Married Ladies Random Thoughts

I just wanted to say that you didn’t derail anything. You shared some very good thoughts in your post that hopefully will help Farida and other ladies experiencing similar behavior. When I wrote my post last night I didn’t realize that I pretty much said what you said. Thank you for being so candid and open :kiss:. Wishing you the best.

Thanks @hopeful
I always like reading your thoughts and analysis on various rlsp matters.

We are still not talking unless we have to on kid matters. I’m basically leaning back and doing nothing. Haven’t cook in almost a week, lol.

I’m focusing on my emotional and mental healing. Any recovery from this is going to be on him. Honestly, I’m at a point where if this marriage fails, I’ll be okay with it. Not to say I won’t be hurt or disappointed, but I will be okay.

I want a healthy marital rlsp. I don’t need to be married just to say I am married.
So for now I will accept the truce. But the hurt is still there. I will demand through this repair period that he take ownership and work on his own issues. Otherwise we will be back here again. And there is only so much of this I will be able to stand.

I would suggest that you not demand anything. Decide on what it is that you want and see what happens, see if he can and will do what is required to have a happy union where you feel safe and happy. IMO demanding uses too much energy and kind of puts you in the mothering/caretaker of the relationship role. Talk less, listen, watch, observe. It takes two to have a healthy relationship. Both people have to be rowing. Not one rowing and the other explaining over and over to the other how to row. You have to practice detachment more so you don’t get triggered and start controlling, demanding, explaining etc.

Remember he is just a man. Your life was ok before you met him. You will survive if things don’t work out. You want everything to work out, of course. But you have to let go a bit more so that the truth can be seen. Pull back the lens so that you can see what’s really going on between you two, versus being entangled in the madness.
This is an interesting article I found a few years ago when researching a paper. I thought I had it bookmarked, didn't, but was able to find it again. It helped me develop better communication skills when it comes to talking with DH.

Men, Women, Emotions and Communication

Men do talk - when they have the words.
Posted Aug 31, 2010

I overheard two women chatting in the market. One asked the other, "Does your husband talk to you?" Her companion answered, "Of course he talks, he has to ask me what's for dinner doesn't he?"

I totally understand where they are coming from. Most men have a hard time communicating anything that remotely resembles an emotion. Why? Because emotions are scary to men, who think much more than they feel, and much of the time, many men don't even know what or how they are feeling.

It is interesting to note that women think and feel at the same time, while men can only think or feel. And based on most men's reluctance to embrace their feminine side, it's no wonder they do their level best to stay in their heads.

Guys figure that once they have said the fateful words, "I love you," and the relationship is in full swing there are only three reasons to have a real conversation: sex, money and breaking-up.

So when a woman wants to talk, and the guy realizes he has to think and feel at the same time, just the idea becomes a challenge. So it's easy to understand why men have a harder time talking about feelings, it's because they have to switch gears from their head to their hearts. Sometimes when they have to do it very quickly, they may feel like the life is being sucked out of them.

Most of the time, when a man wants to talk he's thinking, "What do you want to do this weekend?" When a woman says, "Let's talk" guys go to this place in their heads where they start to think, "Oh my God, what did I do now?" Many feel like their relationship is being threatened just because the woman in their lives wants to talk with them. I may be sticking my neck out here, but this could be described as a slight over reaction.

What men need to understand is that when a woman says she wants to talk, she's saying I want to be closer. Unfortunately, when a man hears that he thinks something's wrong.

There are some other interesting facts that can enlighten us as to why it seems that "men don't talk," for example women have twice as many words as men. Women speak at 250 words per minute and men speak at 125, and according to Gary Smalley, author of "Making Love Last Forever" in the course of a day women speak 25,000 words compared to a man who only uses 12,000. It seems that by the end of the day men are talked out and women still have a day's worth of conversation in them. So one of the reasons men don't feel comfortable talking is because most women can out talk them.

Men and women also have different conversational styles. Women tend to talk faster when they get excited and may interrupt their partners who are struggling to find the right words. When this happen their male counterparts may lose track or shut down because they feel cut off and were unable to express what they were feeling. Men find it more difficult to attach words to emotions and getting back on track in an emotional conversation can be very difficult for them.

Understanding how men and women differ when it comes to talking will give everyone a little more empathy when it comes to discussing emotional issues. And understanding one another is a big step when it comes to creating and maintaining an emotionally fit and loving relationship.
Pray for me. The past two weeks were trash. I approached DH With an olive branch and he rebuffed me. The next day he apologized and asked to start over. I went to see my doctor and I am sure I ended up in the ER due to stress-related symptoms. I have a disability/chronic issue exacerbated by stress or sleep deprivation. Someone found me passed out in the parking lot. Thank you God, I felt it coming and tried to was still in drive but the curb saved my life and others’

Next thing I was waking up in the hospital. This is California so I am going to lose my driving privileges..
So sorry to hear this! Take care of yourself dear.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I pray the Lord grants you a full recovery. Please take care of yourself.
Thank you. The last time I had the same thing happen was when I had to sue my boss for discrimination. It is definitely stressed-related. My mom was so angry she wanted to beat up DH. She is convinced I was triggered by the stress he has put on me.

He had called my mom last weekend to tell her he'd hurt me (emotionally). Bad idea because when my mom heard I was in the hospital she quickly concluded it was his fault. I had to talk her out of coming to beat his butt!!!
Pray for me. The past two weeks were trash. I approached DH With an olive branch and he rebuffed me. The next day he apologized and asked to start over. I went to see my doctor and I am sure I ended up in the ER due to stress-related symptoms. I have a disability/chronic issue exacerbated by stress or sleep deprivation. Someone found me passed out in the parking lot. Thank you God, I felt it coming and tried to was still in drive but the curb saved my life and others’

Next thing I was waking up in the hospital. This is California so I am going to lose my driving privileges..
I would suggest that you not demand anything. Decide on what it is that you want and see what happens, see if he can and will do what is required to have a happy union where you feel safe and happy. IMO demanding uses too much energy and kind of puts you in the mothering/caretaker of the relationship role. Talk less, listen, watch, observe. It takes two to have a healthy relationship. Both people have to be rowing. Not one rowing and the other explaining over and over to the other how to row. You have to practice detachment more so you don’t get triggered and start controlling, demanding, explaining etc.

Remember he is just a man. Your life was ok before you met him. You will survive if things don’t work out. You want everything to work out, of course. But you have to let go a bit more so that the truth can be seen. Pull back the lens so that you can see what’s really going on between you two, versus being entangled in the madness.

Please do not quote.

Thank you. The only reason I am working extra hard is we have a young child together. Otherwise I would have left a week ago. My kid LURVVS his dad and is too young to understand separation/divorce. His dad was away for work and it was hell. The kid would not eat, no sleep, no naps until daddy came home. He is very good with the kid.

This week/weekend DH is being extra, super nice, attentive and awesome. He needs to keep it up and I need to see him agree to work on his issues. My eyes are open....We've been together 14 years and he started acting a fool when I got pregnant. He likes to think he worked on his daddy issues but all he did was bury them. Pregnancy etc. brought them out and he thinks he can just bury them.
@Farida I understand. I hope my post didn’t sound like I was suggesting giving up. But I am saying that holding on too tightly, trying too hard, doesn’t always yield the best results. Men often respond better to us falling back versus digging in our heels. Sometimes trying really hard let’s the other person off the hook or delays the inevitable. It can give you a false sense of control. And it sets a pattern of over functioning in the relationship. I am explaining my thoughts moreso for clarity not to convince you. I completely understand what you are saying here and I feel so much compassion for you. You have to do what’s best for you. Only you know what is best for you. We are here when you need us. You are loved and supported.
@Farida I understand. I hope my post didn’t sound like I was suggesting giving up. But I am saying that holding on too tightly, trying too hard, doesn’t always yield the best results. Men often respond better to us falling back versus digging in our heels. Sometimes trying really hard let’s the other person off the hook or delays the inevitable. It can give you a false sense of control. And it sets a pattern of over functioning in the relationship. I am explaining my thoughts moreso for clarity not to convince you. I completely understand what you are saying here and I feel so much compassion for you. You have to do what’s best for you. Only you know what is best for you. We are here when you need us. You are loved and supported.
I appreciate the advice. I started going to counseling on my own which is when I realized I was trying to fix a lot of what is not mine to fix. But things have to change. I won't stress myself to death trying to fix something I did not break.
Pray for me. The past two weeks were trash. I approached DH With an olive branch and he rebuffed me. The next day he apologized and asked to start over. I went to see my doctor and I am sure I ended up in the ER due to stress-related symptoms. I have a disability/chronic issue exacerbated by stress or sleep deprivation. Someone found me passed out in the parking lot. Thank you God, I felt it coming and tried to was still in drive but the curb saved my life and others’

Next thing I was waking up in the hospital. This is California so I am going to lose my driving privileges..

Sorry to hear that. Can you get away for a little while to clear your head?

In response to your other post, you can't just bury things and think that everything will be okay. Your issues will resurface in other ways or other areas of your life until you deal with them.
I am away from home and DH got some stuff monogrammed for DS. It was terrible, I try to be subtle chatting with him, started with maybe a different color, why is his name spelled wrong, why so poorly done then as he was originally receptive, went all the way to trash the product. He then agreed to try something different: get clothes tag. DS is going to boarding school
Ended with him saying he too didn't like it when he got it but thought it was functional but he will get clothes tag so thanks for my comments. I know if I was holding the home down juggling as much as he has going on, I wouldn't take criticism so well.....he is a lot more patient then when we were newly weds.
This is my fourth months away, can't wait to get back home.
@Farida I hope you are faring better now. I agree with most of the ladies, take care of yourself. I hope he gets it together. I honestly think leaning back is the best way for you. It will either make him do better or not...but you will find your peace either way. As for what he said months ago that got you so upset, I will bet money he said that just because he knows it will have the maximum impact. Don't give that space in your head. Hugs
@Farida I hope you are faring better now. I agree with most of the ladies, take care of yourself. I hope he gets it together. I honestly think leaning back is the best way for you. It will either make him do better or not...but you will find your peace either way. As for what he said months ago that got you so upset, I will bet money he said that just because he knows it will have the maximum impact. Don't give that space in your head. Hugs

Thank you. I have been focusing on my health for the most part recently. I have been in so much pain for what is yet an unknown reason. So I am trying to get a lot of rest and I am listening to my body more.

I feel like I live in the hospital. But oh well.

Anyhoo, the other day I read DH so bad that he must know now I mean business. His first reaction was to play victim and I honestly didn't give into it. I told him I was drawing my line in the Sand. He has been going to counseling and hopefully he will work on whatever is eating him.

I read Boundaries by Clark and Townsend and it was very helpful and quite liberating.
Good Lawd my SIL texted me rainbows and sunshine. She always has so much drama going on and I stay out of it. I am over here wondering what in the world she is up to...

Oh well. I don't get sucked into nonsense so I responded with greetings and good wishes.

She and DH have had so much drama between them. The funny thing is they are very similar which is why they butt heads. But it is a sore spot for me to point that out to DH so I stay out of it. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Marriage is hard work but when it works it's a beautiful thing. Aj and I had our issues but we found a way to work it out more often than not. Whenever I was mad at him he'd grab me and say dance with me. It was his way of holding me close when maybe I didnt want to be bothered.
I never knew I could hurt like this again. I'm going to miss everything about him.
Laugh alot, love a lot, pray alot and take time with your s/o cause in the blink of an an eye it could all change. Rest in peace my love, there will be no other like you ever. I keep playing every moment we spent together in my mind. I wish I just had one more chance. Goodbye my love.
Marriage is hard work but when it works it's a beautiful thing. Aj and I had our issues but we found a way to work it out more often than not. Whenever I was mad at him he'd grab me and say dance with me. It was his way of holding me close when maybe I didnt want to be bothered.
I never knew I could hurt like this again. I'm going to miss everything about him.
Laugh alot, love a lot, pray alot and take time with your s/o cause in the blink of an an eye it could all change. Rest in peace my love, there will be no other like you ever. I keep playing every moment we spent together in my mind. I wish I just had one more chance. Goodbye my love.

Marriage is hard work but when it works it's a beautiful thing. Aj and I had our issues but we found a way to work it out more often than not. Whenever I was mad at him he'd grab me and say dance with me. It was his way of holding me close when maybe I didnt want to be bothered.
I never knew I could hurt like this again. I'm going to miss everything about him.
Laugh alot, love a lot, pray alot and take time with your s/o cause in the blink of an an eye it could all change. Rest in peace my love, there will be no other like you ever. I keep playing every moment we spent together in my mind. I wish I just had one more chance. Goodbye my love.

Hugs to you!
Marriage is hard work but when it works it's a beautiful thing. Aj and I had our issues but we found a way to work it out more often than not. Whenever I was mad at him he'd grab me and say dance with me. It was his way of holding me close when maybe I didnt want to be bothered.
I never knew I could hurt like this again. I'm going to miss everything about him.
Laugh alot, love a lot, pray alot and take time with your s/o cause in the blink of an an eye it could all change. Rest in peace my love, there will be no other like you ever. I keep playing every moment we spent together in my mind. I wish I just had one more chance. Goodbye my love.
My prayers are with you my love!
Ladies, I normally dont post my business but I need help. My husband and I have been married for over 30yrs. He is an extrovert and friendly towards everyone. I am the exact opposite as an introvert. We have a history of arguing over female co-workers. They are in my opinion to comfortable with him. One example, last night we went to a MMA fight to cheer his military friend, he was fighting. A woman from his unit walks up behind him and gently turns his head. This woman is accompanied with her husband, her husband doesn't seem to have a problem with it. She turns the top of my husband's head, I dont know this woman and find it disrespectful. During the matches, I asked him 3 questions regarding this woman, finally after the 3rd question he tells me she is in his unit. We silently go through the matches. Get home and now I'm pissed, I want to talk but he doesn't want to discuss it. In his mind she bumped the back of his head.
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