Ladies, have you dated arab men? Share you experience/insight.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to know about dating Arab men. There is one Syrian guy who seem so cute. I'm thinking about maybe dating.

Have any of you ladies dated Arab men before? Please share your insight/experience of the whole dating experience. Any tips on what to do and what not to do? I'm getting curious about them, and a lot of them in my area are hot:look::look:.
I have. Other than his hygiene, diet and prayer regimen, he was really not that different from anyone else I'd been involved with. As for what to do and all else, not much to add there. Just go about things as per usual, I guess.
I never did, but for some reason Arab men and Pakistanis too seem to really like me. It doesn't fit with what I hear about how much they hate black people. I'm not talking about nasty and perverted advances thinking I'm a ho3, I mean respectful approaches from men who are polite, well educated and whatnot.
My husband is not Arab but Afghan. I wouldn't recommend a Middle Eastern/Non Middle Eastern pairing to anyone. The family will never accept an outsider and will do their best to dissuade him from being with an outsider. I have put up with a great deal and it's damaged me. These cultures are just too different from American.
My husband is not Arab but Afghan. I wouldn't recommend a Middle Eastern/Non Middle Eastern pairing to anyone. The family will never accept an outsider and will do their best to dissuade him from being with an outsider. I have put up with a great deal and it's damaged me. These cultures are just too different from American.

Interestingly enough, I have seen more ME men with black wives than I have East Indian men. And I am always looking out for the latter.
I've had some try to talk to me, but I shut them down (in a nice way of course). Just not interested AT ALL.
My SO is black Qatari/ Sudanese.

His identity as African/ Arab is so intertwined, sometimes I can't tell which is which. I would just say, try to learn and understand the culture/ language a bit because it is easy for Arabs to judge us as the ignorant American, just based on the fact that we are from America. I have educated myself about Arab dishes like biriyani and "foo", about Arabic (inshallah, mashallah, arifta, yelah are all so embedded in his speech, I would never fully understand him if I didn't do my own research), and about presidents and geographies of the region (we are really living in a time where Arabs are targeted as the enemy, so it is nice to show that you actually know where the heck Ramallah is and why the Egyptians wanted Mubarak out). Just my two cents :)

Don't be afraid to do your own research and don't be afraid to ask questions to your SO either. It is a big gap between East and West, but not one that can not be filled with genuine love, compassion, and understanding.

Good luck!
I dated a guy from Syria, it was ok. He was very polite and we had very nice dates. I just think he wasn't in to me. I believe I was the first AA woman that he dated and in the end I believe I was an experiment. He is into white girls now.
I have had my fair share of East Indian men approach me. They tend to be very flirty. Not really my type physically so it doesnt work but they are nice for hugs. I like to hug.
So the curiosity is getting the best of me.

Hygiene issues?? I can't quote, but can you elaborate?

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I had an Saudi man ask me to marry him after a shoooorrrrrtt time of talking :look:

I have nothing bad to add, my cousin is married to a Saudi and lives in Dubai. She is WELL taken cared of..he's loaded :blush:.
So the curiosity is getting the best of me.

Hygiene issues?? I can't quote, but can you elaborate?

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My guy didn't have an issue with hygiene. He was always clean and smelled like Irish Spring and Kenneth Cole RSVP. We were never intimate so I don't know about other stuff.
So the curiosity is getting the best of me.

Hygiene issues?? I can't quote, but can you elaborate?

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I didn't mean for it to sound like a bad thing :lol:

Any Muslims can chime in with specifics, but for instance, after he'd use the bathroom (#2), he HAD to take a full shower. Simply wiping was not enough. Also prior to his prayers, he'd have to go and wash up.
I didn't mean for it to sound like a bad thing :lol:

Any Muslims can chime in with specifics, but for instance, after he'd use the bathroom (#2), he HAD to take a full shower. Simply wiping was not enough. Also prior to his prayers, he'd have to go and wash up.

Lmao you say "issues" like it's not part of their prayer regime. I was here thinking tumeric was seeping outta his pores :lol:

Wish more men would take a full shower after #2 actually.
Lmao you say "issues" like it's not part of their prayer regime. I was here thinking tumeric was seeping outta his pores :lol:


Wish more men would take a full shower after #2 actually.


I didn't say "issues" in my original post, but I think I had an issue with it, because on a couple of occasions, we were late for outings because he seemed to have to do his business right before we headed out of the door. We once lost a dinner reservation because he made us late with that practice.
I dated a guy from Syria, it was ok. He was very polite and we had very nice dates. I just think he wasn't in to me. I believe I was the first AA woman that he dated and in the end I believe I was an experiment. He is into white girls now.

Well, my crush is very polite as well. He's Sessy as well!!
I didn't mean for it to sound like a bad thing :lol:

Any Muslims can chime in with specifics, but for instance, after he'd use the bathroom (#2), he HAD to take a full shower. Simply wiping was not enough. Also prior to his prayers, he'd have to go and wash up.

Yes, they do have to wash up before praying. Certain body parts have to be cleaned first its usually not a shower though. You have to wash your hands, forearms feet, behind the ears and face (not in that order) a certain number of times. I think the guy you dated was a little ocd.
When I was looking to get married the matchmaker set me up with a few guys one was Syrian (Jewish) the other Moroccan (Jewish) One Libyan (Jewish) they were nice but not for me. Their mothers were fine with it because I speak Arabic but one was a mama's boy infact they were all too attached to the family. I understand the culture VERY well since I am a part of it but I did not like the idea that everytime I turn around a family member would be living in my house
I didn't mean for it to sound like a bad thing :lol:

Any Muslims can chime in with specifics, but for instance, after he'd use the bathroom (#2), he HAD to take a full shower. Simply wiping was not enough. Also prior to his prayers, he'd have to go and wash up.

my ex would do that, but he was definitely not anything other than black (well, he'd say native american but um, yeah)..... i swear that boy had a gall bladder issue though....
my first love was an arabic guy, we were in love, he was and is fine, looks like a GQ ad without trying. He was willing to defy his family (they did NOT approved, only the older ones) but I had to make a decision that seperated us forever. He was very very hurt as was I but I had to do what I had to do and we moved on and he is now happy in his arranged marriage that his family conducted with a young girl from Yemen (although he tried to come onto me very strongly a couple of years ago) he has a gorgeous baby and I'm happy for him. Did I mention he is fine because he is FINE! His hygiene, personality and everything was normal, and sexy. Yes we were intimate and it was always great tbh. Did I tell ya'll he is FINEEEEE???? o ok, just checking lol.

Oh, and a couple of his cousins were involved in some terrorist stuff:look::look:
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^^ They don't have much respect for their arranged wives, even after children and if they have money will take a second or even third wife with the approval of their family :nono:.. They're always willing to cheat with an outsider but won't usually have the balls to marry them because they'll lose their family and damage their reputation. These cultures just do not work with ours, the differences are too great.
When I was looking to get married the matchmaker set me up with a few guys one was Syrian (Jewish) the other Moroccan (Jewish) One Libyan (Jewish) they were nice but not for me. Their mothers were fine with it because I speak Arabic but one was a mama's boy infact they were all too attached to the family. I understand the culture VERY well since I am a part of it but I did not like the idea that everytime I turn around a family member would be living in my house
:lol: there is a lot of family closeness which can be a beautiful thing but I would never want to live with my inlaws which thank goodness I don't have to. That would have been disastrous. My brother in law listens to mommy so much that he'll consult with her about when to phone his wife. His arranged wife has no respect for the family, hates me so much that cried the night she met me and is very demanding and princess like lol. No one likes her and yet she was chosen by his mother so that surely does not always work out smoothly. I know she hates how attached her husband is to his mother too lol, it's amusing.
My hubby is half Egyptian, half Trini-indian. Before I met his family, I had this tiny, secret worry that they (mostly his dad) might have an issue with him dating a black girl.
When I finally got to "meet" his dad (it was over the phone, he was in Egypt at the time) he was so excited to speak to me, saying that his son loved me and he had heard so much about me... and then he asked how I liked school... and how my mom was doing... and then... and then...! ...that's all.

Regular people stuff.

I wasn't banished from the household into the night; I didn't have to run away in shame. There was no series of wacky cross-cultural misunderstandings and hijinks like every fish-out-of-water movie would have you expect.

I say if there's a guy you're interested in, go for it. Don't let his culture write him off for you. Guys are guys are guys. An Arab guy isn't a "special" kind of guy except for mine :grin:. If you're curious about the Arab culture, make an effort to learn. (Amante said it so well above. :yep:)

Side note: I worked with this 38-year-old white woman who had been born and raised in the deep, deep, deeeeeep veins of Birmingham, Alabama. She wanted nothing more than to marry a black man. She would tell us that it was her secret wish to have a "chocolate man" because "they're so exotic." I'm like really...? Exotic? Way to make a person sound like a whole 'nother species. I dunno, I kinda feel like a regular human being, but hey! Must be all this black skin magic addling my brain. :rolleyes:
Its not that serious, it was on the NEWS thats how *I* know. smh, my goodness you all love overreacting lol. I put that there as a after thought since we are talking about arabic men and in a reality alot of them have family or are connected to that mess. Just keeping it real lol. No way I would keep that information to myself if I knew about it, I cant stand my country at times but I love my country. :)
Never dated an Arab man, but one of my friends is Arab and she dates Black men. The only reason I bring it up at all, as the topic doesn't really apply to me, is that she has no intention of ever marrying a Black man or a man who is not Arab. Her family would disapprove and she is not willing to go against them, but other than that she is assimilated to American life and will date someone for months/years until they want more and get their feelings hurt.

All that to say, it may be different with the men, but that might be something you should ask about up front to keep you from wasting your time. If you looked at my Arab friend and any of her long term boyfriends, you would have no idea they aren't headed for marriage because the relationships look very stable, but she already knows from jump that it's not going down. So...uh...don't let that be you :look: