don't always follow common sense though.
I agree. I found that the more I read about how to be in relationships, and tried to be a certain way, the more issues I would have in my relationship. Things came together once I decided to trust that things would be ok, be myself, and actually learn how my particular man works. I found that trying too hard or following books was counterintuitive- for me.
I guess I'm the game changer....because I never could shake men off. They hold on for dear life and I'm always the one that got away. I don't know what it is. I just had an ex that tracked me down on Facebook. I had to block him to make him go away because being mean and nasty and calling him nasty names wasn't working. :look:

Attracting a bunch of men you don't want doesn't make you a game-changer. That's the situation for just about every woman on earth. :look:

This isn't the first or last book that teaches power dynamics. Women back in the day, especially those of the upper classes, studied men. They took courses in seduction and mastery of the male mind. Being able to outwit and seduce any man was the only way for a woman back then to yield power in a male-dominated society. Then somewhere we stopped. There is a reason why politicians, world leaders, major entertainers, and successful businessmen hold so much power over the masses-- they have studied and mastered human nature. They don't rely only on intuition or "common sense" because people are more complex than we realize. The more you know about the instincts, motivations, and thought patterns of a particular group of people, the more power you have over them. If you don't find the information useful, just keep it moving. I never shy away from knowledge.
They're not men that I don't want. I wanted them when I was with them. :look: I just don't want them anymore but they can never let go...that don't make them losers. I'm just irresistible...and I know it. I don't attract a bunch of men that I don't like. I attract pretty good guys.

I'm not gonna go into much detail because I don't put too much of my life on the Internet. But yes, men have always told me that there was something different and special about me.

I'm not gonna debate on it because that doesn't make sense to debate. It is what it is.

Attracting a bunch of men you don't want doesn't make you a game-changer. That's the situation for just about every woman on earth. :look:

This isn't the first or last book that teaches power dynamics. Women back in the day, especially those of the upper classes, studied men. They took courses in seduction and mastery of the male mind. Being able to outwit and seduce any man was the only way for a woman back then to yield power in a male-dominated society. Then somewhere we stopped. There is a reason why politicians, world leaders, major entertainers, and successful businessmen hold so much power over the masses-- they have studied and mastered human nature. They don't rely only on intuition or "common sense" because people are more complex than we realize. The more you know about the instincts, motivations, and thought patterns of a particular group of people, the more power you have over them. If you don't find the information useful, just keep it moving. I never shy away from knowledge.