Married Ladies Random Thoughts

I have been married about a week and everything seems like it was before,lol. I had so much happen in the month I am just happy to be living life back to normal. New wife, new grad nurse
OMG! Congratulations!! I followed your story (struggle) regarding becoming an RN and now you've done it and gotten married!! Amazing accomplishments and truly a blessing. So glad you hung in there despite everything against you!

I hate that
Me to DH: I’m going on a diet. Back to eating on my plan.
DH a day or 2 later: you want chick filet, pizza, (insert whatever foot that is NOT on my plan)
Me: sure. Thank you lol
I’m pretty sure it’s intentional at this point... the subterfuge :spinning:

Mine be like, “one unhealthy meal ain’t gone set you back just like one healthy one ain’t enough”
Hey guys, I'm pregnant! woohoo!!! :afropick:

That was fast. You guys were on it lol. Impressive.

Thanks! A lil over 8wks. We heard the heartbeat last week :) first ob app is tomorrow.
Does that mean you already did an ultrasound, or some other thing? Clue me in lol.

ETA: I was too excited and didn't realize that I posted in the married folks thread :lachen:. Well it will be applicable one day.
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That was fast. You guys were on it lol. Impressive.

Does that mean you already did an ultrasound, or some other thing? Clue me in lol.

ETA: I was too excited and didn't realize that I posted in the married folks thread :lachen:. Well it will be applicable one day.

Yea that was fast lol. Yea, we got an ultrasound last week.
oh, is it called sonogram? lol idk
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@Farida, how are you today?
Not good. He honestly said some unforgivable things to me. And what hurts the most is he believed them. He said he would not have said them if he knew it would hurt me. He basically apologized for saying them which means he believes them to be true.
Not good. He honestly said some unforgivable things to me. And what hurts the most is he believed them. He said he would not have said them if he knew it would hurt me. He basically apologized for saying them which means he believes them to be true.

What was his goal in saying them since he didn't think it would hurt you?

DH used to say hurtful things to me when we argued. Things I took seriously and would act accordingly as our marriage continued. It wasn't until months later during one of our many talks when he realized I took him seriously. His reasoning was that since he was upset when he said them, I should have known he was speaking out of frustration and didn't mean them. Can you believe it? Lol.
But that was then and he has grown. He communicates much better now and understands he is responsible for every word he utters. Frustration or not.
What was his goal in saying them since he didn't think it would hurt you?

DH used to say hurtful things to me when we argued. Things I took seriously and would act accordingly as our marriage continued. It wasn't until months later during one of our many talks when he realized I took him seriously. His reasoning was that since he was upset when he said them, I should have known he was speaking out of frustration and didn't mean them. Can you believe it? Lol.
But that was then and he has grown. He communicates much better now and understands he is responsible for every word he utters. Frustration or not.

Please don’t quote. We were arguing for about a week and he encouraged me to go to dinner with my girlfriends. When I was leaving he told me he assumed he would not see me until morning. Which to me meant because he would be asleep when I came home. But nope he clarified "just don't bring anyone home." I still assumed he meant my girlfriend, to hang out or for her to sleepover maybe after drinking too much to drive home.

Later on I asked what he meant and he said he assumed I would meet a guy to have sex with. I have never cheated or given him any reason to think I have cheated or would ever cheat. My girlfriends are mutual friends of his so it's not like they would go for that. I have also gone out with them several times, even out of town. So I was offended and heartbroken and pissed.

Later on I told him how much it hurt and if he really believed I would do that just because we are fighting and he said yes.

So this was not at the heat of the moment. He repeated it on 3 occasions after having time to think.

And his apology was, "If I knew it would hurt your feelings..." And not "I am sorry for accusing you without a valid basis."

We have been together forteen years. Come on!