Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters
My hair is a combination and incompasses all the hair textures of my mother's and father's. Can you add the between option? My mother's hair is in the 4's and my father's hair was 1b/2a.
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i have nooooo idea whatsoever.

i dont know what my mother's texture is
because i've never seen it grown out enough to actually see

and i've only seen my father's hair cut really really low

my hair is 4a/3c...mainly 4a

or maybe it's just different variations of 4a
Neither. My father has thin 3c (corkscrews) hair and my mother has coarse 3b hair (big waves and a few curls). I have fine, tight waves and a few coils :ohwell:
My mom's hair is a coarse shiny, 3c. I'm a medium stranded, not so shiny 4a, with the nape just like my mom's. My dad's hair is alot like mine, but from his ears down is a silky 3c
hair like dad

eta: but all of my other siblings have my mom's hair. my hair is the coarsest of all my siblings.
I suppose my hair is like Daddy's. My Mom has 3b/3c hair [thin like mine], my two sister's have thick hair that grows like weeds [I hate them *****'s !].
I have a mixture of both I think. My mom has 4b hair and my dad had 3b hair. My hair on the entire top half is 4b and my hair in the back is 4a.
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I'm not sure but I'm 3c/4a, and my mother's hair is more of 4a/4b.

I guess the 3c maybe from my dad's but never really pay attention to look.
I have hair like my dad's. I used to wish that I had soft hair like my mom's, but now I've learned to deal with this 4a/b hair.
I supose I am like my dad. He always has it cut so short so I can't tell what the texture is. I know I didn't get my mothers texture which is 2B. I have 3C. So I think maybe I got the best of both:grin:
My daddy has 2a hair and my mom has 3c/4a hair.

I have mostly 3b.

My husband has 1c and my daughter has 2c/3a.
My hair is a combo of both parents:
fineness, coloring( brown, sandiness/red tones), patterns of texture throughout my head from my mother(a very soft, fine/thin 3/4 mix I maybe)

fineness & thickness, dense, definitely from daddy's side (soft, thicker, frizzy wavy 3)

My hair is dominated by my dad's side overall. I have quite a few relatives on his side with identical hair to mine.