Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters
I got dad's hair :perplexed:. I WISH I had mom's. Her hair naturally grows a lot faster too. N she just chops it off :crying3:
Im a mix of both..... My mom has superthick coarse/wiry 3c/4a at one point she was midback/waistlength relaxed but now she wears a cute lil twa.... I cant get her to grow it out for anything:wallbash: my dad is pure, fine cottony 4z:perplexed with the craziest patch of 3c at the nape:wallbash: and im 4a/b mixed with strands of fine, baby fine, and for some reason wiry in some spots and im irritated cause i inherited my dads patch of 3c at the nape:wallbash: If my whole head was 3c id go natural:yep:
I'm a true combo of both my parents. My mom has thin, 4a hair and my dad has thick 3c hair. I'm a 3c/4a combo (thin strands). I wish I had my dad's cottony thick hair though. :ohwell:
Most of my hair is like my mom's, but the hair at the top of my head is like my father's-- plus I have his hairline (widow's peak).
Mine is like my dads.............I see that alot of ladies chose dad. I wonder if the fathers hair gene in more dominant then mother hair gene:scratchch

I think there might be truth to that. I voted dad, too. And my daughter has her father's dry hair.
Unfortunately I'm not close enough to my dad to really chose but

my mom's hair is more wiry with thicker strands and shiny - I wish I could convince her to go natural it would be sooo beautiful
That's tough... Mom is long-term relaxed and Dad cuts his really short. I think it is more like Mom's though. Mostly 3c with 4a in the very front and fine/cottony. Dad's hair is more coarse and wiry. He's probably either 3c, 4a, or a combination of the two.
My hair is like neither. My mother has very coarse hair, which I used to be jealous of because it seemed like she could do anything with it and my dad has kind of thin baby hair, which I really don't know how to describe.
I think my hair is like both theirs. I'm guessing because I never paid attention to hair texture growing up and I didn't study my Dad's hair the last time I saw him. *shrug*. I know my mom's got my type of hair. No idea what my Dad has. :look:
My hair is like my mom's (thick, full, coarse, lovely), but my sister's is like my dad's (thin, fine, a little sparse).
It is said that we inherit our hair type from our mother. This is the most common. For me, NOT! My mother had very thin 3a hair. Her mother had thin 2b hair. My sister has semi thin 3c hair. I have 4a/b hair. I think I inherited my fathers hair. So let's take a poll, I'm bored!

Ooops, forgot to add the poll thingy, can I edit and fix that????

You are my mirror girl. :lachen:Nope,I didn't get mom's hair either. Hers is like 2c/3a and I'm more like3c/4a,and very fine but dense strands. I am my father's daughter in every sense of the word. :rolleyes:
hmmmmm well no....both our hair is coarse but I'd say my mom is half 4b half 4a....whereas I'm mostly 4a with 4b hair only on my temples and my very front its similar but its not the same.
Interesting thread!

Momma is 3bish with silky, defined curls. My brother definitely has her hair. Grrrr!
^^Her hair reminds me of a jeri curl - very high shine/sheen (but 100% natural)

My Dad (although balding) is probably 4b.

I'm a combo of both (looks and all)!!!! I have spongy, easily retains moisture, kinda silky but definitely coarse/kinky 4a/b. If that makes any sense. Not sure I even understand ---> Hense my siggy!

I also know my hair is fragile and breaks easily, which I definitely get from my mom. I see alot of 4a's/4b's with super THICK strands that seem like they can withstand anything. Unfortunately, not me :sad:
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I don't really know how my dad's hair is 'cause he keeps it cut low, but my hair looks just like my mom's anyway. Though it's never been nearly as long.
My hair is not like my mom's or dad's. I'm not real sure about my mom's hair type, but it's big, silky waves. My dad is probably a 4j (lol). I'm somewhere in the middle.
I think I'm somewhere in between. Mum is type 1 thick and coarse, its very shiny but when you touch it, feels like fiber LOL. My Dad is a very tight 4b, really soft. My hair is 3c/4a, thick and coarse. Sometimes I wish I had my Dad's soft hair.
My hair is not like my mom's. Her hair is like a 4b/4c. Honestly I don't remember because she's had a weave for a good year or so.
Dad’s was dark thick soft tight curls. Mum’s is thin soft like cotton with a tendency to matt. Mine is not as thick as dad's but definitely thicker than mum's, dark coarse with age is showing a tendency to matt too.
I think I might be a hybrid or maybe an anomaly:grin:
I wonder why the poll didn't have a both or neither option?

My hair is neither; it's in between my mom (probably like a 4b) and my dad (probably like a 3c).
I once thought I had my mother's hair because I had a receding hairline. My father has a little Indian in him (among other ethnic groups) and I believe I have a combination of both as my hair has different textures. Once I found LHCF, I began using a regimen where I saturate my hair with an Instant Moisturizer and bag my entire head, I realized I really did not have a receding hairline. It was my dry hair that broke off the fine hairs around my hairline. Once I kept it moisturized, it's growing back very well and it looks as if I won't look like my mother and that late night talk show host, Brian O'Connor?
My hair is thick and long like hers..but my hair grows longer and my texture is softer.Her texture is 4a/b mine is 3c/4a.My fathers hair always seemed curly to me but my mom said he had a texurizer in it and its quite
My parents' hair looks the same, and so does mine. We are all 4b. I think I might be denser than either was, but I can't tell because they manipulated their hair a lot. When my hair was being treated more roughly it wasn't this dense, either.
My hair is like neither. My dad would be a one in hair type I guess. (Straight Caucasian hair). My mom I think maybe is a 4a, I have never really seen much curl. But she keeps it relaxed.

My natural hair tends to spiral and curl. But I do have hair like my sister.