Married ladies....Do you ever just want to be left alone?

Been married 5 years too. We have no kids and we both work full time so we both get a lot of alone time. His siblings live in town so they do a dinner together from time to time. I do my girlie stuff too.
Yup. As a matter of fact, I'm taking a vacation day on Monday just to have some time to myself. I've been looking forward to it all month :grin:
I love my DH and my family with all my heart, I give them 100%. When they need me I am there. I am their biggest FAN for all of them.

BUT! When I tell them I need some time to myself, that is not a question or a request. That is a statement of fact and the next response from them is when do you need it and for how long?

I like me, I like spending time by myself. Me and myself get along very well and I enjoy my own company. Yes I typed that correctly.
Yes of course. Especially if one is introverted. I've been married 13 years and I love my husband dearly but I enjoy being alone and take quite a few vacations by myself.

There's nothing strange about it, but if he's not used to you wanting to be alone, sit down and have a little chat with him so that he doesn't take it personally.
DH works more than I do so I get plenty of alone time. I've been known to take the day off and not tell a soul.
I take fairly regular "vacations" by myself. My husband does the same. When he goes, I take care of our daughter. When I go, he takes care of her. It's proven to be very good for our family for a number of reasons. On a personal level, I love my family deeply but I need time away occasionally or I will become extremely unhappy. will be 6 years on the 30th and I love my alone time. My hubby works mostly evening shifts and I LOVE IT! I love coming home and the children are chilling in their rooms and Me in mine. Sometimes I sit reading a good book or watching television stretched out on my bed. I need alone time or I am a beast! When he does got off and spend time with me it's good but I love my time alone. I have a gf who is with her man 24/7 excluding work. She gets mad when he want to hang with the boys. Her whole world is centered around him...I think it's pure neediness on her part.She can't see that he wants time away from her...I would hate for them to break up! LOL!
Thank God I travel for work.... Before my daughter was born if I stayed home more than a few weeks straight we would butt heads.
Oh GOD Yes...YES!! And he should take the boys with him!! Lol, very rarely will he do something with his family, and I'll stay home by myself...and it is just a slice of Heaven! Nothing is on...not the radio, nor the TV. Just silence....magical silence. No one yelling "Mom" every 5 seconds, and no one calling me and asking me some foolishness every other minute. I love my GNO's as well...we have one every 3 months.

Being a Wife & Mother is awesome, but I sure do miss the single life.


MrsJaiDiva....My Mother used to yell at us, "I'm gonna change my name"!!

Yes, I love being alone sometimes. I've always been a loner. When I was single and came home from work on Friday, I would write a list of everything to hold me 'til Monday morning when it was time to go back to work and I would sometimes stay at home chilling, looking at movies or TV , sleeping, eating or reading all weekend.

MrsJaiDiva....My Mother used to yell at us, "I'm gonna change my name"!!

Yes, I love being alone sometimes. I've always been a loner. When I was single and came home from work on Friday, I would write a list of everything to hold me 'til Monday morning when it was time to go back to work and I would sometimes stay at home chilling, looking at movies or TV , sleeping, eating or reading all weekend.

I tell my family "Mom ran away from home...there is now no longer anyone named Mom here!!" But now that the boys spent the summer hearing my family call me Jai all the time, if I don't answer to Mom, they start screaming J!! J!! :lachen::lachen: Leave me Be!!
I think it's normal and healthy to want your alone time. I'm sure in the future I'll be taking a vacay solo or something just to get away from this man and his mouth.
Yes. And tonight I have a date with myself:yay:.

Dh works ALOT and I don't want alot of time away from him as much as I would like some time away from the kids.
I'm pretty much left alone most of the day Mon-Fri since DH works but when he's here I like him around as long as he's not going on about ghosts or aliens. I don't have kids b/c I couldn't handle the noise and 24/7 neediness. Someone would get hurt!
Girl, yes.
Just this morning I came downstairs all tired and in need of coffee. This **** just kept talking about the most mundane crap. Dude! Leave me alone! I JUST woke up. I sent him to the store so that he'd go away until I get some coffee into my system. Don't nobody have time for alla that first thing in the morning!!