Long hair isn't for everybody....


New Member
YouTube - Blond Rapunzel Gets Her Hair Chopped

She looks MUCH better with her final cut. (watch all of it lol)


I think I'm just just going to grow to BSL/MBL and have my hair in layers.

Dare I say it... but I think really long hair isn't all that.....

You just end up looking like you need a haircut :look:

You know the saying 'Quality over Quantity'

There should be a banner here saying 'Style over length' :lol:
I do agree with this statement, I will use myself as a example, I have been a member of the LHCF for years and have only once grown out my hair and I looked absolutely boring! Added layers still boring Short hair fits me my face my lifestyle. Now I have had hair that ranged between shoulder length bob and and a pixie Always healthy though but when it was longer like apl and bsl I would put it in a pony or bun because It over powered my features. My sister on the other hand does not look good with short hair because head shape and face shape she looks awesome with long hair and is approaching WL now.
No one thing is for everybody...diversity is the spice of life and that would include hair, too!
This tread is scaring me now. there is a little voice inside me that is saying why go through all the hassle. In my gut I feel I look better with short hair. But as someone mentioned before, I will get to APL then decide.
I agree long hair is not for everyone. Head shape and facial features determine I believe if long or short hair looks good a woman. In my case, I just want to see if I can grow my hair to the longest length possible and then determine if I look good with long or short hair.
I don't think just one length/style is for anyone.
IMO people should switch it up. Keep it long for a bit, rock a short style for a bit, and in betweenie so they can see what works best for them...

I like the final product on the YT vid tho. All that hair looked raaaaaggedy
I don't think I'll consciously intend to grow my hair past MBL. It would be too much work for me to handle. But, I do agree that everything isn't for everybody and just enjoy what does work for you.
I think I look at black women's long hair as a great achievement (well the 4 a/bs anyway). However I tend to be more wowed by some of the short at the back, longer in the front healthy bobs I've seen on here.
Although I'm sure her super long locks were quite the conversation piece for her, that short cut flattered her face more and made her look fierce and sassy!
I agree. I call these women "Halle Berry chicks". I have a friend who looks sooo much better with short hair but she insists on wearing Beyonce/Tyra-ish weaves and wigs:nono:.

Unfortunately, due to my face/head shape, I can't rock nothing shorter than a chin length bob:ohwell:.
I agree. I have worn my hair Halle Berry short and as well as longer and now I know that longer hair is more flattering on me.

As for blonde Rapunzel, I don't think I would have gone that short, but her hair was super long and she needed to let go of some of that hair. In my opinion she looked sassier and and younger with the short cut.
WHAT an annoying language... Ugh my god. Anyways. I hate classical length hair with a passion. BSL/WL thick, healthy hair with layers is beautiful. Frazzled hair down to a persons knees seriously weirds me out. She would look nice with long, layered hair, just not the nasty style she had. :hammer:
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I agree. I don't need WL hair anymore. I just want thick natural hair now. I've had long relaxed hair for many years, I want something else now.
Sometimes I'm afraid I'll grow my hair out long, look in the mirror and realize I look like 1 of someone's 50 wives or like I was home schooled on a farm before coming to the city.


Just my personal concerns...
I realized a while ago that super long isn't for me. I've had twists and braids of various lengths and I like the way APL frames my hair the best. Now being a 4b natural, WSL hair with shrinkage could take me to APL. So who know how long I'll actually grow it...
Long hair isn't for everyone agreed but short hair doesn't work for me. I prefer longer hair.

Wouldn't want her length tho. Maybe classic length at the most. I think long hair becomes boring when you don't wear different styles.
I agree that long hair isn't for everyone. I just want to know that I COULD grow my hair long if I WANTED to. The thought that it's impossible to grow my hair to the length I want is not one I will accept.

Now ol' girl in the video :shocked:

The new shorter length was fierce, but that hair style :ohwell:
Short hair looks fab on me. It was my signature hair length for years.
Pinned up hair looks great on me too. I know that those fit me better than long hair.

I'm growing my hair down to maybe bsl. More that likely I will be wearing it big and out vs. down.

Short, pinned up, or big & unruly. Those work for me much more than long straight hair.:yep:
I think shorter hair looks better on me too, but I'm determined to get to at least BSL and see what I want to do from there. If I like it, I'll keep it. If not I'll cut it to shoulder length. I'm natural now, so with shrinkage and stuff it'll take me a while. I want to get to APL unstretched, but we'll see.
Her hair did not look healthy all the way. Her ends looked horrible to me. I think hair that long is just not pretty. JMHO.