*~*~lhcf Black Love Connection*~*~

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Great thread!
I had to post my brother on here.
He is an absolute sweetheart. He is not my biological brother, but I have known him since I was in undergrad. He just finished his Masters degree in Biological Science and will be starting medical school in the fall, so he will be broke for a minute, but has great earning potential.

He just moved to the Atlanta area and is looking to meet a nice lady. Very hardworking and can keep a job :lol:


Age: 30
Height: 5'10
Children: 0
Orientation: Straight
Location: ATL
Religion: Christian ( attends church regularly)
Talents: Plays the piano and is musically gifted

* Special remarks: Family orientated, sincere, academically and financially motivated and has a great sense of humor.

Likes soccer and sports. Was born in Ghana/raised in US and has a very worldly and multicultural outlook. Likes to read, laugh and have fun.

I'm happily married, but I found this thread intriguing. I just wanted to say that he looks just like Jermain Dupree. :yep:
okay am going to put my brother on here
job-works full time
car-has his own car
personality he is shy, friendly, silly, easy going, laid back, just a outstanding guy and don't tell him i said this he has never had a girlfriend ever right now not looking for LDR.

anyone interested pm me and i will send a pic of him
Anybody in the Philly area? I searched the thread but nothing came up.

*slaps forehead* i just realized you can search the thread. do you kno how much that would've come in handy had i realized you could do that the past couple years ive been on this board? *sigh* learn somethin new everyday i guess.
I am looking for new friendships. I am single; 5'7"; 40; no kids, professional college educated lady with a great smile! That is me in the photo below!


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I am in NY/NJ area and am a SBF looking for a really nice guy. I have no children, 33 years of age and has a great career. I am also a singer which is my life's passion. It's hard out here ladies, please help a wonderful sista find a wonderful man.
Ms. Red is he still available and not bothered by Long Distance? I'm 24, no kids, don't smoke, live in Philly, I'm a freelance event planner and publicist, raised right, and not into "just for fun" lol. Did I mention I can throw down in the kitchen? :lachen:
Any updates on those who got connected. Why is it so hard for a good genuine girl to find a good genuine guy? le sigh
. :perplexed

Houston anyone??


Oh this is a great idea! I hope it pans out (or at least is fun) for whomever is matched.
Good luck!
*Off to go ask my bestfriend's permission to include him. :lachen: *
I know I'm married but...:sekret: :naughtycouch:


-______- :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen::lachen:
I'm dying over here, you ladies crack me up.
I have a friend he is 19 but don't let age fool you he is very motivated and mature. (He will finish undergrad & med. school in 6 years!) If I wasn't sure there wasn't anything between me and him I wouldn't be posting this for you ladies! :lachen: But I'm going to ask him if I can post him (calling as I type) let me know if I should bother or is he too young?

Oh also he is muslim and that is a big part of his life, he is very devout in his faith so muslim ladies are preferred :yep:
There are some mighty fine men in this thread. Congrats to the ladies who have had success with their chosen bachelor.

Does anyone know a good guy in the Twin Cities, MN area? I'm open to long distance (i.e. Chicago, MI, NYC as I spend a good deal of time in these places) too for the right guy. I'm 29, 5'11, professional, and athletic. If you know anyone, please feel free to PM me.
Update: Things are still going well with my bachelor! Its been a little over 2 months and We still talk almost nightly :) he even kept up via email while I was out of the country.

We have hung out at least 5/6 times possibly more. He has hung out with my friends and I have chilled with his. Neither of us are rushing into anything we are going with the flow and it feels good

This weekend we went on our first real date and I really enjoyed it! I am very happy that I met him, he is so sweet and kind and genuine....I know I would have never met a dude like him in Cali if it wasnt for this thread.

I will keep from gushing but I just wanted encourage ladies to seek the individuals out on this thread....you may be pleasently surprised at what you find, I know I was :)

I'm happy with my bachelor too :blush::look::yep:

I just wanted to check in and say that I am so happy that one of my bachelor friends is dating someone from here. :grin: And he is very happy!!! (I think she is too) YAY!

I'm so happy for you ladies!
The black community needs more of this. Let's continue this whether it's on LHCF or offline. Getting back to basics :yep: