Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters
Don't daughters tend to inherit strongly from their father's genes (vice versa for sons to mothers)? I think us kids got a little from both but my sis I seem to have closer to dad's texture (high volume, defined curls). Sis got more of Mom's fine strand texture though. But then again, she just happens to take more after Mom feature-wise than Dad (she's the last one for my Mom) unlike me (First girl & child for Dad).

I definitely didn't inherit my dad's texture. He was 3a/b, loose and wavy. All my siblings and me inherited my mom's texture-4b. Every morning my dad would wet his hair and put a dab of whatever hair grease we had in the house on his hair, brush it back into beautiful waves that curled on the ends and off to work he'd go.
My hair is DEFINITELY from my father and his side. My daughter's hair is of her father, though I wish she had mine! My sister's hair is also of her father (we have different dads). My mother's hair seems to be of her father (my grandpa, deceased). Just from what I know of genetics and DNA, the father passing on the gene for hair is more common.
I'm not quite sure. I haven't seen my dad's hair longer than a fade since I was a baby and I don't remember what it was like. My mom has rocked a relaxer for years and than braids because she is not feeling her natural hair. From what I gather my Mom's side has very fine strands. Both sides have hair that grows very fast.

I know one thing is for sure I have my dad's five head. lol.
Nope it's like my dads, who in turn has hair like his mother's. In fact I was looking in the mirror and thinking how much my hair is like my paternal grandmother's just this evening...
HHhhmmmmm I voted my dad hair. I am not sure if that is correct considering that he is bald but I know for a fact I don't have hair like my mother. My mother hair is sooo thick and coarse. My hair is not as thick and different texture. Actually my hair is very similar to my granny and aunt's hair (my mother's mom and sister). I even have the same gray area patches as my auntie :(
Neither, well my mom's hair is smooth, thin tiny waves and my dad's hair looks I don't know-bushy, but not curly. Then there's my hair which has medium sized waves at the very back and wide "s" curls, then tight coils on my right side, looser coils on my left. *Le sigh* Funny thing is my hair is quite dense and my mom's always like "I wish I had hair as thick as yours." LOL