Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters
I have my dad's hair. Its softer than my mom's and thats where i get the fineness/thiness from. I can tell when my mom uses my comb or brush because hair individual strands are thicker and darker than mine. So i pack up my stuff and hide them from her. :look:
I don't have hair like my mom or dad, but my grandma.

Before her accident last year ( she had to have brain surgery and they shaved off all her hair) her hair was almost bra strap and she's 83.

The front of her hair is silver gray and she still has dark hair in the back.

I would say looking at her now as it's growing back she's about a 3b/3c with a hint of 4a.
I'm in the middle. My momma is 1a, veeeeerrrrry fine and thin. Dad is 4b, super thick and course. I'm 3c, thin strands but thick texture.
I have no idea if I have hair like my dad, I don't know what his hair looks like.:rolleyes: Wasn't around him enough.

My side, by my temples ar like my moms and the front and towrds the middle is my grandma and the rest a bunch of coils, I don't know who I got them from.:nono: My hair is a beast!

So I didn't vote in the poll cuz I don't know for sure.
My Mom is a straight up 2 with no room for error(yet she till relaxes because she wants it pin straight :rolleyes:). My dad is like a 4a, probably.

I'm 4a.
No, I have hair like my dad. My mom has true brown (sometimes looks reddish) thin/fine/frizzy 4something strands. I have thicker/denser dark brown 4 a/b strands more like my dad.

My color changes to something like my mom's color overtime and ppl start to ask if I color my hair, but our textures/density is very different.
i always heard the rumor that hair type comes from the dad. :look:

either way, they're both garbage. mom has a looser type... still don't know for sure what it is because she relaxes, i'd guess it's in the 2 family though. it doesn't curl at all, just waves. dad is straight 4b/cnapp. mom has totally different types than her half-sister or her brother. my SO has straight hair, and my son has 4a/4b hair.

that's genetics for ya... :spinning:
i always heard the rumor that hair type comes from the dad. :look:

either way, they're both garbage. mom has a looser type... still don't know for sure what it is because she relaxes, i'd guess it's in the 2 family though. it doesn't curl at all, just waves. dad is straight 4b/cnapp. mom has totally different types than her half-sister or her brother. my SO has straight hair, and my son has 4a/4b hair.

that's genetics for ya... :spinning:

That's funny, I have my Dad's hair.
While mostly my mom's i have a patch of my daddy's 4a right in my crown---my mother's 3b/c mostly ...werid--she has the curliest texture of all her brothers and sisters--my grandfather was white and most of aunts and uncles have 2/3a hair but my mothers is more curly
Not even mother's texture is curly, baby-fine 3b/c. I have exactly my dad's texture of 4b. It seems in my family that the father's hair texture gene is more dominant. I have 5 sibblings and their hair are 3-4b's, 1-4a and 1-3c.
I couldn't hair is neither like my mother's or my father's.
My mother is a very silky 3a/b and my father was a 4b. I'm 3b/c I guess... :)

In fact, none of my siblings inherited mother's hair either...they have a different father though, but my mother has dark curly hair. One of my nieces inherited my mom's curls, but the other nieces & nephews have straight or wavy hair.
Yes, my hair is like my mom's I'd day. She's got mostly 4a hair and 3c at the back.
I have my dad's hair type, but I've inherited a bad trait from my mom's side- our hair lines start to run away from our foreheads with age if we aren't careful.
I think it's like my father's hair, type 4. He used to wear long with a perm back in the day :lol: . I think my mother is 3 something. You can barely see her new growth and when you do it has a slight wave to it. I keep trying to convince her to go natural.
both mines a mix
my mum is 3c my dad is 2c/3b/3a
i'm a 3b/3c i have mym mumd thickness and my dad silklyness.
generally i'm a mix of my mum and dad in colour looks i got 50/50 of everything i'm really there child:grin:
Honestly, I've never seen my mom's natural hair. She has always had processed hair; well as long as I can recall. I hope I have her ability to grow hair. I saw pics of her as a teenager. She had the biggest beehives and buns.
The older I get, it seems the more my hair becomes like hers. Or maybe it's because I'm starting to do the same things she did.
I think I'm a 4ab and she was more a 3c though.
It's funny though, she used to pull her hair back in a bun everyday and hold it down with a scarf until she left for work. I just realized I started doing the same thing about a year ago!