My 2 cents would be....

Be patient when aiming for length....even if you start to hallucinate that you are at waistlength already but then when u post it and your LHCF sisters say you're not....don't get offended (personal experience)...they are just telling the truth. Give yourself time and try not to dwell on it and obsess over it.

Thanx ladies....for real. :hug3:

And keep your hair moisturized all the time :yep: And scalp clean :yep:
My 2 cents would be....

Be patient when aiming for length....even if you start to hallucinate that you are at waistlength already but then when u post it and your LHCF sisters say you're not....don't get offended (personal experience)...they are just telling the truth. Give yourself time and try not to dwell on it and obsess over it.

Thanx ladies....for real. :hug3:

And keep your hair moisturized all the time :yep: And scalp clean :yep:

Good one, if you want feedback just post a pic or link to your album and ask the question don't assume you already know. Actually this happened to me in reverse i always downplayed my progress and new lengths cause I have hairnorexia= hair anorexia and I couldn't see it.
love this thread..i will read every single post but first i will contribute..

Well the reason i am back on this Board in the first place is b/c of a setback..because of LHCF i was able to grow my hair long real fast..and of course i wanted to play w/ it..so i decided to start putting in Texturizers over my relaxers...but the drama started when i wanted to switch back to relaxer..which means my texurized hair got over processed and my hair broke off TERRIBLY...

but only in the front and like the crown mid back area..so it looked like there was a big gap in the back of my head especially since my hair had gotten pretty long..

Then being back on LHCF..i decided to try BKT..since i am now afraid of chemicals but still wanted straight hair..well my hair had been doing better but took a turn for the worse after BKT..it was breaking off and shedding like crazy..maybe it was heat damage from the high heat..i donno..but i was so surprised because i have heard nothing but good things and that it stops and prevents damage..not causes it...

so basically i have had a setback on top of a setback..my head is in really bad shape..just long hair in one corner..and broken off hair in another..i'm too afraid to cut i off..i wanna just grow i out since it sits under a wig n e way..

but please learn from my mistakes..

properly transition..and stick to it..or get a corrective if you wan to go back

and don't jump on every bandwagon..cause to each their own..

Did you do a deep moisture treatment or a protien treatment. If I have learnt anything it's that you need to find a way to keep your hair constantly moisturized, whether it's co-washing, deep conditioning, adding leave-ins, ect (what ever works for you). When you use heat, since it damages/ breaks down bonds in you hair to make it straighter you might need to do a protein treatment to restore the strength of you hair followed by a deep moisture treatment to prevent it from getting too dry and breaking off.
After intense heat or any chemical treatment on my hair I tend to treat my hair with extra care for the nest two weeks, paying extreamly close attention to it and it's needs since I feel that it has been through alot .
I Don't get it

Of course there is a such thing as 'going natural' Sometimes it's a process and some ladies 'do' transition:ohwell:
You don't need a relaxer. You want one. Knowing that difference will change the way you go about using them (i.e. stretching). May even change your choice to use them at all. No one ever needs to chemically alter their hair. If you keep having setback after setback, that's the first place you should look.

There is no such thing as "going natural". It is "being natural". And yes, it ranges in difficulty for each person because it is hard to break old habits. If you are scared or nervous about "being" natural, really take a long look at yourself and why. Then research, research, research so that when you do you don't end up having setbacks that make you feel like you need to relax your hair. Learn your hair type (by whatever system you choose), learn the techniques, the products... ask questions of the veterans, speak up. Chill on the heat, miracle products, and chasing the elusive "curl". These things can do far more harm than good.

Light auburn on light brown/reddish hair = blonde. UGH. Permanent color IS permanent.

When combing out your locs, don't get frustratred and tug. You will end up ripping off your hair and have uneven patches when you're finally loose. If you dont have the patience, don't do it yourself. It takes hours and hours and hours, but CAN be done.

Before taking supplements and vitamins, be sure that you are fully aware of your health issues and take into account your weight, height, and age. These things play a role in the effectiveness of the pills/powders and/or side effects. A 350 lb woman can't expect the same dosages to work for her that work for a 150lb woman. A 25 y/o woman will metabolize these things differently than a 50 y/o woman.

If you can't get past shoulder length, but constantly wear your hair resting on your shoulders... therein lies your problem.
To correct my problems, I think I am going to rollerset for this relaxer stretch and then come back flat ironing (if I'm in a pinch for time)...otherwise, I am rollersetting from now on. Flat ironing for me is going to be for emergencies only! And I'm cleaning out my hair inventory. Everything that didn't work must go!
I have read all of the posts and have nothing to add. All of the info was right on point. Thank OP for this very useful post!!!!
Bunning as a growth aid and protective style is a great approach if done properly, just like w/ braids. With bunning you have to be sure to watch out for stress points, from a breakage standpoint and where you pin it. If you always keep your bun in the same place, your hair can break and you can get bald spots (ie traction alopecia) in the place you constantly pin it.

You need to move your buns every so slightly up, down, to the left and to the right. Nothing incredbly drastic is requred, but this changed where the stress points are and where you place your pins.

This same principle applies to wrapping your hair. Change direction and change your placement a bit.

Iris you should write a bit about your discovery, oil washing/rinsing. I don't fully understand this one myself! :grin:
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Le sigh...there IS such a thing as "going natural". If you haven't dealt w/ your unaltered texture in many years or ever, you MUST learn an entirely new head of hair. To pretend otherwise is denial and a major cause of "setbacks" across the board to the unsuspecting. You simply can't treat natural hair exactly as you did your relaxed hair. Nor can you treat lockd hair as you do loose. It simply doesn't work that way. People who try this learn VERY quickly the true meaning of setback, as we see evidence of daily at this site.

Frankly, why someone is afraid to be natural isn't my business...I don't make windows into people's souls, however I understand that it IS daunting to learn an entirely different head of hair, styling practices, product lineup, etc. Given the immense amount of product, tools, and techniques used and tauted by naturals here and elsewhere, I'd be put off myself if I didn't know better. I know better based on experience and time. Everyone has to learn that way.

I've been natural long enough to know it ain't just as simple as not getting a perm anymore. This is a very complex and personal decision that shouldn't be made because of peer pressure of any sort.

I think you missed my point, but its ok. I'm noticing that you have critiques of a lot of things people say. I'm not trying to be argumentative on a hair board, but I will elaborate.

Who we are is who we are, naturally. I dont have to "go" anywhere or "go" back to being who I am born. I can just be who I am and stop doing the other things that were changing who I am naturally. THAT is what I mean. To me, "going natural" suggests that its some type of alternative style when it really is the baseline. Being natural, in my OPINION (we're still allowed those right?) more accurately describes what happens when a woman decides to stop chemically relaxing her hair.

Learning the tricks of the trade are all included in the idea of "being" natural.

Now if you have a difference of opinion, so be it, I can respect that. But please, dont ridicule (le sigh? really?) my views simply because you disagree.

I totally disagree with your post about combing your hair dry, but I didnt feel the need to come behind you and make a mockery of it.

To the RED section, I say, complex personal decision? really? I guess that is where we differ in opinion, and I hope it can move more towards a respectful exchange, because I am very bothered by the idea that any sister has to make a COMPLEX decision about wearing her hair sans relaxer. If that isnt troublesome, I dont know what is. I think the complex decision-making should be in whether or not to relax, not whether or not to "be" natural. When you say "go natural" you are suggesting that relaxers are normal, being natural is not and I denounce that idea and hope at some point, we ALL deounce it
Do not rip out knots!! Ripping them out will cause your ends to split and cause more knots. I've had to trim inches of hair because I kept ripping out my knots. Now I carry about a small pair of hair shears so that I can cut them out.
I Don't get it

Of course there is a such thing as 'going natural' Sometimes it's a process and some ladies 'do' transition:ohwell:

Its all about how you view the concept of "natural"
We clearly all have different opinions and views so there is no "of course" about anything. I dont agree with the idea of "going natural", so that doesnt make your opinion more valid than mine or the correct one.

I have a different perspective on the idea of it, as I explained up thread, but we can agree to disagree.
Very few people under a certain age. :giggle: I always check for a hot comb over a flat iron anyday. At least w/ a hot comb you can control how many heated surfaces touch the hair. Flat irons give heat both directly from below and above. The potential for burning is much higher, IMHO.

I think at this stage of the game I am too impatient/lazy and too rusty on the traditional pressing comb thing when 100%. I may buy a ceramic tourmaline one someday. I fear a repeat of the blonde then gone thing. I notice with flat ironing I have to be careful not to drag the iron across the section.

If you have fine strands you cannot, cannot! do what the thick stranded girls can do. Can Not!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That goes with regimens, products, styles. Don't get caught up in bandwagons you read on the forum.

Yes Ma'am! Couldn't thank you twice!

Sort of related -- if you know you're lazy about certain things, build a regimen that really works for your style/involvement preferences. Don't expect to totally revamp everything you do overnight and be able to stick with it. Easy does it.

Your hair can tell you far more about how to take care of it than anyone on this board ever could. You'll notice in this thread and any other where people are giving tips to newbies or whatever--the one thing that everyone DOES agree on is to listen to your hair :yep:[/QUOTE]

Yep Yep!
Do not rip out knots!! Ripping them out will cause your ends to split and cause more knots. I've had to trim inches of hair because I kept ripping out my knots. Now I carry about a small pair of hair shears so that I can cut them out.

Knots on ends...a way to avoid them if you plait/braid is NOT to braid down to the tips of the hair. Your hair WILL stay plaited, you can "seal" the ends by putting on a heavier oil, if there was even tension all the way down, I've found.
If you get that mental PMS-haze, please don't make any major hair decicions (i.e...radical cut, color or chemicals) when Aunt Flow is coming to visit!
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I just am trying to not agree with if you don't want to wash it don't because I don't feel like it and I know I need to get my butt down stairs right now ;)

HUH, but you told me so I won't atleast not right now, :)

anywho, my add, YOU must do what works for you, if it doesn't work and it makes your hair worse, GET RID OF IT, don't use it just because you don't want to waste money, bless someone else with it, they might have better results.

If someone else has something you'd like to try, ask for a sample don't be ashamed or to cute, or if they have samples in the store pick it up, the bigger picture is, if it doesn't work you can thank goodness you didn't get the larger bottle.

Honestly, your hair is growing everyday, I have butchered my hair, beat up my hair, snagged my hair with combs and basically ABUSED the heck out of my hair but it was still WL to my unliking of it. I didn't want and still don't like hair touching my back, I have a pet peve against it like body liquid don't ask me why I just do! I don't like sweat, so in that moment (yall know) here is a towel! I used blow dryers weekly and flat irons with no breakage , I still got my trims and rollersets. You have to know what your hair can tolerate. I at that time was using thermasilk I think and CPR that is to say nothing so Special or $1000000 of dollars.

YOu really have to know your hair, feel your hair, listen to your hair, and if that doesn't work talk to your hair :D (JUST KIDDING about talking to it) but do listen if it seems dry, work on hydrating, if it is to moisturized work on protein, if it is too dull and gucky clarify, but listen to your hair, if you don't it will be hair today and gone tomorrow. :)

AND YES please don't just cut because your mad --> I have been guilty of it about 4 times, Last time I did it because me and my husband was going through some stuff and I needed to vent in my own way, but he was mad so I did accomplish what I set out for! :D

Now look at me, tryna get back to where I was? :)
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If you get that mental PMS-haze, please don't make any major hair decicions (i.e...radical cut, color or chemicals) when Aunt Flow is coming to visit!

:perplexed Stop talking about me!!! I confessed already. LOL, I know bald and blonde lol! AHhhhh, I remember those days

ALways my brittney spears moments though, I felt like I was letting go of the past and starting anew!
Don't know if this has been posted already, but it bares repeating (especially if you're like me :grin:).

Tips on Trimming

1. Keep track of how often you trim. It's easy to trim too frequently or too infrequently if you don't know when your last trim was.
2. Know approximately how fast your hair grows, so you know how much to trim off so you aren't setting yourself back.
3. Don't be obsessed with evenness! This can lead to over-cutting.
4. Make sure you use a pair of sharp scissors when you trim.
5. For those that trim their hair when wet, be aware that a 1/2 inch of wet hair may very well equal 1 to 1 1/2 inches of dry hair, so be careful!
6. For those that don't self-trim, make sure the person that trims your hair is trustworthy. A good sign of trustworthiness is that they respect both you and your hair goals and don't show signs that they think they know better than you.
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I think you missed my point, but its ok. I'm noticing that you have critiques of a lot of things people say. I'm not trying to be argumentative on a hair board, but I will elaborate.

Who we are is who we are, naturally. I dont have to "go" anywhere or "go" back to being who I am born. I can just be who I am and stop doing the other things that were changing who I am naturally. THAT is what I mean. To me, "going natural" suggests that its some type of alternative style when it really is the baseline. Being natural, in my OPINION (we're still allowed those right?) more accurately describes what happens when a woman decides to stop chemically relaxing her hair.

Learning the tricks of the trade are all included in the idea of "being" natural.

Now if you have a difference of opinion, so be it, I can respect that. But please, dont ridicule (le sigh? really?) my views simply because you disagree.

I totally disagree with your post about combing your hair dry, but I didnt feel the need to come behind you and make a mockery of it.

To the RED section, I say, complex personal decision? really? I guess that is where we differ in opinion, and I hope it can move more towards a respectful exchange, because I am very bothered by the idea that any sister has to make a COMPLEX decision about wearing her hair sans relaxer. If that isnt troublesome, I dont know what is. I think the complex decision-making should be in whether or not to relax, not whether or not to "be" natural. When you say "go natural" you are suggesting that relaxers are normal, being natural is not and I denounce that idea and hope at some point, we ALL deounce it
Come on girl , this is not a personal POV, feeling thread , or pro anything about one's mental state on natural/relaxed hair

it's a setback prevention thread and that's it! nothing more

none of that was needed to prevent a set back, the technicalities of if one views it as going natural or being natural doesnt matter here
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Its all about how you view the concept of "natural"
We clearly all have different opinions and views so there is no "of course" about anything. I dont agree with the idea of "going natural", so that doesnt make your opinion more valid than mine or the correct one.

I have a different perspective on the idea of it, as I explained up thread, but we can agree to disagree.
ok fine, either way it doesnt matter one way or another as to the purpose of the thread tho
Come on girl , this is not a personal POV, feeling thread , or pro anything about one's mental state on natural/relaxed hair

it's a setback prevention thread and that's it! nothing more

none of that was needed to prevent a set back, the technicalities of if one view's it as going natural or being natural doesnt matter here

Thank you Irresistible!! I was hoping this thread wouldn't turn into a natural vs relaxed thread.:wallbash: I'm so sick of people turning every thread into some kind of fight. The original topic, preventing setbacks, is so good and so beneficial!! Thanks for starting it. I've gotten alot of information that I can use in my journey:grin:
Thank you Irresistible!! I was hoping this thread wouldn't turn into a natural vs relaxed thread.:wallbash: I'm so sick of people turning every thread into some kind of fight. The original topic, preventing setbacks, is so good and so beneficial!! Thanks for starting it. I've gotten alot of information that I can use in my journey:grin:

:yep::yep::yep: *cosigning with PDub* :yep::yep::yep:

BTW: is there anyway this thread could possibly become a sticky? The advice here is just too good to be buried.
^^^^ Yes, this SHOULD be a sticky cuz it's clock full of good info that's useful to almost anyone w/ African textured hair (and even some w/o it! :giggle:) Use basic common sense to avoid dryness, find a happy medium that you and your wallet can live w/ product/timewise, and let YOUR head/hair guide YOUR decisions.

Most of this info can be used SUCCESSFULLY by relaxed, natural, texlaxed, braided, transitioning, weaved, dyed, heat straightened, etc heads. :yep:
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Each ONe teach one, (I went and washed my hair, hoooo Hooo, I fought that tooth and nail, meaning I didn't want to do it!)


Every tip helps, what works for you may not work for me, what works for her may work for him, but we are all here offering our tips. Take it or leave it! you might be able to take it and offer it to someone else in your life. :)

I love you ladies, it's thanksgiving tomorrow PUT YOUR DIETS TO THE SIDE and EAT!!!!

Great thread ladies!
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when bored with your hair and/or frustrated, or if your going through something stressful in your life , be careful to not take out life and your emotions out on your hair, when feeling that ansy feeling to do something drastic, try to sit it out for as long as you can-most times it passes anyway and you will be glad you did :yep:

will add more here later

Now that was the cause of my setback, although I was happy to have had the hair cut off and start almost anew back in January last year...

Also for me - TAKE YOUR TIME with your hair. Don't rush ANY part of haircare - detangling, styling, whatever. If I don't it always ends in tears

Don't give in to discouragement - look at other beautiful heads of hair as something to celebrate or a motivation and look for something of your own crown to celebrate too.
:yep::yep::yep: *cosigning with PDub* :yep::yep::yep:

BTW: is there anyway this thread could possibly become a sticky? The advice here is just too good to be buried.
yeah it would be nice if this thread were easily found and not buried and other's can always add to it

This information is priceless , it's what will keep us on track and our hair on our head thriving
sitting back chilling in the cut just might save your head :yep::yep:

Can't tell you how many times over the years this scenario has played out:

Someone will say that Jaja's hair shine is the Holy Grail and they have grown 1" of hair in a week and the new growth looks like type 2a.
Everybody goes and buys it.
3 weeks later people start posting about having bumps and rashes on their heads.
Oh yeah, here's another one:

Bad Hair Days

If your hair is not cooperating with you no matter what you do, LEAVE IT ALONE! Don't force a comb through if it won't go through. Throw it in a bun, clip it back, scarve it up, or what have you. It's better to suffer through a day or two of crunchy feeling hair than to have to suffer irreparable breakage :nono:. Also, if your sick, going through stress, and/or on certain medications that compromise the strength of your hair, keep it simple and don't fuss with your hair too much.
Find someone that has the patience to work with your
new growth or natural hair. One girl ripped through my new
growth to braid and I noticed when I took down the braids. Minor