Have you ever dated a cop?

No, but Ive been hit on by cops and found that I became terribly paranoid when I once gave one my number. I felt that he could "track me down" Also I think theyre notorious for domestic abuse, I had a friend in high school whos bf was a cop in his 20s ( she was underaged too) and he hit her. I wouldnt be able to trust one,, too much power...

Ditto i think they think they are above the law.. A guy friend of mine has a cop friend.. and he was telling me how the cop is dating a woman and sexing the woman's 15 year-old daughter at the same time when the mother is not around.:nono:
Ditto i think they think they are above the law.. A guy friend of mine has a cop friend.. and he was telling me how the cop is dating a woman and sexing the woman's 15 year-old daughter at the same time when the mother is not around.:nono:

No, this is a pedophile that past the psych exams. The mother would be well within her rights to murder this man. If I was on the jury I would find her "not guilty" no matter what "evidence" was permitted.

Yeah, I guess we'd be deadlocked, cause I would NOT change my mind.

It's amazing how other males think this kind of thing is "cute". It's not. This is why women need to be VERY, VERY careful who they bring around their kids. They also need to have an understanding with their children that if anyone of her male friends tries to approach them for sex that it's mandatory they come and tell her. No man should come before your kids, EVER.

ETA: The mother should also let the MAN know that if anything ever goes down with her children that he will be a dead man. No calling the police, trial, prison time, etc., none of the middlemen. Just straight to hell.
Check this out Cincysweetie, the last text "convo" we had was Thursday morning:

"Me: Good morning!

Him: Hi"


On the surface this may not seem like much of a problem, but to ME and from prior convos with him either text or phone it always seems like I'm PRYING information out of him, which is why I suggested to him that we give this long distance thing a "rest" until one of us is in each other's town. He was vehemently opposed. I'm still like "Why?" He's basically an "ask and answered" kinda person over the phone, but he says he's different in person. Doubt it.

You don't know how much it took me NOT to text him back and say "**** am I bothering you?!! If you don't want me to contact you anymore just say so!"

But when I act like that with him, he always comes back saying "Relax" or "Chill. Everything's gonna be alright, etc.", like I'm the crazy over emotional one! I haven't contacted him since that day, which is a pattern. If he doesn't hear from me after a few days, he'll shoot me text saying "Hi baby. Miss u." :rolleyes: Then I fall back into the nonsense again, but not this time. I'm ignoring all future texts and phone calls from here on out. He'll get the message.

That's when I decided to create this thread (and after speaking to a couple of others who have gone through the same thing) to see if these personality traits were not "isolated" incidents, but something that comes with the profession.

I'll still deal with them though. :lachen: Just not long distance. After visiting those cop dating sites and seeing what's available here in Cali, I'll be just fine. :lick: :yep:
LMAO!!! That a girl! :grin:
EVERY cop that I know and I do mean EVERY cop that I know is a ho with psychiatric issues.

Be careful.
I was engaged to one. He claims ex-wife #1 beat him and played victim and now ex-wife #2(girl he cheated on me with...i think) beat him too. He would be on one of those power trips sometimes. He got fired and joined the army but I think he's still playing the same ol games.

He keeps begging to get back with me but ive learned my lesson. I accept whatever help he sends me though since he wont be back from Iraq in a while :look:
I dated one briefly when I started college and he was a bad guy all around. He used to brag about the ways he abused his power.

I had an opportunity to date one at one point. I met him when I went to fill out a police report after an accident. All of my GFs warned me about dating a cop. I had something else going on so I wasn't that interested. The ones that I deal with on a regular basis are super flirty. I found out that one of the regular flirties was married to a woman who was one of my BFFs in high school. I was not at all surprised to hear that they were divorcing based on the way he came at me.

I used to work in child protection and we had a morbid sense of humor and conversations that others probably would not want to hear.
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I guess I'd have to be the one to say that they're not all bad. I um... *coughbangedcough* a cop. :yawn:I was just getting my freak on... and he knew that.

He on the other hand felt started to catch some feelings. Once I saw where he wanted things to go I put an end to it. He was very sweet...to me anyway. He was a total gentleman as well. I just wasn't in synch with where he was at in his life.

He didnt harrass, didn't call after I told him we couldn't see each other anymore, he didn't do anything that would make me think he was a stalker....like wait outside my house (and I had a guy stalk me for three years, so I know those signs real well:nono:)

Many are not very forthcoming with info until they trust you. Most are just not very trusting at all and lot of that has to do with the type of job they have.

I'm friends with a few cops up here. lot of them just try to do the best job they can and leave the job alive.

So don't get me wrong there's some cops out that that will abuse their power, and that are freaks, pedo's, or stalkers, but like any man, there's also some good and decent ones too.

OP, listen to your instincts where this man is concerned. If you think its just not going anywhere then cut your loses. Also don't let ANY man no matter his background or profession, sweep your concerns under the rug. Military men can be like that too. (I see it a lot with my own father)

Check this out Cincysweetie, the last text "convo" we had was Thursday morning:

"Me: Good morning!

Him: Hi"


On the surface this may not seem like much of a problem, but to ME and from prior convos with him either text or phone it always seems like I'm PRYING information out of him, which is why I suggested to him that we give this long distance thing a "rest" until one of us is in each other's town. He was vehemently opposed. I'm still like "Why?" He's basically an "ask and answered" kinda person over the phone, but he says he's different in person. Doubt it.

You don't know how much it took me NOT to text him back and say "**** am I bothering you?!! If you don't want me to contact you anymore just say so!"

But when I act like that with him, he always comes back saying "Relax" or "Chill. Everything's gonna be alright, etc.", like I'm the crazy over emotional one! I haven't contacted him since that day, which is a pattern. If he doesn't hear from me after a few days, he'll shoot me text saying "Hi baby. Miss u." :rolleyes: Then I fall back into the nonsense again, but not this time. I'm ignoring all future texts and phone calls from here on out. He'll get the message.

That's when I decided to create this thread (and after speaking to a couple of others who have gone through the same thing) to see if these personality traits were not "isolated" incidents, but something that comes with the profession.

I'll still deal with them though. :lachen: Just not long distance. After visiting those cop dating sites and seeing what's available here in Cali, I'll be just fine. :lick: :yep:

Do you necessarily have to date only cops? How about thinking outside the box.:yep:
No, this is a pedophile that past the psych exams. The mother would be well within her rights to murder this man. If I was on the jury I would find her "not guilty" no matter what "evidence" was permitted.

Yeah, I guess we'd be deadlocked, cause I would NOT change my mind.

It's amazing how other males think this kind of thing is "cute". It's not. This is why women need to be VERY, VERY careful who they bring around their kids. They also need to have an understanding with their children that if anyone of her male friends tries to approach them for sex that it's mandatory they come and tell her. No man should come before your kids, EVER.

ETA: The mother should also let the MAN know that if anything ever goes down with her children that he will be a dead man. No calling the police, trial, prison time, etc., none of the middlemen. Just straight to hell.

Yea i know.. But the thing is the girl likes it and wants it. She calls him over whenever her mom is not around to come over... oh and her mom doesnt know about it. I assume
My ex was a cop. I actually was with him before he was a cop and I can truly say it was a learning experience. A lot of cops deal with other other cops; and that's what he is doing now!
one of my bff's is a cop she has advised me against dating guys in law enforcement. they kind of have reputations of being wh0res. that being said there some good ones in the lot.

they are kind of different and their humor is pretty un pc a lot of times. but i think that comes with the territory. when you deal with vermin all the time (ex my friend had to go to a domestic disturbance and arrest this drunk guy crapped his pants and she had to search him for weapons cuff him and take him to jail in her car) they just get desensitized.

Um....I can vouch for the whore part....because I work with them. Oh and the banging bodies.....PLEASE!! More like banging donuts and HANGING bellys.
there are a lot of cops in my family, and as the "little sister" i was always told to stay faaaaar faaaaar away..... I didn't pay much attention. they said something about guns and power trips and not knowing how to handle the power at first (but THEY are all great, and NEVER acted up yadda yadda)

but, turns out, a guy I was dating entered the academy and became a cop. his change was an overnight 180. he went from sweet toughtful and kind to moody, selfish, and couldn't be trusted. He definitely had a power trip... he only wanted to tell his 'save the day' stories and he picked up a habit of gawking at women.

when I cried about it to my (cop) brother-in-law and his good friend (also cop), I was told that it shows how good a guy is, how they can handle the increase in power. and I was told, that younger guys getting into that line of work at first may not handle it so great, and they aren't to be trusted. That you have to date them when they are older, and even then..blah blah blah :-)

Also, the guy i was dating himself told me horror stories of his partner, and how his married partner would spend their (night) shift visiting his various mistresses-- sleeping with them, while my guy waited in the squad car. I knew it was a matter of time before that behavior rubbed off. I was right.

I wouldn't write cops off, just because the cops in my family are great. But if I were to date one again, it would have to be because someone trusted introduced us and only after he'd been on the job for at least 5 years.
I just hate the cops. I haven't had any terrible experiences that could account for it (i.e. like being arrested, or profiled). Alls I know is, I hate the cops.